Chapter Thirty-Two: Uncertain Future

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Iker smiled holding Martin in his arms, he still couldn't believe how perfect everything seemed right now and he adored spending time with the one month old; he didn't know what he would have done if things hadn't worked out like this.

Iker whispered softly to his son, it still seemed unreal that they were so happy and that he had everything that he had ever wanted; he held Martin close trying to settle him so that he didn't wake his mother.

Adriana was sleeping soundly in the bed, things had been crazy since they had announced that they were engaged; the couple hadn't put much thought into when they would get married, they weren't going to rush things at all.

Iker had no idea what the future was going to hold for them, he had heard all of this talk about him leaving Real Madrid in the summer and he had no idea what was going to happen.

Adriana had told him that she would follow him wherever was needed, she knew that there was all sorts of stories in the papers talking about the club getting a new goalkeeper one that would push Iker out of the door.

Iker wasn't sure what was going to happen, he wanted to remain in Madrid for as long as possible; he didn't want to leave and he hated that the club and fans seemed so eager to get rid of him after everything.

Martin stared up at his father, his eyes didn't seem to be changing colour and Iker was thrilled; he wanted his son to have the beautiful blue eyes that his mother had.

Iker knew that it had only been a month since his son had been born, it still felt weird to even think about the fact that things could have so different for the small family; it could have been just Iker and Martin if things hadn't worked out between Iker and Adriana.

Iker didn't want to think of the fact that Adriana could have gone back to Marco and married him, they were together now and that was what truly mattered.


Adriana smiled padding into the kitchen, she was surprised that she'd been able to sleep in without Martin waking her up; she had a feeling that Iker had gotten up early so that she could have a lay in.

Adriana moved to put the kettle on wondering where Iker and Martin were, she hadn't slept in this late since Martin had been born; things had been busy the past month and she hoped it wouldn't stay like that.

Adriana yawned and shook her head, Iker was so busy with things at Real Madrid; she had no idea how he felt about all these rumours and she knew that it couldn't be easy for him.

Iker wanted to do what was best for him and their small family, Adriana and Martin were what mattered to him and things needed to be sorted and quickly.

Adriana couldn't imagine what was going on inside Iker's head right now, they had enough on their plates now that Martin had been born and now their entire future was unbalanced; there was so much that could happen between now and the end of the season.

"How did you sleep?" Iker asked walking into the kitchen, he had settled Martin down for a nap and he knew that it would be a while before he was awake wanting feeding again.

Adriana smiled as she turned to look at Iker, she still couldn't believe that they were actually engaged; she was sure that things would work out just fine for them when the time came.

"I thought it would be best to let you have a sleep in," Iker continued wrapping his arms around Adriana, he had enjoyed his morning with their son and he knew that things were only going to get busier.

Iker didn't want to miss out on much while he was away playing for the team, he wanted to be there for his fiancée and son; it still felt so unreal for him sometimes.


Iker smiled watching Adriana with Martin, he liked having his family to himself and he hoped that with the season coming to a close that he would have more time to spend with them once he had played with Spain.

Iker had no idea how the season would end for Real Madrid, he hoped that they would win something but he had a feeling that they would hit a slump soon; he didn't know what it was but he could see the team starting to falter and he wished he could change that fact.

"Look there's papa," Adriana whispered softly to Martin, she had never thought that she would have this moment; she had only been the surrogate at the start but now she was so much more.

Adriana was Martin's mother and Iker's fiancée, a fact that she never saw coming and she was happy that it had; she had always wanted this and she wasn't going to let it slip away now.

"Papa looks so grumpy doesn't he?" Adriana teased smiling at Iker, they would make this work and she was going to fight for them no matter what happened this season; they had enough on their plates right now and didn't need to be worrying about the future just yet.

Iker snorted and walked over to them, he was thinking about their future and he wished that he knew what was going to happen; he wanted to stay at Real Madrid, he was a one club man and nothing would change that in his heart.

Iker gently lifted Martin out of Adriana's arms and pressed a kiss to Adriana's lips, he was enjoying their day together; he just wished that it would last, he was starting to wonder about what was going to happen next.

Iker held Martin close, he loved moments like this with his son and it was rare that they had so much time together; the little boy was a month old and it had flown by in Iker's opinion, he didn't want his son growing up so fast.

"Iker it will be okay," Adriana murmured watching her fiancé, she hated the rumours that were going around especially with it making it seem like the club were desperate to get rid of Iker to bring in David de Gea.

Iker looked at the brunette, he knew that she was right but that wasn't going to be easy and he hoped that things wouldn't pull him away from his family; he wanted to protect them from what was happening.

"I just wish that I knew what was going to happen," Iker replied shaking his head, he wanted nothing more than to ease his mind a little about what was going to happen.

It was no secret that he hadn't been his best since what had happened with Mourinho, it had dented his confidence and now the fans were turning on him as well; Iker just wished that he could change things for the better.

"I know... but whatever happens, I am here to stay," Adriana said trying to reassure him, she kissed his cheek and stared up at him; it wasn't going to be easy but she would go with him if he was forced to leave Madrid.

Adriana didn't want Iker to miss a moment of Martin's life, she knew that it wasn't going to be simple but she would do what she could to make sure that they weren't torn apart.

Iker stared at Adriana for a moment and kissed her, she was amazing and none of his ex-girlfriends would have done any of this for him; he wasn't going to let Adriana go.

"I love you," Iker whispered to her, she was being so supportive and he didn't know what he would do without that; things weren't going to be simple until he knew what was going on.

Adriana rested her head against Iker's, they would make this work and she was sure of that; no matter what happened she wasn't going to leave him behind. 

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