Chapter Twenty-Eight: The Baby Shower

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Adriana raised an eyebrow as she watched Jenny rushed around the house getting everything ready for the baby shower; she had been at it all morning and refused to let her friend help her in anyway.

Adriana was thirty-seven weeks pregnant and Jenny didn't want her over doing it, things were in hand and she was determined to make things as easy on her friend as possible since she didn't want to stress Adriana out.

"Are you sure you don't need any help?" Adriana asked brushing some hair from her face, she might have been heavily pregnant and considered full term now but she was capable of doing things.

Adriana rested a hand on her bump, she couldn't wait for Martin to arrive and she adored the fact that they had a name now and she couldn't believe that she could actually give birth at any time now.

"It's fine really, that's what Iker is for," Jenny reassured smiling at Adriana, she was nearly done and Iker was more than enough help for her; she was pleased with how everything looked.

Jenny had invited quite a lot of people to the baby shower and she was glad that she hadn't missed anyone out; she was sure that she was forgetting something but she couldn't think what it was.

"If you are sure," Adriana mumbled tired of being forced to sit around and do nothing, apart from the occasion twinges and the baby kicking everything was fine.

Jenny nodded her head and moved off to check on the food, she wanted to make sure that everything was ready for when the guests started to arrive in an hour.

Adriana watched her friend leave before she sighed, she couldn't believe that it was the end of February already; she was surprised how fast time had flown since she had started dating Iker. 


"I can't believe that he's nearly here," Kate gushed giving Adriana a hug, she was so excited that at any time now baby Casillas could be born and she knew that Adriana and Iker would be wonderful parents.

Adriana hugged Kate back as best as she could, her bump getting in the way a little; she felt huge now even if Iker reassured her at times that she wasn't fat at all and still as beautiful as ever.

"Neither can I," Adriana admitted unable to believe that she would actually get to keep this one, Iker had cancelled and destroyed all the copies of their agreement and she couldn't have been happier with how everything had worked out.

Adriana never thought for a moment that she would ever get to experience this and she was so happy with the decision that she had made; Marco had never made her feel the way that Iker had done.

"Have you heard back about the court case?" Kate asked knowing that Marco had been in court that week because of the damage that he had caused to Adriana's boutique; she was hoping her friend had gotten some good news.

Adriana nodded her head, she hadn't been able to fly back to Barcelona for the case but Leila had kept her informed about what was going on; she was heavily pregnant and the last thing anyone wanted was her getting stressed out.

"He won't be going to prison but he will have to pay back the damages and the judge is considering Iker's request for a restraining order," Adriana revealed glad that the entire thing was over, she didn't want to think about her jealous ex-fiancé after what he had done.

Marco had moved on from her with his new girlfriend, Tamsin Coca, than Adriana who had only been with Iker for five months; she didn't see why he was so angry about all of a sudden.

"That's good news," Kate murmured glad that Adriana didn't have to put up with Marco anymore, she didn't trust him and the sooner the restraining order went through the better; she didn't want him coming after Adriana or the baby.

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