Chapter Thirty-One: The Next Step

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Adriana stared at Iker as his words sunk in, she blinked not sure what else to say and she didn't know if her boyfriend meant anything that he had just said; her heart pounded in her chest at his words.

The room was completely silent as Iker stood frozen, his brain slowly registering what he had just said; he couldn't believe that he had announced it like that to their parents like that.

Adriana was important to him, she was the mother of his son and she was going to be in his life for a long time; Iker had no idea what he would do if something took her away from him.

"What?" Adriana whispered making Iker turn around and look at her, this wasn't how he had wanted to ask her to marry him; he loved her so much that she deserved better than this.

Iker swallowed watching Adriana, it had only been six months since they had gotten together but he knew what he wanted and he wasn't going to change his mind about that not now that Martin was here.

"Iker what did you just say?" Adriana whispered wanting to be sure that she had heard him right, she couldn't help but wonder if she had imagined it since they hadn't really talked about getting engaged other than the bets that were going on.

Iker opened his mouth but nothing came out, he stared at Adriana knowing that there was no taking back what he had said; he wanted to spend the rest of his life with her and Martin.

"I want to marry you," Iker said smiling at Adriana softly, his brown eyes watching her as he wondered what was going to happen now; he knew that there was no going back and he wasn't going to change his mind or chicken out.

Adriana stared at Iker, a small smile forming on her face at his words; she couldn't believe this and she hoped that this would make her parents realise that Iker was perfect for her.

Iker padded across the room and pulled something out from behind one of the picture frames, his hands shaking a little as he looked at Adriana for a moment before he walked back over to her.

Adriana clapped a hand over her mouth as she stared at Iker, she couldn't believe that he was doing this; she watched him and she knew that there was no going back from this and she felt a little excited.

Carolina watched on horrified as Iker got down on one knee, she had never thought that this would happen; she had hoped that things would fizzle out but it clearly wasn't going to happen.

"Iker," Adriana whispered not sure what else to say to him right now, she had never thought that they were going to take this step so soon after Martin had been born.

Iker smiled at Adriana as he opened up the box to reveal the 14ct vanilla gold chocolate diamond cluster engagement ring that he had been holding onto for what seemed like forever; there was nothing that he could think about more than having that ring on Adriana's finger.

"This ring belonged to my Great Grandmother," Iker mumbled a little nervous, he didn't really remember much about her but she had left him a letter before she had passed away.

Adriana swallowed, she didn't know what to say right now and she couldn't believe that he was doing this; they had only had Martin a couple of days ago and now they were about to get engaged.

"She told me to give it to the woman I wanted to spend the rest of my life with and that is you Adriana," Iker murmured staring up at Adriana, he knew this was a shock of her and that they hadn't really talked about marriage but this was something that he wanted.

Adriana sniffled and felt her hands shake, she couldn't believe this and she wondered how long he had been planning to pop the question after everything that they had been through.

"I want us to spend the rest of our lives together, have a couple of siblings for Martin," Iker continued on with tears in his eyes, he swallowed smiling at Adriana picturing their future in his mind and he wasn't going to let that go.

Iker could seeing them have two more children, a little boy and a little girl; the family staying in Madrid where he would become a coach for the team that he loved with all his heart and Adriana's shop doing so well.

"I want us to face the future together," Iker said clearing his throat, he had no idea what he would do if things didn't work out but he knew that it couldn't be easy; he wanted them to have everything and he would fight for that.

Adriana wiped away a stray tear as she watched Iker, the house was still silent but there was no denying that everyone was listening to what Iker was saying right now.

"Adriana Hernandez Alcantara will you marry me?" Iker asked smiling up at Adriana, this was what he wanted and he could only hope that she wanted the same thing that she wanted.

Jonathon and Carolina stared wondering what to make of this moment, they hadn't known that this would happen and they weren't sure what Adriana was going to say to Iker's proposal.

"Yes," Adriana whispered making Iker stare at her, he blinked for a moment before it slowly sunk in that she had said yes; he grinned leaning forward to kiss Adriana thrilled with the notion that one day she was going to be his wife.

Carmen and José Luis cried out in joy at seeing their first child and eldest son get engaged, this hadn't been what they had been expecting when they had come to see their grandson again.


"I am so happy for you guys," Kate gushed wrapping her arms around Adriana and hugging her close, the news had spread so quickly that Iker had popped the question; no one had wasted a moment before they had turned up at the house.

Adriana smiled, it still felt so strange that she was now wearing an engagement ring; she couldn't stop looking at it and it was so beautiful as well.

"I can't believe he had something like that hidden in the house," Jenny teased admiring the ring on Adriana's finger, she had no idea that Iker had something like that saved up; there was no denying that he would have never have given it to any of his ex-girlfriends.

Adriana laughed softly and nodded her head, she had no idea how happy she felt right now and it was definitely in her top three moments right now; the first being when Martin had been born and holding him in her arms for the very first time.

"So who won the pot?" Iker asked wrapping an arm around Adriana, he wasn't sure if he would be able to let her out of his sight; he was so happy right now and he wanted nothing more than to enjoy this moment.

Adriana raised an eyebrow at him as he handed her a glass of orange juice, she was breastfeeding so she couldn't have any alcohol but she didn't mind.

"Isco did," Sergio said handing over a drink to Kate, he held her close and kissed her cheek; he couldn't wait for them to get married in four months' time and he had high hopes for their honeymoon.

Jenny rolled her eyes, she was a little annoyed that she hadn't won and her bet on Valentine's Day; she was sure that she would get the next one right, she bet that Iker and Adriana would get married next summer.

Iker chuckled and watched his friend, he guessed this wasn't going to be the last bet on him and Adriana; he could only imagine what the others were going to do now.

"I'm still in it to win it if you get married before the end of the year," Sergio continued wanting to make a point, he wanted to win and he knew that this wasn't over yet.

Iker shook his head, he didn't care when he got married to Adriana only that it happened when they were ready.

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