Chapter Thirty-Four: Martin's First Holiday

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Iker settled Martin on his hip as the ocean lapped at his feet, he was sure that things were going to be relaxing; they had been in Crete for a couple of days and Iker was relieved to be away from Madrid. 

Iker had no idea what was going to happen in his future but he wanted to forget about it for a while and enjoy his holiday with his family; Adriana and Martin were what mattered to him right now. 

Iker whispered to Martin smiling, it was nice to be away for a while and he hoped that things wouldn't be taking a back slide for them; he wanted them to be okay and he wanted nothing more than to be able to enjoy his vacation. 

Iker pressed a kiss to the top of Martin's head, he walked along the water front and he couldn't believe how fast his son was growing; he was four months old and it only seemed like yesterday that he was coming home from the hospital. 

"Where is your mama?" Iker murmured looking back up the beach, he sighed at the fact that there was no sign of Adriana and he wondered what was keeping his fiancée; she had been getting ready to join them when they had left the private villa. 

The family were enjoying their holiday home and the fact that the property had a private beach was just a bonus; they hadn't really been bothered by the press since they had arrived. 

Iker looked down at his son and shook his head, he had noticed that Adriana had been a little off since they had arrived in Crete; he wanted nothing more than for her to relax as well. 

Iker whispered softly to Martin, he wasn't sure what was going on anymore but he hoped that things were going to be okay; he didn't want to think that there might be something wrong with his fiancée and that was why she was pulling away from him. 

Martin smiled up at his father as Iker held him close, his little legs kicking out as Iker adjusted the little white hat on his head that was protecting him from the sun.


Adriana took a deep breath as she stared at herself in the mirror, her fingers gently smoothing over her flat stomach and shaking her head; she still hadn't quite gotten back to her post-baby body and it scared her. 

Adriana knew that she was being silly and that Iker didn't care what she looked like, however she didn't feel attractive and she worried that he would find her a little disgusting.

Adriana sniffled and shook her head, she had picked out a navy blue halter bikini top and bikini briefs to wear and yet she still didn't feel right; she wanted to get over this, she had no idea what to do and she wanted to move on from her silly insecurities. 

Adriana took a deep breath and moved to pull on her navy blue beach jersey cover up dress her body, she had to get down to the beach before Iker came looking for her; she didn't want him seeing her while she was upset, he would only fuss over her. 

Adriana smoothed out her dress and tried to calm herself down, she wouldn't be taking the dress off since she would be too assumed and the last thing that she wanted was the press getting a picture of her like that. 

Adriana didn't want to think about the headlines that could be printed about her, she would only cry again and she didn't want to keep Iker waiting longer than needed; she moved to slip on her blue flip-flops so that she could walk down to the beach. 

Adriana made sure that she had everything before she left the villa, she had enjoyed the first few days of their holiday and it had been nice to be away from the stress of what was going on right now. 

Adriana shouldered her beach bag and walked out of the villa, she took a slow walk down to the beach and hoped that Iker wouldn't ask too many questions.

"There you are amor. I thought you'd forgotten about us," Iker called walking away from the water and towards Adriana, he smiled at her softly glad that she was there; he had been a little worried that she hadn't shown up. 

Iker eyed Adriana, he could see that something was wrong and he frowned wondering what was wrong; he watched Adriana had she sat down on the sand, he hated that she was being so quiet. 

"Is everything okay amor?" Iker asked moving to settle Martin out of the sun, he had coated his son in sunscreen before he had come out but he didn't want to risk it too much. 

Adriana blinked looking at Iker, she hadn't expected him to notice and she hoped that he would let this go; she didn't want to ruin things for Iker when she was fine. 

"It's nothing," Adriana replied shaking her head and moving to fuss over Martin, she wanted to focus on her son and not her own problems; she was sure that they wouldn't last.

Iker stared at Adriana, he didn't believe her for a moment and he sighed shaking his head knowing that he would bring it up later when they had the chance alone when Martin was asleep. 

"Okay... aren't you going to take the dress off?" Iker asked eyeing the dress that she was wearing, it was a lovely day and he was sure that she was hot with it on; he watched Adriana confused as she stiffened. 

Adriana closed her eyes, she had been hoping that he would be a little too distracted with Martin to notice that she was going to keep the dress on; she was a little disappointed that he had noticed. 

"No I'm fine with it on," Adriana replied looking to Iker and forcing a smile, she didn't want him thinking that anything was wrong or how much she hated the bit of baby fat that she still carried. 

Iker stared at his fiancée wondering what was going on, he didn't believe her for a moment and he was sure whatever was wrong was the reason that she seemed so upset right now. 

"Adi... it's really hot," Iker murmured sitting down next to her, he didn't want her getting heat-stroke and he was sure that whatever swimwear that she was wearing was fine.

Adriana opened her mouth to reply, she didn't want Iker to fuss over her or for them to fight since they were meant to be enjoying the very beautiful day; she wanted nothing more than to forget about it. 

Iker watched his fiancée, he could see that something was upsetting her and he wanted nothing more than to help her; he felt his stomach clench at the thought something had happened. 

"Adi talk to me," Iker whispered reaching for her, he wanted to comfort her and he had no idea what could be playing on her mind; they had been fine before they had come on holiday. 

Adriana sniffled feeling herself getting emotional again, she couldn't believe that it was all building up like this; she swallowed feeling a lump forming in her throat, she was being so silly but she couldn't help the fact that she felt flumpy and fat. 

"I can't do this," Adriana whispered shaking her head, she got to her feet not allowing Iker to stop her before she hurried away back to the villa; she wanted to get away before she ruined things. 

Iker watched Adriana hurry away and sighed, he looked at Martin and shook his head; he wasn't going to let this go and he hoped that she wouldn't push him away later on. 

Iker carefully reached for Martin and picked his son up, he would give Adriana some time to calm down before he spoke with her; he didn't want to upset his fiancée even more. 

"Let's go and get some lunch," Iker said to his son, he held him close and made sure to collect up their things before he started back towards the villa; he wasn't going to let this thing with Adriana go.

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