Chapter Eighteen: Back in Madrid

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Iker peeked back at Adriana as he unlocked the front door to his home, he was happy to be home and he knew that it would be good for Adriana; the holiday had been relaxing break and a good break away from her angry relatives after she had broken off her engagement.

Iker was almost glad that they had been in Egypt when Adriana had broken things off, she had done the right thing but it didn't stop people from being upset about her decision to break things off with Marco.

"You have a beautiful home," Adriana murmured smiling a little at Iker, she was exhausted from the flight and she was looking forward to getting settled; her stuff was all inside thanks to Xavi who had done everything for her.

Xavi had been thrilled with the news that Adriana had ended things with Marco, he had been more than willing to move her stuff for her especially if it meant keeping his cousin far from her former fiancé.

"Gracias," Iker replied with a smile, it was quite a big house for him since he did live alone but that wasn't going to last especially with a baby due in seven months.

Adriana was eight weeks pregnant and Iker was determined to have the house perfect for the baby by the time that they arrived; he was excited and had already picked out a room for the nursery.

Following Iker into the house, Adriana tried to stop herself from yawning as she ran her fingers through her hair; she had barely slept on the plane and she had been a little nervous about returning to Madrid.

Adriana still had quite a lot of cancelling to do for her wedding, she was just glad that she hadn't made more of a mess of everything; she wanted to move on from what had happened and she was going to take her time.

Iker peeked at Adriana, he was worried about her especially after how things had ended even if it had been her call; he wanted her to know that she wasn't alone in all of this.


"How are you?" Kate asked brushing some hair from her face, she had come around to keep Adriana company for a couple of hours since Iker had gone for his medical for the news season along with Sergio.

Kate had been surprised when she had heard that Adriana had broken things off with Marco, but she was happy that her friend had done so especially since she could do so much better than the doctor.

"I'm doing better," Adriana admitted, there was no point in denying that she had struggled the first few days but she knew that was to be expected after everything.

Adriana had been with Marco for five years and now she was single, it would take some getting used to but being in Egypt had helped a bit with taking her mind off it.

Kate nodded her head, she was sure that Adriana would be fine and she was hoping that in time things would work out for Adriana and Iker; they were perfect together and she wanted to see them both happy.

"How is the wedding planning coming?" Adriana asked pulling the talk away from her own broken engagement, she didn't want to think about how hard things would be now.

Kate and Sergio had been together for longer than Adriana had been with Marco, they had an adorable little boy and they were also meant to be getting married soon.

"Things are going well," Kate revealed carefully, she didn't want to reveal too much in case she upset Adriana; she didn't want to rub how well things are going for her in her friends face.

Kate and Jenny were worried about Adriana, they didn't want Adriana taking a back step and taking Marco back when she was better off without him.

Kate peeked over at Junior who was taking a nap, she adored her son and was glad that she'd had him; now she wanted to Adriana to have the same things.

"Kate... it's fine," Adriana reassured, she didn't want everyone treating her like glass when it wasn't going to help her; she wanted to know what was going on and not be shut away from everything.

Kate stared at Adriana for a moment, she was a little wary about talking about her own wedding plans when Adriana was in the process of cancelling all of her own; she chewed on her lip wanting to take things slow.

"We set a date," Kate revealed carefully, there was still so much to do for her wedding day but they had finally decided on a date for her wedding to Sergio.

It had taken a lot of organising especially with Sergio's mother wanting them to get married back in Seville while Kate wanted to get married in the Madrid countryside; it wasn't something that could be compromised.

"That's wonderful Kate, when?" Adriana said smiling at her best friend, she loved the fact that Kate was going to get married; she had been engaged for a while now and Adriana knew that Sergio made her so happy.

Kate smiled and nodded her head, she had done a lot of thinking and had even considered how busy Sergio was during the season; she had picked a date that suited them perfectly.

"The 28th of June," Kate revealed with a smile, she had wanted everything to be perfect and she wasn't going to change her mind; Sergio was happy with the date and he wanted Kate to be happy.

Adriana squeaked and moved to hug Kate, she loved weddings and she knew that whatever Kate did for her big day; she was just going to be glad to be there. 

"I was wondering if you would be my maid-of-honour?" Kate asked pulling back from Adriana and looked at her, she wanted her best friend to be a part of her big day.


Adriana chewed on her lip sitting on the bed in the bedroom that Iker had set her up in, she didn't know what she would have done without him; he had been wonderful to her since she had ended things with Marco.

Iker wasn't rushing her to move on from her broken engagement, something that Adriana was grateful for; there was no denying that there were feelings between them but she wasn't ready to start a new relationship just yet.

Adriana wanted to be Adriana for a little while, she knew that Iker understood especially after what had happened with Sara; he had been single for five months now and she knew that it had been good for him.

Adriana sighed opening the photo album that was sat on her knee, her hands shaking a little at the sight of a picture of her and Marco when they had first started dating; she had so many memories and she knew that they would always be there.

Adriana sniffled a little as she slowly looked through the album, it did hurt to think that the future that she had imagined want going to happen; she just had to remind herself that she and Marco had wanted very different things in life.

Marco was very career focused and family life wasn't something that he had wanted while Adriana had always wanted two or three children; she had almost given that up for him and she knew if she had done then she would have hated him.

Adriana brushed away some tears that started to fall, she was going to have to get used to the fact that it was over and that would take time; she needed to focus on her own future now and that was what was important now.

Adriana wasn't alone in this and while people were upset, they would get over it eventually when they realised she had done the right thing.

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