Chapter Three: The Agreement

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Iker took a deep breath as he waited for Adriana to arrive, he was meeting her so that they could discuss the chance of her carrying his child for him; he was nervous since he didn't know what to do if she said no. 

Iker's head snapped up as the door opened to the café, a smile formed on his face when he saw the brunette that was going to help him achieve his dream; he had no idea how to thank her if she said yes. 

"Hola Iker," Adriana Hernandez greeted with a smile on her face, it was a beautiful day and she was curious about what had made the footballer seek out her services. 

Xavi hadn't been able to tell her much and Adriana knew that Iker was now a single man, she had no idea what had happened but she hoped that it wasn't something serious. 

"Adi... you look beautiful as always," Iker said jumping to his feet and hugging her, he held her close for a moment before allowing her to sit down; he couldn't believe that this was the same Adriana that he had meet a few years ago. 

Adriana sat down and set her pastel yellow charm tote bag between her feet, she looked at Iker as he also sat down and wondered what he wanted; she had never thought he'd go for something like this. 

"Xavi says you're looking for a surrogate," Adriana mused crossing her arms and leaning against the table, her blue eyes watching the man across from her; she had always thought Iker would settle down and get married first before he wanted children. 

Iker nodded his head with a smile, he wanted this more than anything and he hoped that she would help him; he eyed the brunette knowing that a baby made between them would be beautiful. 

"I want a baby and I would love for you to help me Adi," Iker murmured nervous that she would turn him away, he didn't have any other options and all the others just didn't seem right to him.

Adriana only nodded her head, she was a little unsure if she could say yes to Iker since she'd once had a massive crush on him; she was engaged now but she didn't want to mess with something like that. 

"Por favor Adi..." Iker whispered seeing the uncertainty in her eyes, he hated that she could turn him away when he was so desperate; he wanted to be a father and she could be the one to help him. 

Adriana chewed on her lip, she would treat him like any other client that she helped and she hoped that he knew what to expect; there was going to be a lot of paperwork. 

"You'd want me to move here for the nine months?" Adriana asked to be certain, she doubted that Marco would be pleased about what she was doing but it was going to be her last job before they got married next year something that made her sad. 

Iker nodded his head, he would want to experience every part of her pregnancy and he couldn't do that if she was in Barcelona with her fiancé; he would do anything to have her close to him. 

"You'd want me to sign over my rights?" Adriana checked, she hated that part but the baby that she would be carrying was never going to be hers; she would hand the child over and Iker would be the only parent that it would ever know. 

Iker nodded, he wasn't too eager on that part but Adriana was going to be the surrogate and he didn't want to saddle her with trouble when she was giving him what he wanted. 

"The baby would never see me again," Adriana murmured making sure that Iker understood how this would work, she wouldn't be able to come running if the baby needed her for anything; it would be Iker's responsibility not hers. 

Iker closed his eyes and nodded along, he would be the only parent the baby would know until he got married; something that made him a little nervous.

"Iker are you sure this is what you want?" Adriana asked gently, she wanted him to be sure about what he was going to do; she didn't mind biologically giving him a child, she had done it before for a gay couple but this was all so weird for her. 

Iker nodded his head, he wanted this more than anything and he wasn't going to change his mind no matter how hard it got; he was already organising everything so he could raise a child on his own with little help. 

"I'm more than sure," Iker replied smiling at Adriana, he couldn't let her think that he didn't know what he was doing; it was going to take a lot of work but this was what he wanted. 

Adriana sighed and looked away from Iker, her reflection looking back at her wondering if she was doing the right thing; she had a good feeling about Iker like she did with all her former families but she wasn't so sure. 

"Por favor Adi... I've never wanted anything more than I want this," Iker whispered reaching across the table and taking her hand, she was a beautiful woman and he knew that her fiancé was a very lucky man to have someone like her. 

Adriana's choice to wear a yellow cami top and skinny jeans paired with nude flat ballerina pumps reminded Iker so much of the woman that he'd once had a crush on; he doubted that she knew that he'd ever liked her before he had started going out with Sara. 

"Okay," Adriana whispered back with a nod of her head, she smiled sure that everything would be fine; the baby would be going to a good home and Iker would be the perfect father to it. 

Iker stared at Adriana for a moment before he realised that she has agreed to have his child for him; he blinked allowing the words to settle in unsure if she was messing with him. 

"You're going to do it," Iker said wanting to be sure that he had this right, a smile formed on his face at the thought that his one dream was going to come true and nothing would stop it.

"I am," Adriana replied smiling back at Iker, he looked so happy and she hoped she'd done the right thing; there was still work to do and she'd have to speak with her lawyer about having the papers drawn up. 

Iker couldn't stop himself, he jumped out of his seat and rounded the table to pull Adriana into a hug; tears filled his eyes knowing that in maybe nine months he would have a child. 

"Gracias," Iker breathed as he buried his head into Adriana's neck and held her close, he didn't know what else to say to the woman that was helping him achieve his dream. 

Iker wasn't stupid and it could take time for Adriana to fall pregnant but it meant that he could finally start planning for the child that she was going to give him. 

"Don't get too excited... there's still work to be done," Adriana murmured smiling at Iker, they would have a lot of paperwork to organise and things would have to be sorted out for her stay in Madrid. 

Adriana had no idea how Marco would take the news that she wouldn't be in Barcelona for a few months; she would have to organise their wedding from Madrid and she hoped he wouldn't be to upset. 

Her fiancé was a massive Barcelona supporter and hated Real Madrid that he wasn't going to take the news that Adriana was helping their captain have a child. 

Iker nodded his head and took a deep breath, he couldn't believe that he was going to have a child with Adriana; it was going to be crazy for the next few months. 

"When will we be able to try?" Iker asked nervously, he wasn't going to conceive the child in a natural way and it would be produce using insemination; he didn't care how much it cost as long as Adriana and the baby had the best treatment possible. 

"In a couple of weeks," Adriana replied wanting to enjoy the fact that this was going to be her last surrogacy, she would hand Iker his baby in about nine months and then focus on her life with Marco back in Barcelona. 

Adriana could only hope that everything would run that smoothly, she didn't want any trouble.

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