Epilogue: My Perfect Ending

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Yawning as he carried Martin down the corridor of the hospital, Iker couldn't believe that his little girl had been born a few hours before; it almost didn't seem real and he was glad that Adriana was okay. 

The labour had been a rough one and the doctor had been a little concerned with the amount of blood that Adriana had lost; it had been touch and go but Iker was pleased that it had ended well. 

Karina Casillas Hernandez had been such a wonderful surprise, she looked so much like her mother and Iker was thrilled that she had arrived safely. 

Martin had been looked after by Iker's parents while Adriana was in labour, they were thrilled with the news of their granddaughter and would be coming later to meet her for the first time. 

Slowly stepping into the hospital room, Iker smiled softly at the sight of his wife who was sound asleep; he didn't blame her for taking a nap, she had been so strong while she had delivered their daughter. 

Iker carried Martin over to the small cot where Karina was, he peeked down at the sleeping newborn pleased that she too was getting some much needed rest. 

"This is your baby sister," Iker whispered to Martin, he shifted his hold on the infant knowing this was probably all so confusing for him; he would have to share his mother and father now with Karina. 

Martin held onto his father tightly as he watched his baby sister, he wrinkled his nose not liking the look of the sleeping newborn before he cuddled further into Iker's arms. 

Chuckling Iker pressed a kiss to the top of Martin's head before he carried the little boy over to his mother; he gently set Martin on the hospital bed allowing him to cuddle with Adriana. 

Iker sat down on the chair knowing that it wouldn't be long before guests started to arrive wanting to see the little girl for the very first time.


"You look exhausted," Carmen mused looking at her daughter-in-law, she had heard from Iker that it had been a hard labour; she was pleased to see it had gone well especially since she knew that Iker wouldn't have been able to cope without her. 

Adriana smiled politely at Carmen, she was still a little tired and she couldn't believe that people were already arriving to meet Karina; she had hoped for a little more time to recover from what had happened. 

"She's adorable Adi," José Luis fussed smiling down at Karina, she was so adorable and he knew that they were all so lucky; things could have worked out very differently for them and it hadn't. 

Adriana had become such a big part of Iker's life and there was no denying that he was so much happier with her in his life; he had never been like this with anyone and it was nice to see him so in love. 

Iker had been all set to become a single parent and raise Martin alone, if it had been another woman carrying his son then it would have ended like that but it had been Adriana and it had changed everything for him. 

"Have you heard from your parents?" Carmen asked remembering what Iker had told her had happened over Christmas, she had been shocked that Carolina had shown up like that after all this time. 

Carmen didn't know why the woman had been so against all of this but she had lost out on spending time with her granddaughter and daughter because of her own selfish actions. 

Sitting down next to Adriana, Iker took her hand knowing that it was a sore subject for her; he didn't know if they would ever speak to her parents again after what had happened.

Carolina and Gerard had made it clear what they wanted, it wasn't going to get easier for them and Adriana wasn't going to change her mind; she had chosen Iker and she wanted the future they had together. 

Their children were everything to her and Adriana was never going to put her children through what she had been through; she would always respect their choices no matter what they did. 

Adriana didn't know what was going to happen, she was focusing on raising her own children and she had no intentions on taking steps backwards after everything that had happened. 

Her parents had to deal with the consequences of their actions and Adriana doubted that the rift would be healed anytime soon; she had Iker and the children and that was all she needed right now. 

Iker watched his parents fuss over Karina, this was his perfect happy ending and he would never change any of it for the world.



Author's Note:

This is the end of You'll Be in My Heart.

Thanks for everyone that read, commented and rated this story. I couldn't have done it without any of you.


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