Chapter Thirty: Awkward Meetings

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Gerard Hernandez stared up at the house that his daughter now called home, he took a deep breath recalling his promise to his wife to behave; he wasn't overly fond of being around Iker but he would have to deal with it.

Iker was here to stay and Adriana seemed pretty taken with the father of her son, she seemed even happier than she had ever been when she had been dating Marco; a fact that threw Gerard off since Adriana had been all set to marry Marco before Iker had come into the picture.

Carolina looked at her husband, she hoped he would behave since she did want to spend time with their daughter and grandson; she had no idea what would happen if Gerard caused more trouble but she knew that Adriana would only push them away.

Gerard rolled his eyes ignoring the look that Carolina gave him, he rang the doorbell and stuffed his hands into his pockets; he wasn't in the mood to fight with Carolina, he was sure that this was only going to end badly for someone.

Gerard bit into his tongue as Iker opened the door to him, he glared at the footballer who had come into his daughter's life and changed everything; he didn't trust him and he knew that Adriana would come to regret her actions.

"Iker it's lovely to see you again," Carolina greeted knowing that her husband wouldn't say a word, she didn't blame him for not trusting Iker; she felt wary herself about how fast things had changed in Adriana's life but she had to trust their daughter.

Iker eyed the couple warily, he had been expecting them to show up and things were going to be tense for a while; they didn't like him and he didn't quite know how to change that fact.

Iker stepped aside to allow them into his home, he wished that they would let this go and move on; Adriana was happy and that was what should matter now.


"He's beautiful Adriana," Carolina whispered staring down at her grandson, she still couldn't believe that he was here and she knew that things were going to be tense; she peeked at her husband who was stilling stiffly on the couch.

Carolina turned her attention back to her grandson, she was a little upset that they didn't get to spend time with Adriana and Martin alone; Iker's parents were also visiting and Carolina was getting tired of being glared at.

Adriana peeked at Iker, she had noticed that both her parents had avoided speaking to Iker unless it was necessary; she wished that they would just get over the fact that she was no longer with Marco.

"He looks so much like Iker," Carmen mused smiling, she stared at Carolina knowing that she had promised to keep the peace for Iker's sake; she wasn't pleased to hear that Adriana's parents disliked her son for petty reasons that really didn't matter now.

Carolina was silent not saying anything in return, she focused instead on her grandson; she could see bits of Iker in there but she was sure that it wouldn't last.

Adriana sighed shaking her head at the fact that her parents were being rude, she didn't know what they wanted her to do; she wasn't going to change anything about her life just because they weren't happy.

"So when will you both be returning to Barcelona?" Gerard asked sipping on his water, his eyes focused on his daughter but he smirked at the sight of Iker freezing at his words.

Adriana had only been contracted to remain in Madrid while she was pregnant with Martin, now that the little boy had been born there was nothing keeping her tied to the capital city anymore.

Carolina peeked up at her daughter, she had already prepared the guest room for when she came home; she was looking forward to having her daughter and grandson staying with them.

"Padre," Adriana warned with a shake of her head, she had no intentions of moving back to Barcelona now that Martin had been born; this was her home now and she would find a way to deal with everything else.

Gerard looked at Adriana, she would be better off in Barcelona and she would be able to rebuild her life; they would find her a good lawyer to help with the custody arrangement.

"You can't be expected to give up your entire life in Barcelona completely," Gerard stated watching Adriana, he was taking digs at Iker and he knew it; he was sure that things wouldn't last for the couple and it would be better if she was home with her parents.

Carolina didn't say anything, her husband had a point and she wasn't sure what Adriana was expecting to happen; she worked in Barcelona and couldn't remain in Madrid if she wanted to make her own money still.

Iker glared at the couple, he didn't know what they were playing at but he had already talked about this with Adriana and they had worked things out between them.

"I'm moving to Madrid permanently," Adriana revealed crossing her arms, she looked at her parents wondering why they were so determined to have her back in Barcelona; she felt on edge since they had made it clear that she was better off with Marco.

Gerard stared at his daughter, her words sinking in and he had no idea what she was saying; she couldn't stay in Madrid and throw everything she had worked so hard for away for some footballer.

"You can't be serious," Gerard spat furiously as Iker moved to pick up Martin and hand him over to his mother, they didn't need the little boy to witness this fall out.

Adriana took a deep breath and nodded her head, she was sure about this and Iker was more than happy to support her in her decision; she would open up a second boutique in Madrid and allow Leila to ruin things back in Barcelona just like she had always planned.

Carolina moved to sit down on the couch, this wasn't how she had expected this talk to go and she wished that Adriana could understand that they were worried about her; she had only been dating Iker for six months and already had a baby with him.

"What could he possibly give you?" Gerard hissed glaring at the footballer as he wasn't going to let his only child and daughter waste her life like this.

Adriana was destined for great things, she had been engaged to a doctor and would have been a wonderful wife for Marco; now she was stuck with a boyfriend who had no future.

"He doesn't even have a proper job, how will he support you and the baby?" Gerard demanded shaking his head, Iker's career would be over soon and then he wouldn't be able to do anything; he was stuck and Gerard didn't want his daughter caught on that sinking ship.

Adriana glared at her father, he hadn't even acknowledged his grandson's name since he had arrived; she was getting tired of his attitude about her life.

"Adi... we're just worried about you," Carolina piped in knowing that they wanted Adriana to know that she wasn't alone in this, she wanted her daughter to make the right decision for her and Martin.

Iker swallowed, he couldn't believe that they thought that he wouldn't be able to look after Adriana and Martin; he loved his family and he would do anything for them.

"Why should we trust him?" Gerard muttered with a shake of his head, he wasn't going to change his mind about any of this; he wanted Adriana to come home before it was too late.

"Because I plan on asking Adriana to marry me," Iker snapped making Adriana stared at him shocked, she hadn't known that he was thinking about asking her to marry him.

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