Chapter Thirty-Seven: My Hero

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Adriana brushed some hair from her face as she picked up Martin, she held her son close as she whispered softly to him trying to sooth him; he whimpered making her sigh and she kissed the top of his head. 

It was a warm night and Adriana was exhausted wanting nothing more than to sleep, something that was being prevented by the heat; it was mid-July and Iker was preparing for the pre-season with Real Madrid. 

The couple still had no idea what would happen before the transfer window closed, they were hoping that the club wouldn't force Iker out so that they could remain in Madrid. 

Adriana shook her head, she had no idea what to expect and she wished that Iker would get what he wanted; he wanted to remain a one club man and retire at Real Madrid. 

Martin cuddled into his mother's arms as Adriana walked out of the nursery and started to walk down the stairs so that she could deal with Martin without waking Iker up. 

Adriana knew that her fiancé needed his sleep, there were so many rumours going around and he was determined to prove that he deserved to remain at Real Madrid; it was his home and he wasn't going to leave without a fight. 

Adriana couldn't imagine what was going to happen, she wanted Iker to be happy and she wasn't sure that would happen if he was forced to leave the place that he loved behind. 

Adriana warmed up Martin's bottle and smiled down at her son, she wanted things to be stable and that wasn't going to happen if Iker was forced to move; she would go with him but it would take time for them to settle. 

Martin was important and the last thing that the couple wanted to do was cause him distress; moving would do just that and neither of them knew what was going to happen if they were forced to leave Madrid behind. 

It didn't take long for Martin's bottle to warm up and Adriana turned around to leave the kitchen so that she could feed Martin his bottle when something caught her eye, she dropped the bottle and screamed in fright.


Iker jumped up in bed hearing Adriana scream and Martin crying, his heart pounded in his chest and he clambered out of the bed tripping a little over the blankets that had been pushed onto the floor because of the heat. 

Iker's heart pounded in his chest as he rushed out of the bedroom and down the stairs, he didn't know what had happened but it was the middle of the night and he worried about his fiancée and son. 

Rushing into the kitchen, Iker looked around wondering what was going on and he couldn't help but stare at the sight of Adriana perched on a counter clutching Martin in her arms. 

"Amor?" Iker asked looking around trying to spot what was wrong, he couldn't see anything and he knew that it had to be something for Adriana to scream like that. 

Adriana looked to Iker as she shifted her weight, sitting on the kitchen counter wasn't comfortable but she didn't want to get down; she quickly looked around trying to figure out where the monster had gone. 

Iker slowly walked towards his fiancée, he felt a little calmer about the fact that everything was okay; he didn't know what had made her scream but he could see she and Martin weren't hurt or in trouble. 

"What are you doing sitting on the counter?" Iker asked moving to stand between Adriana's legs, he peeked at Martin who looked upset and he sighed wrapping his arms around his family. 

Adriana closed her eyes, she loved Iker and she just wanted him to be happy; she didn't know what he would do if things weren't sorted out soon for them. 

Adriana looked at Iker and opened her mouth to speak when the monster reappeared and scuttled past the fridge making her squeak; she clutched onto Iker making him frown before he turned around to see what was upsetting Adriana.

Iker chuckled at the sight of the spider that had caused so much trouble that morning, he turned around to kiss Adriana; he was a little surprised that she had freaked out so badly over a little spider. 

Adriana watched as Iker moved away from her collecting a glass and some paper so he could catch the spider, she turned her focus to Martin and whispered to him softly; she hadn't meant to scare him when she had spotted the spider crawling across the floor. 

Iker quickly picked up the spider before moving to throw it outside, he made sure it was gone before shutting the back door so that the spider wouldn't get back in and terrorise his fiancée again. 

Adriana slowly climbed down from the counter, she felt a little silly at being so freaked out by a small spider but she hated them; she looked towards Iker knowing that he wouldn't judge her. 

"It's gone now," Iker teased moving to pick up the bottle, he smiled at Adriana knowing that this wasn't going to be the last spider that they had in their home; he walked over to Adriana, he had never been happier having her and Martin with him. 

"My hero," Adriana replied moving forward to kiss Iker's cheek, she smiled up at him and hoped that they would always be this happy; they wanted nothing more than to have things kept simple. 

Iker took a deep breath and wrapped his arms around Adriana, he held her and Martin close and he wished he knew what the future held for him; he wanted to give them everything but they were stuck in limbo until Real Madrid knew what they were doing. 

Adriana and Martin were important to Iker and he knew that he wanted them to feel like they could relax at home; he wanted nothing more than to be sure about what was going on.


Adriana watched Iker as he walked back into the bedroom after putting Martin back to bed, she knew that there was a lot on his mind; she wished she could do something that would put his mind at rest about the future. 

"It will be okay you know," Adriana said softly, she wanted to help him and Real Madrid weren't any closer to deciding what they wanted; the news was full of rumours about what was going on with David de Gea and which clubs wanted Iker. 

"I'd follow you anywhere Iker," Adriana murmured moving to kiss Iker, she wrapped her arms around him as he sat down on the bed; she wasn't going to let him worry over things now. 

Iker closed his eyes as Adriana started to kiss down her neck, he wanted to believe her that everything was going to be okay; he hated not knowing and everything was starting to make him wish that he could do something. 

The only option that Iker had right now was if he pushed through his own transfer to some other club; he didn't want to do that but it was starting to look appealing to him. 

Iker wasn't sure where he would go if he did make the move, he didn't want to play in Spain since he wouldn't want to play against Real Madrid; he had options and he would have to think carefully. 

Iker turned around to face Adriana and kissed her, he gently moved them back onto the bed and he hoped that the next six weeks of the transfer window would pass-by quickly; he didn't want everything dragging out and it would only kick off again when the window opened again. 

Adriana started to help Iker out of her rumpled sleep shirt, she knew that he would make the right choice for him and she would be by his side no matter what happened in the future.

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