Chapter Seven: Having Lunch Together

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Iker pulled off his sunglasses as he sat down across from Adriana, he was glad to get away from his annoying team-mates and he hoped that he would be able to relax before the opening match against the Netherlands.

Adriana brushed some hair from her face and looked at Iker, she was a little surprised that he had found this place and she guessed that he had done some research before they left the hotel.

"You look good," Iker murmured offering Adriana a nervous smile, he knew that things couldn't be awkward between them with a baby due in nine months; he still had no idea if the insemination had taken hold or not.

Adriana laughed softly and smiled at Iker, she didn't know why he was being so awkward but she guessed her dear cousin Xavi had said something to him; she was aware about how her cousin felt about Marco.

"Gracias," Adriana replied resting her arms on the table, her blue eyes watching Iker curious at what was going through his mind right now; she could only imagine how much pressure he was under right now.

The two were silent for a moment before Adriana moved to look through the menu, her stomach grumbled making Iker chuckle at the sound; he was surprised that she was so hungry with all the snacking she'd done on the plane.

"I could murder the beef burger with chips," Adriana said knowing that she had missed eating things like that, Marco's mother kept telling her that she needed to lose weight to fit into her wedding dress.

Iker nodded his head, he was glad to see that she wasn't trying to cut back on her food too much; she was a very beautiful woman and she didn't need to diet, she would look even better when she had a bump that carried his child.

Adriana chewed on her lip, she was sure that things would be okay while she was here in Brazil; she didn't have to listen to Marco's mother's constant complaints about the wedding plans.


"When do you think we will find out?" Iker asked sipping on his ice tea, he was curious about how long it would take for them to find out if Adriana was pregnant; he knew that they had a limited about of time before they had to stop.

Adriana was due to marry Marco in May the following year and Iker doubted that the doctor would be pleased with the idea of Adriana being pregnant on their wedding day.

"In a couple of weeks," Adriana replied smiling at Iker, they had only had the insemination the week before and she knew that it would take another two to three weeks before things even started to happen inside of her body.

Iker nodded his head, he watched Adriana knowing that this was going to be strange and he hoped that by the end of it that he would be able to let her go again; she had a life and they had already agreed on what would happen.

"You must be excited," Adriana mused looking at Iker, she could only imagine how prepared Iker was to have a child of his own; she was surprised that he hadn't wanted to find someone to settle down with and start a family that way.

"Why are you doing this?" Adriana asked curiously, she knew how much Iker wanted to come a father and that was it; she never could imagine why he didn't want to get married and settle down as well.

Iker didn't seem like the man who would do anything in halves, Adriana hoped that he was making the right decision since she hated to think of anything happening to the baby.

Iker paused and looked at Adriana, he had told her how much he wanted to be a father and that was why he had hired her to carry his baby for him; he wasn't going to change his mind when he was so close to getting what he had always wanted.

"You know why," Iker murmured with a shake of his head, things with Sara had shown him that he was best taken action himself than waiting around for the right person to come into his life.

Adriana raised an eyebrow at Iker, she wasn't going to let this go and wondered how bad things had been with Sara and Iker had broken up; she had heard quite a bit about it from Xavi and a few others.

"I'm tired of waiting for something that might never happen," Iker replied shaking his head, he wanted to be a father more than anything in his life; he had done so many things and yet this was the one thing that seemed to escape him.

Adriana was silent, she knew what it was like to lose hope in what you wanted but she had finally found what she had been looking for in Marco and she couldn't have been happier.

"Are you sure you'll be able to cope alone?" Adriana asked concerned, once she handed the baby over to Iker then she would never see them again a fact that was starting to worry her slightly.

Adriana had never had this problem before and had always been happy to hand the baby right over to the parents and never look back but this time she feared that she wouldn't be able to do it.

"I'll have to," Iker replied offering Adriana a weak smile, their paperwork stated that Iker couldn't contact her for anything once she handed their baby over; he couldn't even send her updates on how things were going or pictures to show their baby off.

Xavi wasn't making this easier on Iker and he knew that he was going to get attached to Adriana but she was going to marry Marco and that was the end of it; she had a life that she would have to go back to and he couldn't take that from her.


"Gracias for lunch," Adriana said stopping outside of her hotel room, she turned back to Iker and smiled at him as she unlocked her door; she was grateful that she had left her air-con on before she had left.

Iker just nodded his head, their lunch had given him a lot to think about and he knew that Xavi was right; he was going to have a very hard time in letting Adriana go when this was all said and done.

Adriana bit her lip for a moment before she moved to kiss Iker on the cheek, she smiled at him then turned and walked into her hotel room for the evening wanting to get some sleep.

Iker watched her go, his stomach turned at the idea that he was going to lose her at the end of this; he quickly squashed that feeling down knowing that he couldn't let that get to him.

Adriana wasn't his and never would be, she belonged to Marco and no matter what anyone else said Iker wasn't going to change that; he would always have a part of her in the form of their baby anyway.

Iker doubted that anyone would be able to take that away from him, he sighed and started to walk back to his hotel room wanting to rest; he doubted that Xavi or anyone else would bother him for a while.

Iker ran his fingers through his hair as he thought about the child that Adriana would give him, he prayed to anyone that would listen that the child carried some part of their mother; her blue eyes or her chocolate brown hair would be perfect.

Iker let himself into his hotel room and groaned at the sight of a grinning Xavi waiting for him, he didn't know why he had expected anything less from the other man who seemed to love annoying him.

"Did you have a nice lunch with Adi?" Xavi asked smirking at Iker, he wasn't going to let this go when his friend could be the best thing that had ever happened to his cousin.

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