Chapter Twenty-Seven: Gentle Pushes

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"I've been thinking," Jenny announced plopping down on the couch across from Adriana and smiling a little, she knew that it wasn't long until Adriana would give birth; she was looking forward to having someone to fuss over.

Iker raised an eyebrow as he looked up from his book and over at his assistant, he had no idea where she was going with this but he hoped it wasn't someone else going to talk about marriage for them.

Iker wasn't going to rush things with Adriana, he did want to get married to her especially since it would make things even better but he didn't want to scare Adriana off; they had only been together for four months.

"We should throw you a baby shower," Jenny continued with a big smile on her face, she had no idea what was going to happen but she didn't see the harm in throwing a baby shower.

Adriana smiled at her friend, she was a little surprised that Jenny was offering to throw one for her; she had never been to a baby shower when she had been pregnant but this would be a first for her.

Iker groaned spotting the look on Jenny's face, he had a feeling that she had already started to organise the party; he closed his book completely and shook his head.

"Come on Iker please," Jenny pouted watching Iker with big eyes, she wanted nothing more than to throw this party plus it would be a good way to give the couple a bit of a push.

Jenny was also in on the bet that was going round, she had Iker to propose before Valentine's Day and she was hoping that it would happen; the current pot stood at €12,000 and was going up every day.

Iker grumbled shaking his head before getting to his feet, he wasn't going to fall for it but there was nothing that he could do if Adriana wanted this to go ahead; he wanted her to be happy and he knew his mother would love it.

Jenny watched Iker leave before she turned her attention to Adriana, she knew that if she couldn't get her boss to agree than her best friend would be the one to agree to have the small baby shower.

"Come on Adi it will be fun," Jenny pleaded pouting, she moved closer to her friend knowing that in only a matter of weeks baby Casillas Hernandez was going to come into the world.

Adriana and Iker hadn't come up with a name for their son yet, they hadn't been able to agree on a name that they both liked but they still had a few more weeks before things had to be sorted.

"Fine," Adriana agreed nodding her head, she was a little excited about the idea and she was sure that Jenny wasn't going to go over the top; she brushed some hair from her face and smiled at her friend who squealed with excitement and moved to hug her.

Jenny grinned knowing that she would make this perfect, she already had the guest list nailed down and she was sure that Kate would help her out with some details; she wanted to make this perfect for Adriana especially since she could finally enjoy one of her soon.

"I have to go and call some people," Jenny announced before she rushed out of the room leaving Adriana alone, she was already thinking of the games that she could set up and she wasn't sure how much more they could do now that the couple had agreed.

"You do know we'll regret throwing that party," Iker teased walking into the living room, he wasn't sure what it was but he knew that Jenny would make the baby shower about something else.

Iker wasn't stupid and he worried that if everyone started to push about them getting married, he wanted them to do things when they were ready and he feared that people might try to convince them about marriage before they were both ready for that step.


Adriana chewed on her lip as she flipped through the baby name book and tried to find a name that she liked, she hated that she couldn't settle on a name for her son; she wanted the perfect name for him.

Iker was being so wonderful about the fact that she was being picky, he knew how much this meant to her and he was willing to be patient; he wanted the right name as much as she did for the little boy.

"How about Victor?" Iker mused looking up from his place, her feet were draped over his lap and he was just happy that they were relaxing while they had the chance.

Jenny had long since left announcing that the baby shower would take place the end of February; she wanted time to put everything together and she was going to make it perfect for them.

Adriana shook her head, she didn't want a name that could be somehow linked to someone that they knew the press would have a field day over the choice anyway.

"Hector?" Iker continued on listing the names, he wasn't going to give up and he was sure that they would find a name that they both liked for their son.

Adriana wrinkled her nose, she hated that this was so hard and she wanted nothing more than to find a name that she liked that Iker would like; she groaned resting her head back on the pillow hating all of this.

"It's fine," Iker reassured rubbing her foot with one of his free hands, he wasn't going to give up and they wanted nothing more than a good name; Adriana was thirty-three weeks pregnant and they had time to find a baby name yet.

Adriana looked at Iker, she didn't know how she had gotten so lucky and she hoped that things stayed that way, she had no idea what she would have ever done if he hadn't come into her life like he had.

"I'm sorry," Adriana murmured making Iker look at her, she knew that he didn't need to put up with this; she was sure that he had better things to do than listen to her complaints.

Iker sighed gently leaning over to kiss his girlfriend, she had nothing to be sorry for but he knew that this wasn't easy; they would find the right name soon.

"You have nothing to be sorry for," Iker replied with a shake of his head, he turned his attention back to the baby name book; his hand brushing gently up and down Adriana's foot making her smile a little.

Adriana watched Iker as he flipped through the book, she couldn't help but wonder what their son would look like; she was sure he would look so much like his papa.

"Did you have a name picked out before all of this?" Adriana asked curiously, she knew Iker had planned out so much when he had come to her as a surrogate but it seemed all cancelled out now that they had gotten together.

Iker stopped completely before he looked at his girlfriend, he wasn't sure why Adriana was asking since he doubted that she would like it at all; he watched her for a moment wondering where she was going with this.

"Martin," Iker whispered smiling at the name that he had originally picked out for the baby, he had no idea what she would think of it; he had picked it out long before she had ever come into the picture and he wasn't sure about it now.

Adriana smiled at Iker as she thought about the name, she had to admit that she liked it and she wondered why he hadn't brought it up sooner; she wanted them both to be happy.

"What?" Iker asked spotting the look on his girlfriend's face, he had no idea what had caused that smile; it made him a little nervous about revealing the name he had originally picked out for their baby.

"Martin Casillas Hernandez," Adriana murmured leaning forward and kissing Iker, she really loved the name and it was the first one that felt right for their baby; she felt like a weight had been lifted at hearing the name from Iker.

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