Chapter Thirty-Five: You Are Beautiful

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Iker smiled pressing a kiss to the top of Martin's head as he tucked the little boy in bed and watched him for a moment; he was glad that the little boy was going down for the night since it gave him a chance to speak with Adriana. 

Iker hadn't really seen his fiancée since what had happened on the beach that morning, he was worried about her and he knew that Adriana couldn't hid away from him anymore. 

It was late evening and Iker had a plan to cheer her up, he didn't want her hiding away from him when he was sure that whatever was bothering her wasn't a big deal. 

Iker picked up the baby monitor before he left the small nursery were Martin was sleeping, he shut the door behind him and headed downstairs to finish getting ready for what he had planned. 

Iker smiled to himself as he thought about everything, he didn't know what had upset Adriana but he was determined to ease her mind in some way; he wanted her to feel like she could talk to him about anything, he didn't want her shutting him out. 

Iker padded into the kitchen and started to get everything that he would need for his plan, he wanted nothing more than to cheer Adriana up and he couldn't remember the last time they had time alone. 

Iker knew they had sort of gotten a little distracted with Martin, they barely had anytime to be a couple and they hadn't really been intimate since they had gotten together. 

Iker chewed on his lip wondering if that fact was the reason why Adriana had been so off recently, he loved his fiancée but the furthest they had gone was making out; he wanted to do more but he didn't want to rush her if she wasn't ready. 

Iker smiled, they were planning on getting married and they might not have set a date but they weren't in a rush; they still Kate and Sergio's wedding that was fast approaching in a couple of weeks.


Adriana blinked surprised as she stepped out of the villa, around the pool was surrounded by candles and there was soft music playing in the background; she wasn't sure what was going on but she felt emotional. 

Iker smiled at his fiancée, he could see that she was surprised with what was going on and he didn't blame her; he slowly made his way over to Adriana, he wanted tonight to go well for them. 

"Hola," Iker said carefully, he didn't want to upset her again and he hoped that things were going to be okay between them; he wasn't going to give up without a fight. 

Adriana swallowed watching Iker, she was a little worried that he would be upset with her for what had happened earlier; she hadn't meant to get so upset but she didn't feel like herself. 

"Adi... please talk to me," Iker murmured reaching for Adriana, he smiled when she didn't push him away from her and slowly pulled her into his arms; he had never seen her this down before and it worried him what was going on. 

Adriana chewed on her lip, she stared up at Iker knowing that she had to talk to him about how she was feeling; she didn't want to fight with him when she was sure that it was mostly in her head. 

"I'm not the same," Adriana murmured knowing that things had changed when she'd had Martin, she had never thought she would take so long to bounce back after having Martin; she had never taken this long before. 

Iker frowned watching his fiancée, he knew this wasn't her first pregnancy but he worried that things were taking their toll on her; he didn't want her over doing things and overthinking when she was perfect. 

"Adi," Iker whispered shaking his head, he ducked down and kissed her softly wanting to ease her mind; he hated that she was upset and wanted to make it better.

Iker brushed his fingers through Adriana's hair, he looked down at her when he pulled back and wanted nothing more than to ease her mind in some way; he couldn't imagine what she was thinking right now. 

"I don't look the same anymore," Adriana explained a little, she looked down at her bare feet and wondered why she was being so silly; she knew every pregnancy was different but that didn't stop her from worrying. 

Iker sighed watching his fiancée, his fingers brushing against the cover up dress that she was wearing as he pulled her close to him; she was beautiful especially now that she'd had Martin and Iker wished that she could see that. 

"You're so beautiful," Iker murmured softly, he was sure that he could make things better for them and he wasn't going to let her doubt herself; she was a very beautiful woman and anyone could see that. 

Adriana stared up at Iker as he gently moved to kiss her again, she wanted nothing more than to believe him but she couldn't look at herself in the mirror without wanting to cry; Iker was a very handsome man and there were bond to be women throwing themselves at him. 

Iker sighed seeing that Adriana wasn't believing him, he carefully moved to take of her dress knowing that he would have to prove it to her; he knew how cruel the papers could be sometimes but he didn't care how she looked. 

Adriana made a small noise of discomfort as her dress dropped to the floor, she wanted nothing more than to cover herself back up before Iker stopped her; he kissed her softly thinking about how beautiful she looked in her navy halter bikini top and bikini briefs. 

"You look so beautiful Adi," Iker reassured gently taking his fiancée's hand and leading her into the swimming pool, he wasn't going to waste all the planning that he had done for this evening. 

Adriana opened her mouth to refuse but the look that Iker gave her stopped her, she bit her lip and followed him wanting to see just what Iker had planned.

Iker grinned wrapping his arms around Adriana as they climbed into the pool, it was cool in the warm night air and he hoped that things were going to be okay; he didn't know what he would do if she continued to pull away from him. 

"I love you Adi," Iker mumbled holding his fiancée close so that she didn't pull away from him, she was so beautiful and he knew that nothing would ever change that; he wanted her to be more confident about how she looked. 

Iker kissed Adriana, he didn't know why she was so nervous about all of this but he knew that it might have something to do with her ex-fiancé; Marco was only interested in a trophy wife that Adriana would have become and Iker feared that he might have pressured her in the past too lose weight. 

"You are beautiful Adi... don't let anyone ever tell you otherwise," Iker said pulling back, he brushed his fingers through Adriana's hair; he loved her so much and he didn't want anything to bring her down when she was perfect as she was. 

Iker was sure that in time things would go back to normal but he didn't want Adriana thinking that she had to lose weight for him; she was fine just the way she was and that was what mattered. 

Adriana stared at Iker before tears filled her eyes, she swallowed thickly before she kissed Iker; she wrapped her arms around his neck and held onto him as they floated in the swimming pool. 

Iker moved to wrap her legs around his waist, he wasn't going to let anything happen to her and he was sure in a few weeks everything would go back to normal.

"I love you too," Adriana whispered back, she didn't know what was going to happen but she was glad she had Iker by her side.

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