Chapter Ten: Rude Wake-up Calls

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Adriana blinked confused as she slowly started to wake up, there was shouting in the corridor and she wondered what was going on; she rolled over and peeked at the clock on the bedside table. 

Adriana grumbled seeing that it was barely six in the morning, she huffed annoyed moving to get out of bed; she reached for her purple cotton dressing gown since the last thing that she wanted was to showcase her purple strappy chemise for a bunch of strangers. 

Padding across her hotel room, Adriana ran her fingers through her hair and wondered what was going on; the shouting wasn't getting quieter and Adriana was sure that she recognised the voice. 

Opening her hotel room door, Adriana peeked out and frowned when she realised that she hadn't been the only one who had been woken up by the shouting; she stepped out into the corridor and blinked surprised at what was happening. 

Kate Ramos seemed to be having a rather intense argument with Vicente who seemed to be trying to convince her to leave, it was against the rules for her to be there since it would be a distraction to her fiancé. 

Sergio was stood quietly behind his fiancée while he held their son, he hadn't known that Kate was going to fly out and he knew that there would be no sending her away now. 

"What's going on?" Adriana asked peeking over at Iker who was leaning against the wall, he was dressed in only low hung grey sweat pants and his hair was a mess. 

Iker peeked over at Adriana and shrugged his shoulders, he had woken up to the shouting and everyone had been shocked to see Kate here; they knew that Vicente wasn't going to like it one bit. 

Vicente didn't allow spouses or families to the tournaments until they reached the next stage, he didn't want his players getting distracted and messing up. 

"I'm not going anywhere," Kate snapped glaring at Vicente, she knew that she had promised to stay back in Madrid but Sergio had sounded so devastated after the last match that she hadn't been able to stay away. 

"And where are you going to stay?" Vicente taunted knowing that Kate wouldn't have had time to find herself a room yet, he wasn't going to help her out and if Sergio did then he'd bench him until things changed. 

Kate scoffed, there was no way that was going to stop her as she peeked around looking for some help; her blue eyes stopped at the sight of the one person that would help her. 

"With Adi," Kate replied grinning as she looked back at Vicente, she didn't care what the man thought and she was sure that it was going to be okay; she was just here to support Sergio not to cause him any grief. 

Adriana looked at Kate and held back a groan as Vicente moved to glare at her, she didn't want any trouble and she was only here to support the team; she was going to be the mother of Iker's child and he wanted her close. 

"Fine," Vicente grumbled shaking his head before he turned and walked away, he was too tired to deal with this and he knew that he would deal with any issues when he was more awake. 

Kate grinned before turning back to Sergio and lifting Junior from his arms, she kissed him glad that she had come since she feared what would happen during the next match. 

"How is my best friend?" Kate asked walking over to Adriana, she hadn't seen her friend in months and she knew that things had been busy; she had been so focus on Sergio and Junior that she'd barely had a moment for herself anymore. 

Adriana grinned moving to hug Kate, she had a feeling that she wasn't going to be bored in anyway now that Kate was here; she was looking forward to relaxing with her friends while the footballers all trained. 


"He looks so much like his papa," Adriana cooed lifting Junior up over her head, she could see so much of Sergio in the little boy and she knew he would be just as handsome when he was older. 

Kate nodded her head with a fond smile, Junior had been a wonderful surprise for the couple and they knew that they had been blessed when he had been born barely a month earlier. 

"I hope he's not too much like his padre," Jenny teased knowing that Sergio had been a bit of a trouble maker when he was younger; she could only imagine what Junior would be like when he was older. 

Kate playfully glared at Jenny, she was also a little worried about that since Paqui had been all too willing to tell her some horror stories about what Sergio was like when he was a little boy. 

Adriana snorted in amusement making Kate and Jenny look at her, they shared a look and grinned at one another; they didn't believe for a moment that their best friend would be able to walk away from Iker. 

"And what about you?" Kate asked curiously moving to take Junior from Adriana and sit down, the three were hanging out in Adriana's hotel room and they knew that Vicente was still annoyed with what happened that morning. 

Adriana looked at Kate wondering what she was talking about, she sat up and brushed some hair from her face; she felt her stomach flutter as she watched Kate with Junior, she almost felt a little jealous of the blonde. 

"What about me?" Adriana asked trying to think about her own happiness, she was going to marry Marco and maybe then they would have a baby of their own; she couldn't mess things up when she was just the surrogate. 

Jenny snorted and shook her head, she wondered if Xavi got all the brains sometimes and she hoped that it wasn't going to take forever for Adriana to see that she couldn't just leave. 

"The baby you and Iker are having... who do you think they'll take after?" Kate asked softly, she didn't know how Adriana could be a surrogate now that she had Junior; she could never give away her son and yet Adriana was going to do that for Iker. 

Of course, Adriana had done this in the past but she had never been close with the people that she had carried for; she had been able to walk away without any issues in the past. 

"You mean the baby that I'm going to give to Iker," Adriana corrected, she couldn't let herself think that the baby that she was carrying was hers; she wouldn't have any rights when the baby was born. 

The baby would be given to Iker and he would take the baby home with him leaving Adriana behind, she would never be a part of the baby's life nor would she have any right to know anything about them. 

"I think they'll look like him," Adriana murmured a little hopeful, she was sure that the baby would look like their father and she doubted that very little of her would be carried across. 

Adriana didn't want the baby having any confusing features that they would question too much; they were going to be so loved by Iker and that was what mattered. 

Kate and Jenny were silent for a moment, they could see that Adriana was hurting from this talk and they wished their friend would talk to Iker about their stupid agreement. 

Adriana would be a wonderful mother to Iker's child and if the two of them just got together they would be amazing; it was meant to be and Kate and Jenny where sure about it. 

The room was quiet for a moment before Adriana shook her head, she had to remain professional and she wasn't even sure if she was pregnant yet; she was the surrogate and that was it. 

Kate and Jenny looked at one another, they weren't going to let this go and they hoped that they could convince Adriana otherwise before it was too late.

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