Chapter Five: Heading to Brazil

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"I can't believe you're going to Brazil," Marco Vitaz muttered annoyed as he looked over at his fiancée as she finished packing for the trip, he wasn't happy that she was jetting off for a few weeks and he wouldn't see her.

Adriana sighed looking at him, she knew that he wasn't pleased with her decision not only to be a surrogate for Iker but to travel to watch their national team play in the world cup.

"Can't you stay here," Marco whined moving to wrap his arms around her waist and stop her from packing, he didn't like the idea of her going to Brazil with a bunch of men; he was very aware of how beautiful Adriana was and he didn't trust her around a group of footballers.

Adriana shook her head, she was actually excited about spending a few weeks in Brazil relaxing; she still didn't know if the insemination had taken hold and Marco was annoyed that she was going through with this.

"I can't Xavi and Iker are expecting me to be there," Adriana replied with a shake of her head, she was sure that this last trip away from Marco; they would be getting married and he would be around her all the time again.

Marco was the man that Adriana had chosen to marry and she was excited about spending the rest of her life with him; she wanted nothing more than to be Adriana Vitaz.

"You can still cancel," Marco pleaded knowing that he wanted his fiancée to stay with him, he was sort of hoping that the insemination hadn't set in; he didn't want Adriana moving to Madrid for nine months and leaving him alone in Barcelona.

Adriana rolled her eyes and moved to kiss Marco, she wished sometimes that he wasn't so overprotective of her; she wasn't going to cheat on him and it wasn't like it was a permanent move away from him.

"I'll call every day," Adriana promised as she finished packing, she was going to Brazil and she couldn't pass this chance up to watch Spain play in the world cup.


"I don't think I've ever seen you so happy," Xavi teased watching Iker as they stood with the rest of the team waiting for their flight to be called; he was so happy about the fact that Iker had invited Adriana to Brazil.

Iker raised an eyebrow at Xavi as he looked up from his iPad, he didn't know what Xavi was talking about; he had been a little more cheerful in the week since Adriana had been inseminated but that was about it.

Iker was excited and he wanted nothing more than to find out if she was carrying his baby, he wanted nothing more than to become a father and Adriana was making that happen.

It would be another few weeks before Iker would know for sure if their first round of insemination had worked, he was willing to do this as many times as possible until he had what he wanted.

"Have you spoken to Adi recently?" Xavi asked knowing that his cousin had gone back to Barcelona after the insemination, he prayed that Marco hadn't talked Adriana out of coming to Brazil for a few weeks.

Xavi wasn't sure what it was about Marco but he didn't like the other man and he never would, he didn't feel like Marco was good enough for his cousin and he wanted Adriana to see that the way he sometimes treated her wasn't right.

Iker nodded his head, he was a little embarrassed about the fact that he had talked to Adriana every day since he had last seen her; he wanted to talk to the woman that was giving him the chance of being a father.

"I have," Iker replied knowing that Xavi wasn't going to let this go, he was starting to get the feeling that his best friend was a little more invested in all of this than he seemed.

Xavi grinned, he liked the idea of his best friend ended up with his cousin; Iker was a lot better than the man she was currently dating with.

Iker shook his head and turned back to his iPad, he wasn't sure what Xavi had planned and he wasn't interested as long as it didn't mess with his own plans; he wanted to be a father and that's all he had ever wanted.

"Adi," Xavi called spotting his cousin walking into the airport, he was pleased that he had been able to get her onto the team flight; he had wanted her close since there was a chance that she was pregnant.

Iker perked up immediately as he spun around to look at Adriana walking towards the team, he hadn't known that she was flying out with them and he wondered how Xavi had pulled that off with the team.

"Hola," Adriana greeted with a smile, she was knowing that she had arrived early most of the team had yet to arrive yet; she hadn't wanted to attract more attention to herself than needed.

Iker smiled getting to his feet, he was glad that she was coming to Brazil with the team even if he was just glad to have her close to them this early in the pregnancy.

"It's good to see you again Iker," Adriana said moving to hug the footballer, she had found herself growing fond of their talks over the phone and she hoped that this was going to be okay; she knew what would happen when she had the baby, she would have to step back and let Iker take them.

Xavi smiled watching Iker and Adriana hug one another, he wished that they could see how perfect they were for one another; he had suggested Adriana as Iker's surrogate for a reason and he hoped the two of them saw that before it was too late.

"How are you?" Iker asked knowing that while it had only a week since they had inseminated her, he was hoping that they would find out soon if she was carrying his baby.


"You like her," Sergio Ramos teased looking at Iker, he leant back in his chair and looked down the aisle of the plane at the brunette that was chatting happily with a couple of the other footballers.

Iker had been watching Adriana since their flight took off, he hadn't been able to take his eyes off her and there was no denying that she was a very beautiful woman.

Iker turned to look at Sergio, he wasn't the first person to say that to him and he doubted that this was going to be the last; he shook his head knowing that what he had with Adriana was just a business deal.

Iker was very aware that Adriana was getting married after she had given birth to his child, he knew that he wanted her to be happy and he wasn't going to mess with her relationship.

"Anyone can see it," Sergio continued wanting nothing more than to see Iker happy, he knew that things hadn't ended well between his friend and Sara but that didn't mean that he couldn't have his own happy ending.

Iker was going to become a father in roughly nine months and he was going to be spending a lot of time with the brunette; he would find himself growing to attach to the woman that was carrying his baby.

"For what it's worth... I hear the fiancé is Pendejo," Sergio mused smiling, he had heard a lot from Gerard Piqué about the man that Adriana was going to marry and none of it was impressive.

Iker stared at Sergio for a moment before he shook his head, he wasn't going to get involved and he knew that Adriana was getting married and if she was happy who was he to judge her happiness.

Sergio smirked, he doubted that it would be long before Iker realised that he was going to get very attached to Adriana and he might not be able to let her go.

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