Chapter Twenty-Five: Merry Casillas Christmas

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Carmen smiled happily as she opened the front door to her eldest son and his girlfriend, she was so excited about having a family Christmas; she had been so busy since Iker had told her that Adriana wasn't going back to Barcelona for the holidays.

Between not being on speaking terms with her parents and Marco being released from police custody until his court appearance in the New Year there was no way that Adriana was going to risk going home to visit her family.

"You look beautiful," Carmen gushed moving to hug Adriana, she couldn't believe that the brunette was now twenty-nine weeks pregnant and it was fast approaching the birth of her first grandchild.

Carmen was so excited and she knew that Iker and Adriana were going to be wonderful parents to their little boy; she was looking forward to the birth and was counting down the days.

Iker chuckled watching his mother drag Adriana into his childhood home, he was pleased that Carmen was so welcoming and it was just what Adriana needed right now since her parents hadn't been in contact.

Iker removed his coat as his mother disappeared into the kitchen with his girlfriend, he still couldn't believe how well things had worked out and he hoped that things were going to continue that way.

Iker headed into the living room to greet his father and younger brother, he knew that his mother would be fussing over Adriana and he could hear her talking about the dinner that she had been preparing.

"Feliz Navidad," Iker greeted smiling, he moved to hug his father and nodded to Unai who was looking bored sat in his couch and he was sure he had been there all day.

José Luis smiled patting his eldest son on his back, he was pleased to have the entire family together and he was hoping that next Christmas they would have a grandson to spoil.


"Gracias for having me Mrs Casillas," Adriana said resting a hand on her bump, she was still surprised that Iker's mother had been so welcoming to her; she was sure that it was down to the fact that she was carrying Iker's baby.

Carmen and José Luis had been so welcoming to her, it felt strange since she never seemed good enough when it came to meeting Marco's parents and yet these two strangers were being so wonderful to her.

"Call me Carmen... we are practically family now," Carmen insisted smiling at Adriana, she was thrilled that things had worked out for Iker; this was what she had wanted for him from the start and now that he had it, she hoped he wouldn't lose it.

Adriana sat down at the table and nodded her head, she felt so awkward with Carmen and she was going to have to get used to Iker's parents since they were so excited about the baby.

Carmen checked on the turkey before she turned her attention back to Adriana, she knew things had been tense the last few weeks but she was hopeful that things would be on the up with only eleven weeks left of Adriana's pregnancy.

"How have you been?" Carmen asked knowing that Iker had been worried after what Marco had done to her store, she was sure it had been a nasty shock and she hoped that this nasty business was done with.

Adriana nibbled on her lip, things had been so odd since Marco had trashed her store; the insurance company was being a pain and Iker's lawyer said things looked good for their case to make Marco pay for the damage.

"Things are doing better," Adriana replied wanting to not think about what Marco had done, or the fact that she still hadn't heard from her parents.

Adriana had called to see what the plans were for Christmas but she had been forced to leave a voicemail when she hadn't gotten an answer.

"And is my grandson? Have you thought about names?" Carmen gushed with a smile, she couldn't wait for the day that he was born and she had so much planned for that day; she had even gone all out and bought some champagne for the big day.

Adriana nibbled on her lip, she had talked to Iker about names for their son; they had spent a lot of time preparing for the impending birth.

Iker had been doing work on the nursery, Adriana was surprised that he was still finding things to do for the nursery; she was impressed that he was putting in so much work on a room that was mostly completed.

"We have," Adriana murmured looking around the kitchen, she was comfortable in the grey tie waist long sleeve top and maternity navy under bump jeggings paired black block heel desert boots that she had chosen for day.

Adriana had started to feel a little uncomfortable as her pregnancy progressed and she knew that it wouldn't be for much longer; she was just glad that she wouldn't have much longer to go.

"But?" Carmen guessed moving to check on the vegetables, she recalled how she felt when she had been pregnant with her two boys; she had been through the same thing trying to think of names for Iker and Unai.

Adriana looked at Carmen, she wished the woman would let her help with dinner; she felt bad and Carmen had even refused her offer of making dessert insisting that Adriana rest since she was heavily pregnant.

"I don't feel like any of them are right," Adriana mumbled a little embarrassed, Iker was being so patient with her and she knew he must be exhausted and fed up with her indecision about baby Casillas Hernandez's name.

Carmen nodded her head, she had struggled right up until the moment when Iker and then Unai was set in her arms that she had decided on a name for her boys; she was sure that Adriana would be the same.

"I'm sure you'll find the perfect one in time," Carmen reassured with a smile, she knew this couldn't be easy since Adriana didn't have her mother; she remembered how much help her own had been when she was pregnant.

Adriana smiled a bit and looked away, the list of names seemed to be ever growing from Christian to Samuel, James to David; she just couldn't settle on a name that would be perfect for her little boy.

"Are you sure I can't help with dinner?" Adriana asked changing the subject before Carmen pulled out her list of names that Iker had warned her about; she could only imagine how long it was and she didn't need more names to consider for her little boy.

Carmen shook her head before shouting to her sons to come and get the plates, she wasn't going to have Adriana lifting a finger when she was so pregnant; she wanted the brunette to relax while she could before the baby arrived.

Iker and Unai grumbled entering the kitchen and move to set about setting the dining room table as their mother directed; Adriana held back a laugh as Carmen barked orders on how the dining table should look.

Iker gave Adriana a kiss when he passed her, he was pleased that she looked happy and he knew how hard it must be that she couldn't spend the day with her own family.

Iker wanted nothing more than for Carolina and William to be happy for their daughter, she was going to be a wonderful mother and she was happy with him but that didn't seem to matter to them since they still seemed to favour Marco.

Adriana watched Iker as he moved to help his brother, she had a feeling that next Christmas was going to be crazy; she was enjoying the Casillas family Christmas even if she did feel a little out of place.

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