Chapter Four: IVF Clinic Madrid

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Adriana sighed climbing out of her red Audi A1, she looked up at the building where she was meeting Iker and she hoped that everything went well; all the paperwork had been sorted out and now she was ready to move forward. 

Iker had looked so happy over the past two weeks and Adriana knew that he would be a wonderful father to the child that she was going to give him; she just hoped everything worked out well. 

Marco had been far from pleased when Adriana had told him that she was going to be having Iker's baby; he was just glad that this was her last surrogacy. 

The IVF Clinic Madrid would be the place where Adriana would be inseminated with Iker's sperm, she was sure the first time would take and she would have to wait a few weeks before they would know for sure. 

"Iker," Adriana greeted spotting the nervous looking footballer, he was waiting outside for her so that he could be there when she was inseminated; he wanted to be there for every step in the pregnancy. 

Iker smiled spotting Adriana, he had already dropped off his swimmers and he was sure that everything was going to be perfect; he was paying for the best treatment available not just for his baby but for Adriana. 

Iker wanted her to be comfortable at every stage in the process, he couldn't believe that in nine months he could have a baby of his own; he was a little disappointed that this could be Adriana's last one since she was wonderful at this. 

"Hola," Iker replied moving to hug Adriana, he hadn't seen her in a week since she had gone back to Barcelona to speak with her fiancé; they had sorted out all the legal problems and the clinic had assured him that everything would go perfectly for them there. 

Adriana smiled at Iker, he looked so happy and she knew that she had made the right decision in helping him have a baby; they slowly walked into the building knowing that they had an appointment to keep.


Looking around the hospital room where they had been set up, Iker nibbled on his lip as he sat down wondering how long this would take; he was nervous and wanted everything to go well. 

Adriana was sat next to him wearing a stuffy hospital gown while they waited for the doctor to arrive, the tests had already been done and everything looked perfect for them to start with the insemination. 

"Are you nervous about the world cup?" Adriana asked trying to ease the tension that filled the room, she looked at Iker knowing that he would be leaving for Brazil soon and she hoped it went well for the team. 

Spain were the defending champions and Adriana was hopeful that they would make it far in the tournament that would be starting soon. 

"Of course," Iker replied with a nod of his head, he feared that the team weren't ready for what was coming and he couldn't shake the bad feeling that something was going to go wrong during the tournament. 

Adriana opened her mouth to say something when the doctor walked into the room, she leaned back on her chair knowing that this was it; she could only hope that things went well. 

"Sorry for the wait," the doctor said smiling at the pair, he carried a folder in his arms and he knew that this was going to be a quick meeting; everything had gone well with their last few meetings and they had all of their paperwork. 

Iker shook his head, he didn't mind a small delay and he had cancelled everything to be here with Adriana; he wanted to have all of these memories for when he had a baby of his own. 

"Okay everything looks good," the doctor announced checking the results of Adriana's results, everything was in order for them to carry on with their procedure.

Iker sighed in relief, he had already knew that but he knew that the doctors had to be sure that Adriana would be okay to carry his baby; he wanted everything to work out, he was sure that it would. 

"Okay Miss Hernandez, pop your feet in the stirrups and we'll get started," the doctor said smiling at Adriana, who did as she was told; he moved to get Iker's sperm for the insemination so that the procedure could be done. 

Iker took Adriana's hand making her jump a little in surprise, she stared at him for a moment before she focused back on the doctor who was now between her legs. 

Adriana stared up at the ceiling while the doctor inseminated her, she had been through this before and she knew that it was going to be quick; she was sure that this time would take especially with Iker being so hopeful about all of this. 

"Are you okay?" Iker asked curiously, he peeked down at what the doctor was doing and he knew that this was going to be quick but he didn't want Adriana to feel any pain or discomfort. 

Adriana nodded her head and offered Iker a smile, she knew that he had never done this before but she was used to it and she knew that the doctor would say if something were to go wrong. 

"All done," the doctor confirmed making Iker blink surprised, it had barely taken ten minutes and Adriana was officially inseminated with his swimmers; they would have to wait now to see if it would work. 

It was weird that they had to wait a few weeks but Iker was sure that it would be worth it; he wanted to make sure that everything was going to work out.


Iker walked out of the clinic with Adriana, he still couldn't believe that it was over and he would find out in a month if Adriana was having his baby for him; he couldn't wait and he was excited. 

Iker wasn't looking forward to going to Brazil and leaving Adriana behind, he wanted to be there for every moment and he could possibly miss something since he was going to be in Brazil for over a month with the national team. 

"Come to Brazil," Iker said smiling at Adriana, he knew that this was the only way that he could have Adriana with him and he hoped that she would say yes. 

Iker couldn't think of a better way to keep an eye on her when he was playing and Xavi would get to spend more time with his cousin if she did so; he had missed his cousin since he wasn't fond of the fiancé. 

Xavi had told Iker a lot about the man that Adriana was going to marry, it wasn't pleasant and Iker did wonder why she was with a man like that. 

"What?" Adriana squeaked surprised at Iker's offer, she had planned to spend the next few weeks settling in to Madrid and working on her wedding plans; she was getting married next year and she knew that Marco wouldn't do anything. 

Iker grinned taking Adriana's hand, he wanted to spend some time with her before things got crazy with the baby; he hadn't seen much of her and they would be spending a lot of time together. 

"For the World Cup," Iker explained as if it made any sense to Adriana, he didn't see what it could hurt and she could have a bit of a break while they waited to find out if she was pregnant. 

Adriana stared at Iker, her heart pounded at the idea of going to watch her country play in the world cup; she hadn't had the chance last time and Marco had never approved when she had tried to go to the Euros. 

"Okay," Adriana agreed already thinking about what she would need to pack for the trip, Brazil was going to be amazing and there was no way that she could pass up on a chance like this not when Iker was asking her.

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