Chapter Twenty: Important Moments

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"So what are you getting Adi for her birthday next week?" Jenny asked brushing some hair from her face, she looked at Iker curiously; she knew that nothing had happened yet between her boss and friend but she was hopeful that there would be something.

Iker looked up from the work that Jenny had given him, he knew that Adriana's birthday was coming up but he couldn't decide on a gift for her.

Things were still tense between them and Iker knew that something had to be done, he had a plan but he wasn't sure when he should try and broach the subject of them being more.

"I don't know," Iker replied knowing that jenny was asking for a reason, he sat back in his chair and chewed on his lip; he still had a week to decide and he was sure that Adriana would love whatever he got her.

Iker wanted nothing more than to find the perfect gift for her, he wanted Adriana to have something nice since it was her first birthday away from Barcelona.

"You could just tell her how you feel," Jenny mused smiling at Iker, she had tried to push Adriana to do the same but it wasn't working; now it was Iker's turn and she was sure he would do it.

Iker frowned moving to glare at Jenny, he knew that she meant well but he had no idea what to think about any of this; he wondered for a moment if Adriana had said something to his assistant about her feelings for him.

Neither of them had said anything about how close they had come when they had been in Egypt before she had broken things off with Marco; Iker wasn't sure how to make a move now.

"She likes you Iker... maybe even loves you but she's scared to take that step," Jenny murmured watching her boss, she knew that this wasn't going to be easy but she wanted to give him the push that he needed to take that next step in his life.


Adriana furrowed her brow as she stepped into Iker's office, she had gotten a message that he wanted to see her; she had been helping Kate with wedding details and she was a little worried about why he would want to see her.

"Iker?" Adriana asked brushing some hair from her face, she had no idea what was going on but she had a feeling that it was going to change things.

Iker looked up from his laptop and stared at Adriana, he took a deep breath staring at her; he was starting to feel nervous and he needed to do this now before he chickened out.

"I have something for you," Iker murmured taking a deep breath and nodding over to the box, he felt his stomach clench at the idea that he was going to take this step; he had no idea what to expect from Adriana especially with what he was about to ask.

Adriana furrowed her brow as she moved over to the box and carefully opened it, it wasn't her birthday for another week and she hadn't been expecting anything from Iker.

Staring into the box of shredded paper, Adriana looked confused trying to work out what it was; she brushed some hair from her face hearing Iker get out of his chair, she didn't look at him as she tried to work out what was in the box.

"It's the surrogacy contract," Iker revealed carefully, he watched her closely knowing that she was in for a shock; he hadn't told her that he had stuck it through the shredder.

Adriana stared down at the box for a moment and swallowed, she didn't know what to say right now; she was so confused about everything and she wanted answers.

"Iker," Adriana whispered turning to face him, she had no idea what was going on and she wished that things would be so much easier for them.

Adriana stared at Iker as he reached for her gently, he pulled her close to him and stared into her blue eyes with a small smile.

"I know what I want... it's always been you Adriana," Iker murmured brushing his fingers through her hair, he wasn't going to let her slip through his fingers again; he wanted them to be a family and he was willing to do anything.

Adriana stared up at Iker, she felt her heart pounding in her chest and she couldn't believe that this was happening again; she had no idea what to think since she had never thought he'd do this again.

"I love you Adi... it's always been you and I was an idiot five years ago," Iker continued watching Adriana closely, he had waited a long time for this and he wasn't going to ever change his mind about this.

Iker had loved Sara in a way, she had been good to him for a time but they had never wanted the same things; not like he had with Adriana and he wasn't going to be changing his mind about any of that.

"I want us to be a family... you, me and baby," Iker whispered ducking down to kiss her cheek, he was restraining himself from moving too fast; they needed to talk about this and he was willing to take it slow.

Adriana made a small noise as tears filled her eyes, she hadn't expected him to say any of this; she cursed her pregnancy hormones for making her an emotional wreck.

"Iker," Adriana whispered trying to stop herself from crying, she sniffled smiling at him softly; she had never thought that things would ever be like this.

Iker wiped away one of Adriana's stray tears with his thumb as he watched her, he wished that they'd had this talk sooner; he wanted them to be happy and this was their chance.

"I know this is a shock Adi but I want to start over... you'll never just be the surrogate to me, you are the madre of my child," Iker continued on, he wanted that more than anything; he wanted them as a family and his hand carefully rested against the bump that she had started to grow.

Iker couldn't wait to find out if they were going to have a little boy or girl, he didn't care as long as they were healthy but he was excited and it was something he wanted to share with Adriana.

"Iker," Adriana whispered trying to interrupt Iker, a small smile on her face as she listened to him talk about their future; she had never seen him like this before and it made her melt a little.

Adriana couldn't believe that they had wasted over a month dancing around each other, she might have needed the time after how things had ended with Marco but this talk could have happened sooner.

"I want you to stay... we'll raise the baby together, we'll be a couple," Iker stated, he would do anything for that future that he kept seeing in his dreams; he wanted nothing more than to be a family, to have things sorted before the baby was born in late February-early March.

Adriana was going to be a wonderful mother to their baby, she could open that shop in Madrid that she wanted to and Iker would support her instead of holding her back.

"Iker," Adriana mused taking hold of Iker's face making him stop talking, she smiled up at him as he stared at her; she wasn't sure what to say to him but she knew what she did need to tell him.

Iker stared down at Adriana worried for a moment that he might have taken it a step too far, he swallowed closing his eyes wanting nothing more than to disappear.

"I love you too," Adriana whispered before she pulled Iker into a kiss, she wrapped her arms around his neck as she felt him start to kiss her back.

Iker smiled into the kiss, he had been worried for a moment that Jenny had pushed him to do something that he would come to regret; he hadn't thought that Adriana would say that she loved him.

The couple kissed slowly for a moment as they enjoyed the silence, they had waited long enough for this.

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