Chapter Nine: Stubborn Friends

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Adriana chewed on her cereal bar as she tied her hair back, things had been quiet since yesterday's loss against the Netherlands and Vicente had kept the boys busy with training all morning. 

Adriana had no idea what to say to the team after their loss, she knew they were all devastated and she prayed that things were going to be okay; she worried that losing their first match like that might lead to a knock in confidence. 

Finishing off her cereal bar, Adriana reached for her fringe satchel bag and smiled to herself as she thought about her plans to explore the city that day; she was bored out of her mind alone since she had no one else to spend time with. 

Vicente had a strict no spouse or family policy for the start of tournaments and Adriana had only been allowed to come to Brazil because she was technically working for Iker as his surrogate. 

Adriana peeked at the clock, no one would be back to the hotel until later that day and she wasn't going to sit around and wait; she had no idea what would happen when they did but she doubted anyone would be in the mood to do anything. 

Adriana made sure that she had everything before she left her hotel room, she closed her door securely behind her and started down the hallway; it was so quiet and Adriana hated it since it creeped her out a little. 

Shaking her head, Adriana knew that she was being silly and there was no one here to jump out on her; she walked towards the lift when she heard someone squeal and jump on her back. 

"Ria," squealed a voice making Adriana shriek and fall to the floor, she clapped a hand over her mouth as the person who had jumped on her start to laugh. 

Jenny Collins laughed rolling onto her back, she hadn't been able to resist and she knew how much Adriana hated to be surprised by anyone; she had arrived in Brazil that morning and she was glad that she had arrived when she had after yesterday's loss. 

"What the hell?" Adriana gasped sitting up and staring at a laughing Jenny, she hadn't known the other woman was going to be here; she had assumed that her friend would have stayed in Madrid since she wasn't needed. 

Jenny was Iker's personal assistant and usually dealt with club things instead of his international career; she hadn't been needed since the season had ended and Iker had insisted that she went on holiday. 

"Hola Bestie," Jenny greeted brushing her long brown hair out of her eyes, she grinned at Adriana knowing that the older brunette wasn't even mad at her. 

The two were as close as sisters and Jenny had missed Adriana since it had been nearly a year since they had last seen each other; a fact that she put down to Marco, she disliked the doctor that seemed to love his control over Adriana more than he loved Adriana. 

"I thought you were on holiday," Adriana grumbled moving to get to her feet, she made sure that she hadn't dropped anything while Jenny stood; she was sure that Iker would try to send Jenny away if he thought she'd cut out on her holiday. 

"I was but after yesterday... I couldn't stay away," Jenny replied with a shake of her head, she had cried when she had watched her team lose to the Netherlands and she couldn't believe how badly they had done. 

Iker was already getting calls to retire from the national team and Jenny was worried that he might make a decision while he was upset; he still had years left in him and just because he was having a bad time didn't mean anything. 

Adriana just nodded her head, she understood and the idea of having someone to talk to was appealing to her since the team were so busy with training for their match against Chile.


"So you and Iker," Jenny started grinning at Adriana as they got some lunch, she had heard about the agreement between her boss and her best friend; she was a little excited about having a baby to fuss over. 

Adriana raised an eyebrow at Jenny, she had a feeling that her friend was going to take the same route as Xavi about this; she had no idea why people thought that this was going to lead to more when she was engaged to Marco and she was getting married next year. 

"There is no me and Iker... I'm just his surrogate," Adriana replied not wanting to put any ideas in Jenny's head, the last thing she wanted was for the younger woman to start plotting against her. 

Adriana knew that everyone expected things to change but she was only Iker's surrogate and she had done this before; she knew better than to get too attached to the baby and Iker. 

"And I'm in love with Lionel Messi," Jenny stated not believing Adriana for a moment, she knew that the brunette had once had a crush on Iker and having someone's baby was a big deal. 

Jenny was sure that spending the next nine months with Iker, sharing moments with him that were usually for couples would change that; she wanted Adriana to be happy and she didn't believe her friend truly was with Marco. 

"I wouldn't let Arbeloa hear you say that," Adriana teased mentioning Jenny's on and off boyfriend, she wasn't overly fond of him but she knew that Jenny was the only one that could stop him sometimes from being an idiot. 

Arbeloa and Jenny had become close after his divorce from Carlota; she was great with his daughter and spent as much time as she could with them. 

Jenny snorted and stared at Adriana, she wished her friend could see that she would be perfect for Iker; she had been saying it for years before Iker had ended up with Sara. 

Adriana was an idiot if she thought that leaving her baby with Iker was going to be as easy as the others that she had done; there was a chance that this would all blow up in her face. 

"Kate and I think you'd be good together," Jenny mused sipping on her orange juice, she had been talking a lot to their other friend and she knew that Kate felt the same way about all of this. 

The two had been discussing plans on how to make Adriana realise that she was being an idiot, they wanted her and Iker to get together so that they wouldn't lose their friend; Marco didn't like them and always came between the three friends. 

Adriana sighed and shook her head, she had to stay focused for her own sake; it would do her no good to get attached to Iker or the baby when she was only the surrogate. 

"It doesn't matter," Adriana replied not wanting to consider what her best friend was saying, she was going to have to walk away in nine months and she would never see Iker or the baby again something that was already going to be a problem. 

Adriana had a feeling that Kate and Jenny were going to make this difficult for her, it was already hard enough with Xavi also trying to set her up with Iker when she was still engaged to Marco. 

"Just think about it... I don't want you making any mistakes," Jenny pleaded not wanting Adriana to let go so easily, she knew Iker thought this was what he wanted but she knew that he would regret cutting Adriana from their baby's life when the time came. 

Iker had always had a soft spot for Adriana and Jenny was one of the few who knew about it; he had been stupid to go out with Sara when Xavi had been trying to set him up with Adriana. 

"I'll be fine," Adriana reassured Jenny, she couldn't bring herself to consider what was being said when she knew that this wasn't going to change anything. 

In nine months Adriana would hand over a baby to Iker and then walk out of his life, nothing was going to change that.

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