Chapter Forty-Four: Missing Home

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Iker took a deep breath as he ran his fingers through his hair, he looked at his son and he had no idea how they were going to deal with everything when their second child; he just hoped that they were both ready for that. 

The couple had recently found out that they were going to be having a little girl and Iker couldn't have been happier with the news, he was trying to get everything sorted but things were tense with them slowly preparing for Christmas. 

Iker took a deep breath, they were less than two weeks away from the holidays and he couldn't believe how quickly it was coming around; he wanted everything to be perfect since it was going to be Martin's first Christmas. 

"You look tired," Adriana murmured leaning against the doorway and watched Iker, she was worried about him and she knew that things were going to be crazy right now. 

Adriana wished that there was something that she could do to help him, she didn't want Iker shouldering everything and she knew that he was working so hard to make sure that everything was in place for their first Christmas as a family. 

"I am fine amor," Iker replied trying to reassure her, he didn't want Adriana to worry when she was pregnant; she was twenty-two weeks along now and he couldn't have been happier about the bump that she was carrying. 

Iker had noticed a rise in the number of paparazzi that followed his family around and he wasn't pleased that they were getting so close to Adriana and Martin; he couldn't imagine what he would do if something happened and he wasn't there. 

Sergio had told him about how badly the press had been following Kate and their son since their wedding; he was doing everything that he could to try and calm things down but it wasn't working now that they knew Sergio and Kate were expecting their second child. 

Adriana stared at Iker not completely believing him, she had no idea what was going through his mind and she wished that he wouldn't clamp up like this.

"Iker," Adriana murmured, they had been married now for nearly two months and she had no idea what she could say to him; she wished that things could have stayed in the honeymoon phase but it wasn't meant to last. 

Iker picked Martin up and set him on his knee, he whispered softly to his son knowing that he was going to have to talk to his wife sooner or later about what was bothering him. 

Adriana sighed and pressed a kiss to the top of Iker's head, she had a feeling that she knew what was playing on his mind and she didn't blame him; things had been good for them in Porto but it felt so strange that it was their home now. 

Iker watched Adriana walk out of the living room, he knew that he was being stupid but this wasn't how he hand imagined this all working out for them; he had always imagined them staying in Madrid and raising their children there. 

Iker smiled down at Martin, their apartment was meant to be only temporary and Iker had no idea what would happen when his time at Porto came to an end; he would like to return home and focus on getting his coaching certificates. 

"Papa is being silly," Iker murmured shaking his head, he cuddled Martin and he knew that he only wanted the best for his son and unborn daughter. 

Iker wanted them to settle down and things were crazy right now, he couldn't imagine what was going to happen when his daughter was born plus he had another wedding to look forward to. 

Martin babbled making Iker sigh, he kissed his son's chummy cheeks and he hoped that when the time was right that he would be able to move them all back to Madrid again.-


"You miss Madrid," Adriana guessed watching Iker, she padded over to her husband and she hoped that they would be able to move passed this; she didn't know what they could do when it came to missing home. 

Iker was tied to Porto for the next two years of his career and Adriana doubted that Real Madrid would take him back even after failing to sign David de Gea to replace him; she was still angry about how they had treated her husband in the end. 

Adriana wrapped her arms around Iker and kissed his cheek, she hated what had happened to him and she knew he would always hold Real Madrid close to his heart; even if he wasn't entirely fond of Florentino Pérez after what had happened to Iker. 

"Do you miss Barcelona?" Iker asked softly brushing his fingers through her hair, Barcelona had been her home long before he had come into her life and now she lived so far away and would never really go back there. 

Adriana shook her head, she didn't really think about the city that she had been born in and she knew that she felt more at home now than she ever had there; she didn't care where they lived, wherever Iker lived was her home now. 

"I have you and Martin... that is all I need," Adriana replied kissing Iker, she knew that this hadn't been easy on him but she knew that they would return to their home in Madrid one day and that was just fine with her. 

Iker held Adriana close, he had no idea what was going to happen but he was glad that he had her by his side; he doubted that he would have been able to do any of this without her. 

Soon they would have another baby and Iker was looking forward to the moment where he held their baby daughter in his arms; he adored moments like this and he knew that they would be fine. 

"It'll be okay," Adriana murmured holding Iker close, she wanted to ease his mind and she knew that they had a big year ahead of them and she couldn't wait.


Carolina stared at the latest pictures of her daughter, she swallowed wishing that she had some way to contact Adriana but no one would tell her anything; she hated that their stupid fight seemed to be dragging on. 

Adriana looked amazing and it was clear that Portugal was doing wonders for her, the bump that she carried made Carolina wonder if she would even get to meet this grandchild. 

The only pictures that Carolina had of her grandson were those that appeared in the papers, Martin was getting so big now and she couldn't believe that he was ten months old; it only seemed like yesterday that he was being brought home. 

Carolina sighed eyeing the magazine carefully, there was something different about Adriana and she couldn't put her finger on it; she wished that she hadn't been shut out of her daughter's life. 

Gerard sighed watching his wife, he had no idea why she would constantly do this to herself when it was clear that Adriana didn't want anything to do with them; he was angry that Adriana was being so cruel and he had no idea why she was doing this to them. 

"You need to stop this," Gerard murmured watching his wife, he didn't know why she continued to watch the papers when it was clear that their daughter wasn't going to change her mind. 

Carolina ignored Gerard and continued to look through the papers, she wished that she could be there and spend time with her daughter's family; she wanted to make amends for what had happened. 

"This is all your fault," Carolina whispered shaking her head, she glared at Gerard knowing that they were missing out because they had been too stubborn to realise how happy their daughter was with Iker. 

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