Chapter Twenty-Four: Marco's Revenge

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Iker sighed stepping into his home and closed the door behind him, it was early December now and he couldn't believe how fast things were moving; he was only upset with the fact that they hadn't heard from Adriana's parents yet.

It had been a month since they had gone to Barcelona and spoke with her parents, telling them that not only was Adriana now dating Iker but they would be grandparents for the first time.

Iker shook his head, he knew that they were upset with the turn of events but he wished they wouldn't take it out on Adriana, he didn't want any trouble and wished they could be happy for their daughter.

"I'm home," Iker called removing his coat and moving to hang it up, the house was quiet and he knew that Adriana had been shopping with Kate and Jenny that morning helping with wedding details.

Iker was pleased to see that Adriana was keeping busy, she was putting off opening another store while she was pregnant, instead wanting to focus on enjoying this time that she had.

Iker peeked into the living room, he was sure that Adriana was home since her coat was hanging up; he frowned not seeing her before he headed for the kitchen.

Iker stopped walking as he stepped into the kitchen, his heart breaking at the sight of a crying Adriana; this was the last thing that he had been expecting and he wondered what had happened.

"Amor what happened?" Iker asked concerned hurrying over to her, it had to have happened recently since Kate or Jenny would have given him a call to warn him what was waiting for him.

Adriana sniffled looking at Iker, she hadn't heard him come home and she hated that he had come home to this; she was in shock and couldn't believe what she had been told.

"Adi... talk to me," Iker pleaded trying to help her calm down, this wasn't good for the baby and he cursed whoever had upset her this much.

"Leila called," Adriana whimpered trying to calm herself down, she felt her hands shaking at what had happened and she just couldn't believe it; she couldn't bring herself to look at Iker while he tried to sooth her.

Iker nodded his head concerned, he knew that Leila was the assistant manager of Adriana's boutique back in Barcelona; he wondered what could have happened to make her this upset.

"Marco came into the store today," Adriana continued taking deep breathes so that she could calm herself down, she felt so silly but it hurt to think about what Marco had done.

Iker closed his eyes, he had no idea why her former fiancé would even want to go to her boutique but he doubted that it was to pick out a dress for his new girlfriend.

"What did he do amor?" Iker murmured wrapping his arms around Adriana and tried to calm her; he had no idea what had happened but he knew that he wasn't going to let Marco hurt Adriana anymore.

Adriana hiccupped as she tried to calm herself down, she closed her eyes wishing that she could just forget what Leila had told her; she couldn't believe it and she thought that Marco would never cross that line.

"He trashed the place... Iker, he's caused thousands of euros worth of damage," Adriana whispered not knowing how she was going to deal with this, she hated that Marco had lashed out like this and she was just relieved that no one had been hurt.

Iker gritted his teeth furiously, he couldn't believe that Marco had sunk that low to attack something that Adriana loved just because she had moved on.

Marco had been so quick to jump into a new relationship, he had barely waited a couple of days before he had a new woman on his arm while Adriana had waited at least a month.

"I'm so sorry Adi," Iker murmured wanting to fix this for her, she had worked so hard to open up the boutique and he knew that Marco had only done this because pictures of them together had been appearing in the press.

Iker had made it no secret that he was now dating Adriana and they were expecting their first child, he was happy and he wanted to share that with everyone after how bad things were.

"What can I do to help?" Iker asked brushing his fingers through Adriana's brown hair, he looked down at his girlfriend wanting to make this better; he didn't want her being upset especially with fourteen weeks left of her pregnancy.

Adriana sniffled and shook her head, she couldn't ask that of Iker and she would find a way to deal with this; she already knew that the press thought she was some sort of gold-digger and she didn't want to make it worse.

"Adi let me help," Iker pleaded hating that this had happened, Marco had done this because she was dating him and he wanted to make things right.

Iker would be able to pay for the damages without any affect to his bank account, he didn't want Adriana bankrupting herself in an attempt to fix this; he was sure that he would be able to do it.

"I couldn't ask that of you," Adriana whispered shaking her head, she didn't think she could ever ask Iker for that sort of money; she wouldn't be able to forgive herself if she did.

Marco was currently in police custody and that was enough for Adriana right now, he would be charged with criminal damage and she hoped this was the last of it.

"You aren't asking... I am offering amor, let me help," Iker tried to persuade her, he wasn't going to let this go when he could pay for this without any problems; he felt responsible for what had happened and he knew that it was only right that he fixed it.

Adriana looked up at Iker, she wasn't going to change her mind about him paying for the damages and she had a feeling that he wasn't going to be changing his mind either.


Carolina stared at the news shocked about what had happened, she hadn't thought that after telling Marco that the rumours were true that he would go and do this.

Carolina had been more convinced that he would go to Madrid and win Adriana back, she had been so sure that everything would have gone back to normal.

It had been William's idea that they speak to Marco, they had adored him so much and had been devastated that their daughter had ended things with him.

"I can't believe it," Carolina whispered looking to her husband, she hadn't expected him to go and destroy something that their daughter had loved; it made her worry that Marco had laid a hand on Adriana.

Marco had always been such a wonderful business-minded gentleman and would have been a good match for their daughter; now however it looked like Adriana had been keeping things from her parents about Marco.

"You don't think he hit Adriana, do you?" Carolina asked listening to the reporter talk about how he had attempted to assault Leila when she had tried to make him leave the store after he had started to throw things; he was only stopped because the police had turned up and arrested him.

William didn't say anything, just stared at the television thinking about what Adriana had said during her last visit; he might not have been fond of the footballer she was dating but she did seem happy with him.

"He better not have," William grumbled moving to change the channel, he felt a little guilty that he had been the reason that Marco had lashed out; he had been so sure that Adriana would be better off with him.

Carolina nodded her head, she chewed on her lip knowing that Adriana was bound to find out that they had spoken with Marco.

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