Chapter Thirteen: Spain vs Australia

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Adriana took a deep breath as she tried to ignore her nausea, she was happy that she was pregnant but this was the one part that she hated; she was glad that it would only last a couple of weeks. 

Adriana sat down in her seat and tried to ease her mind by sipping on some water, she was glad that the test had come back positive when she had taken it and Iker's surprise kiss had made her a little nervous. 

There was no denying that Adriana had liked it but she was engaged and nothing could ever happen between them, she was going to marry Marco and Iker was going to get the baby that he wanted. 

"Iker seems a little too happy to be benched," Jenny mused watching her boss, she didn't know why but he was constantly smiling over the last few days and she had no idea why; she was beginning to think something had happened between Adriana and Iker. 

Adriana just shrugged her shoulders, Iker wished to wait before they told anyone that the insemination had been successful; there was still a very long way to go and Adriana was only three weeks pregnant right now. 

"Maybe it has to do with the fact Adi hasn't left him alone all day," Kate teased trying to settle a fussy Junior, it didn't matter that the team had been knocked out only that they do better in this match to get their confidence back. 

Adriana ignored her friends, she wasn't going to repeat herself again for their sake; she wasn't going to fall into that trap when she was engaged and planning her wedding for next year at that moment. 

Kate and Jenny shared a look, something had happened and they were sure of it; they just wished that they could work out what Adriana was hiding, they hoped it was good news since they were still waiting to find out if Adriana's insemination had taken hold yet or not. 


Iker leant back in his chair and stared at the match, he tried to ignore the jealously that he felt at the fact that Pepe was playing and doing such a better job than he had; the team were winning and he knew that it wasn't going to be easy. 

Iker turned his thoughts away from the match and towards the fact that Adriana was going to have his baby; he smiled knowing that in about eight months he would be a father. 

Iker had already been planning what he was going to do when the doctor confirmed Adriana's pregnancy, he knew she would be staying with him until it was over and he was so excited. 

There was so much that Iker was going to need to do and he had a nursery to put together for his baby arrived; he smiled at the thought of the tiny person that would complete his life. 

"What are you smiling about?" Xavi asked peeking at Iker and turning his attention away from the game, he was a little concerned about all the smiling that Iker had done in the past few days and he guessed that it had something to do with Adriana. 

Most of the team were already betting how long it would be before Adriana broke off her engagement and got together with Iker; they wanted the three to be a family with the baby but that didn't seem to be happening anytime soon. 

Iker just shook his head, he wasn't going to tell anyone that Adriana was pregnant yet until she was out of her first trimester; he wanted to make sure that everything went well with the baby first before he told anyone. 

Adriana and the baby's health came first to him right now, Iker wanted everything to go perfectly and he wasn't going to stress Adriana out when things were going so well. 

Iker slouched in his chair and focused on the match, the next eight months would be new territory for him and he was a little nervous about what to expect; this was new to him and he was sure everything would be fine. 

Xavi stared at her best friend, he was sure that there was something more going on and he wondered just how long Iker was going to be able to keep it a secret. 

"So you're retiring," Iker murmured looking to Xavi, he wasn't going to tell his friend that Adriana was pregnant that could wait; this was the last time that the two of them would play football together for their national team. 

Xavi nodded his head and turned his attention back to the match, he was doing the right thing for him and he wasn't going to give up on his career just yet but time was running down for him. 

"I was thinking of doing the same," Iker said looking at Xavi, he didn't know if he could carry on like this but he was going to be a father in eight months and he didn't want to be constantly leaving his baby with a nanny while he travelled. 

Iker was starting to plan for his future, he was going to be retiring soon and he wanted to be able to raise his child without too much help unless he really needed it. 

"Don't you dare Spain still needs San Iker, don't let this tournament ruin things for you," Xavi warned not wanting Iker to give up just yet, none of this was Iker's fault and they would bounce back from this in the next tournament and Iker was going to be there for that one. 

Iker looked at Xavi, he didn't say anything knowing that he would think about it; he would have a baby soon and that baby was going to need him a lot more than the team did. 

Iker was going to be a single father and the agreement that he had with Adriana meant that she wasn't going to be able to help him after the baby was born. 


Adriana wrapped her arms around Iker and kissed his cheek, Spain had won their final match 3:0 and while she knew it was bittersweet it was better than losing all three of their matches in Brazil. 

Iker smiled hugging Adriana, he was happy for his team-mates and he hoped the 2016 Euros would go a lot better than this; he was sure that they would be okay for then. 

Adriana pulled back from Iker and smiled at him, she could only imagine how much this win meant to the team; she wanted things to get better for them and they had two years before their next tournament. 

"What are you going to do now?" Adriana asked brushing some hair from her face, she was feeling a bit better now and she hoped that her nausea wasn't going to be too bad this pregnancy. 

Iker chewed on his lip and smiled at Adriana, she looked beautiful and he was going to have to get used to spending so much time with her; he wanted to be on good terms with her while she was pregnant with his child. 

"I was thinking of maybe taking a holiday," Iker replied watching Adriana, she had caught the sun a bit today and he guessed that he shouldn't be surprised since they had been sight right in the glare while watching the match. 

Adriana nodded her head, she couldn't remember the last time that she'd had a holiday; Marco was far too busy for that and he had only just agreed to four days in Rome for their honeymoon and that had been a fight. 

"Anywhere nice?" Adriana asked peeking over at Sergio and Kate who were listening between them, she felt a stab of jealously watching her friend with her fiancé; Sergio was excited about marrying Kate and was even helping her with the planning. 

"Egypt, why don't you come with me?" Iker replied not being able to stop himself from asking her, he couldn't resist spending time with Adriana and he was sure a holiday would be good for her during the early stages of pregnancy. 

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