Chapter Forty-Five: The In-Laws Arrive

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"It's great to see you again Carmen," Adriana said with a smile as she greeted her mother-in-law, she doubted that the older woman was going to be pleased when she found out that Iker had gotten married and not invited her. 

It had been agreed that Iker's parents would come and spend the holidays with them in Portugal since they hadn't been able to travel back to Madrid; they all wanted to be there as Martin celebrated his first Christmas. 

Carmen smiled hugging Adriana, she was so happy that her son had invited her and José Luis out for the holidays; she couldn't believe that it had been four months since she had really seen her son and grandson. 

"You look amazing," Carmen gushed admiring the bump that Adriana carried, she was so excited at the news that she was going to have a granddaughter to spoil in April.

The last thing that Carmen and José Luis had ever expected to happen was for things to get so serious between Iker and Adriana; they were so happy that Iker had realised how he felt about Adriana. 

"Gracias," Adriana replied smiling, she couldn't believe how quickly her pregnancy seemed to be going this time and she was a little relieved that things were so calm right now. 

Helping his father carry the suitcases in, Iker smiled looking at his wife and mother and he hoped that his parents would take the news that they were married well. 

Iker wanted to tell his parents face to face hoping to ease the blow that they had missed him getting married; the couple were still going to have a big wedding next summer but Iker knew that they could now focus on the fact that they were going to have another baby. 

"This place is a little small," Carmen murmured looking around, it had been fine when the couple had moved and they just had Martin but it was going to be a little cramped when the new baby arrived. 

The three bedroom apartment was beautiful but Carmen had no idea how the couple were going to manage with two children under two in a couple of months.

"It's fine madre," Iker reassured knowing that his contract with Porto only lasted a couple more years and he knew that he didn't want to uproot his family just yet after they had just moved into the apartment a couple of months ago. 

Carmen only nodded her head, she was sure that they would find a better place to live when the time was right; she hated that her son lived in Portugal now and wished he could have stayed. 

"I'll show you to your room," Iker insisted hoping to keep things as calm as possible for a while, he didn't want to fight with his parents and he knew that things were going to get complicated when they found out that he had gotten married. 

Adriana smiled before moving to check on Martin, it was his nap time and she didn't want him getting disturbed by the sound of his grandparents arriving; she padded into the nursery knowing that in a few months he was going to have to share this room with his sister.

Watching her son sleep, Adriana prayed that Carmen and José Luis weren't going to be too angry that they had gotten married; she didn't want to think of losing more family since she didn't speak with her own parents anymore. 

Xavi had told Adriana that her mother had been asking about her, he had warned her to be careful since he didn't completely trust the fact that Carolina was suddenly so interested in being a part of her life. 

Resting a hand on her bump, Adriana knew that her cousin was right and she wasn't interested in speaking to her parents after how they had acted when Martin had been born.


"Adriana and I have some news we would like to share," Iker announced looking across the table at his parents, he took Adriana's hand and knew that this was the best chance he had of breaking the news to him. 

It wasn't going to be easy to tell his parents that they had eloped, Iker doubted that they would take the news well but he wanted them to be the first to know that he had married the love of his life. 

José Luis stared at his eldest son, he had noticed that there was something different about the couple and he hoped that there wasn't bad news; he had been so sure that Adriana was the one that Iker would settle down with. 

"Adi and I... we got married in October," Iker revealed as carefully as he could, he watched his parents and couldn't imagine what was going through their minds right now. 

Iker had thought about how he would feel if he missed Martin get married and he hoped that he never would but he did know that he would understand if his son thought it was for the best. 

"You did what?" Carmen whispered horrified at the news that she had missed her eldest son getting married, tears filled her eyes and it felt like a horrible slap to the face. 

The room was completely silent and dinner was nearly completely forgotten as the news that Iker and Adriana had eloped sunk in; no one dared saying anything for a moment not wanting to make the news worse. 

"We're still going to have the big wedding in the summer," Adriana attempted to reassure, she didn't blame them for being upset and there were hardly any plans made for the wedding since everything was focused on the baby. 

Carmen opened and closed her mouth, she had always been dreaming of the day that Iker got married and to hear that she had missed it, it broke her heart. 

"You both agreed to this?" José Luis asked looking between Iker and Adriana, he was a little surprised that they had eloped but he knew that Iker would have wanted Adriana as his wife before the baby was born.

"It took a bit of convincing," Iker murmured remembering that Adriana hadn't been fond of the idea to begin with but she had come around after a little bit of thought; he looked at his mother seeing how upset she was. 

Carmen didn't breathe a word and Iker hated that he had disappointed her, he had wanted Adriana as his wife and he knew that they could have done something to make his family feel more included. 

"Madre..." Iker whispered reaching to take her hand, he frowned when Carmen pulled away from him before she got to her feet and walked away leaving everyone else in the dining area. 

The sound of the bedroom door closing made Adriana sigh, she looked at Iker knowing that this wasn't going as well as he had hoped and she knew that things would turn around when Carmen had calmed down. 

"I'll talk with her," José Luis murmured getting to his feet, dinner had been wonderful up until now and while he understood what his son had done; it had still hurt to be left out of his plans. 

Iker had a wonderful family here and the last thing that his parents wanted was to be shut out, they didn't wish to end up like Adriana's parents who didn't even see their daughter anymore. 

"Gracias padre," Iker said with a nod of his head, he hated that he had hurt his parents and hoped that the second wedding would make up for it. 

Iker had originally wanted to keep the first wedding a secret and had only changed his mind when he had found it increasingly difficult not to refer to Adriana as Mrs Casillas when he talked about her. 

"Congratulations," José Luis said looking back at Adriana and Iker, he was truly happy for his son and he was sure Carmen would be when she had calmed down.

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