Chapter Nineteen: Friendly Encouragement

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Adriana stretched as she looked at herself in the mirror, she had slowly started to develop a small bump and she knew that this was just the beginning; she was twelve weeks now and it was nearly time for Iker to start telling people.

Adriana was a little nervous, she had no idea how she had made it through the past month but she had done it and things were finally looking up.

Iker had been wonderful even if he had returned to training and was now back to playing for his club, he spent time with her and he was so looking forward to being a father.

Kate and Jenny had done everything to help Adriana cancel everything for the wedding and refund any money that they couldn't get back to Marco; it was the least that Adriana felt she could do after calling everything off.

Adriana wasn't going to make things worse and she hadn't contacted Marco since she had broken things off even if friends back in Barcelona were quick to tell her what was going on while she was in Madrid.

From what Adriana had heard from her friend Leila who was back in Barcelona running her boutique for her, that Marco hadn't wasted much time in finding himself a new woman and they had been getting quite close something that made her wonder if Marco had been cheating on her.

Adriana shook her head and pulled down her shirt, she wasn't going to allow herself to dwell on the past not when she wasn't with Marco anymore and she was getting ready to move on herself.

Adriana brushed some hair from her face, she was going to meet Kate and Jenny for lunch so they could discuss wedding plans; she was going to be Kate's maid of honour while Jenny would be a bridesmaid.

Adriana was looking forward to the wedding, she wasn't going to be pregnant then and she had no idea how she would feel especially with Iker as the best man.


"I can't believe it you have a bump," Jenny gushed peeking at the small bump that her best friend now carried under her print blouse, she looked amazing and she couldn't wait for the baby to be born.

The only thing that Jenny wished would change was the agreement that Iker and Adriana currently had, it was going to end in tears and she wished they would just get together now they were both single.

Kate smiled and nodded her head, Adriana was practically glowing right now and she was so happy for her friend even with everything that was happening.

"When is Iker going to announce?" Kate asked knowing that it was going to be intense, she couldn't imagine how people would feel about the idea of Iker using a surrogate to become a father especially with how close he was with Adriana.

Adriana sat down and looked at Kate, she knew that it wouldn't be long now and the doctor had advised that Iker could start telling people after the thirteenth week; she was sure that he would do it next week when everything was clear.

"Soon," Adriana replied shrugging a little, she didn't really get much of a say since she was just the surrogate; she wasn't going to get to be a part of the baby's future once she had given birth.

Kate and Jenny shared a look knowing that they had entered uncomfortable territory for Adriana, they could see that this was going to hurt her and they wished that there was something that they could do.

"Have you thought about talking to him about how you feel?" Kate asked gently, she wished that Adriana had never signed that contract and she had been pushing Sergio to make him undo the agreement.

Adriana shook her head, she knew that Iker had feelings for her but she wasn't sure if he was just getting mixed up with how he felt about her being pregnant; she didn't want to say anything when she could come to regret it.

Jenny rolled her eyes, she wished that she could smack Adriana and Iker silly since they were acting like idiots; she wanted them both to be happy and that wasn't going to happen if they carried on like this.

"Adi... you need to talk to him," Jenny insisted wanting everyone to have their own happy ending, she dreaded to think what was going to happen next when the baby was born.

Adriana would walk away with a broken heart leaving Iker behind with an equal broken heart and no one wanted that; they wanted the couple to finally get together after all these years and a baby on the way.

"I can't... what if he doesn't want the same?" Adriana whispered brushing a hand against the small bump that she carried, she didn't know what was going to happen but she would honour her agreement with Iker until he said otherwise.

Kate shook her head, there was no doubt in her mind that Iker didn't want Adriana in his life; he was so in love with the brunette that a blind man could see it.

"Adi... he is in love with you, of course he wants the same," Kate reassured gently taking Adriana's hand, she was going to have to have a word with Iker herself if Adriana wasn't going to say anything; the baby needed both of its parents and they would be such a wonderful family.

Jenny nodded her head in agreement, she got to see so much of the couple since she was Iker's assistant and she knew that he would be lost if Adriana left.

"You need to talk to him," Jenny murmured watching Adriana, the older woman deserved to be happy after what had happened and she wished that there was some way that she could help.

Adriana chewed on her lip, she had no idea what to do and she had never thought in a million years that this would happen while she working as a surrogate.


Iker took a deep breath as he stared down at the contract that he had with Adriana regarding the surrogacy, he swallowed knowing that he would never be able to let her walk away from him.

Iker groaned running his hands through his hair, he had no idea what he was going to do but he needed to speak with Adriana; it had been a month since she had ended things with Marco and he wanted to make his move.

Marco had already moved on and was dating some blonde that he had meet while engaged to Adriana; from what Xavi told Iker, there was a chance he had even been cheating on Adriana with this other woman.

Shaking his head, Iker peeked at the clock while he tried to make a decision about what he was going to do; he wanted Adriana in his life, she would be the mother to his child instead of just a surrogate like she was now.

Iker frowned for a moment before he got to his feet, his hand gripping at the contract with a smile on his face; this might have been a photocopy but he knew what he could do to show Adriana that he was serious about them taking the next step.

Iker knew that Adriana would be gone the rest of the afternoon and he wanted nothing more than to show that he was serious about this with her; he wanted them to be a family and more.

Iker walked out of his living room and headed to the small office that he held in his home, he looked down at the papers; he was going to keep his wits about him and would have the real contract destroyed when he knew what was going on.

Iker wasn't going to rush things when he had no real idea how Adriana felt right now, she had been through a lot and he wanted to be sure that they could make this work before he destroyed the full contract. 

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