Chapter Twenty-Nine: Taking Martin Home

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Iker smiled pressing a kiss to the top of Martin's head as he carefully set his son into his car seat, he was happy that his girlfriend and son were finally coming home after spending a couple of days in hospital.

Iker hadn't been fond of the idea of leaving Adriana and Martin in hospital while he was at home but he knew that there was no way around it, the midwife just wanted to be sure that everything went okay after the birth.

Martin yawned making Iker smile, he couldn't wait to get his son home for the first time; he was a couple of days old now and everything seemed so perfect.

"Are there any paparazzi outside?" Adriana asked carefully slipping on her black metal bow ballet, she was a little nervous about the fact that people would be waiting for them to leave.

The news had broken quite quickly that the couple had welcomed a son into the world, Adriana could only imagine the amount of people who would be desperate for a picture of Martin.

Iker sighed and nodded his head, he was a little annoyed at the gathering outside of the hospital; it wasn't as if they were part of the royal family or anything, he just wanted to get his small family home and away from the lime-light for a while.

Adriana groaned not happy that they would have to deal with the paparazzi, she wasn't sure what they were going to do when it came to keeping Martin out of the lime-light; they didn't want his picture being leaked to the press before they were ready.

"It'll be okay," Iker reassured looking over at his girlfriend, he smiled at her wanting nothing more than to keep her; he would do anything that he could to protect her and Martin after everything that they had been through.

Adriana got to her feet and smoothed down her printed gypsy blouse and black slim boot-cut jeans; she was ready to go home and relax with her son.


Adriana took a deep breath as she followed Iker out of the hospital, she could already see a couple of paparazzi lingering and she was glad that they had covered Martin's face so that no one would be able to get a picture of him.

Iker tightened his hold on the car seat that Martin was in, he knew what the paparazzi could be like and he didn't want them anywhere near his son; he wanted some privacy right now and he doubted that the paparazzi or journalist cared.

Adriana kept up with Iker easily, she could see where he had parked the car and she was a little relieved that they would be able to get into the car quickly; she didn't wish to deal with anyone right now.

Iker moved to set Martin's chair set in the back seat of the car, he watched as Adriana moved to climb into the back as well; he didn't expect anything else and he was just glad for the blacked out windows so people wouldn't be able to see them.

Iker smiled pleased with himself as he easily set the chair seat into the car, he carefully made sure it was secure before he shut the door; he moved towards the driver's side, he wasn't going to linger around for anything.

Adriana pulled on her seatbelt before she checked on Martin, she cooed at her son who seemed to have settled down quite well all things considered; she wanted nothing more than to make sure that things were okay.

"Is he okay?" Iker asked looking back at Adriana, he didn't want to leave until he was sure that Martin was okay; he could only imagine how strange this was for the newborn.

Adriana nodded her head, she had no idea what was going to be waiting for them at home but she had a feeling that it was going to be busy.


Adriana almost sighed in relief as she stepped into the house, she was so happy to be home and she was surprised that there was no one waiting for them; she knew that Iker's parents had wanted to spend as much time as possible with their grandson.

Iker sighed in relief, he was glad that there was no one here; he wanted nothing more than to get his son and girlfriend settled before everyone descended on his home.

"I asked them to give us some space for a few hours," Iker said smiling, he wanted to make sure that everything was okay before their home was invaded by people wanting to see Martin; it had been crazy enough at the hospital when the little boy had been born.

Adriana nodded her head, she knew everyone had been excited when Martin had been born but she did want some time to themselves while they bond with their son.

Iker carefully moved to set the chair seat down before removing Martin from it, he held his son close and fussed over him knowing how lucky they had been that this had all worked out.

The last six months had changed Iker's life, he had a wonderful girlfriend and a beautiful son; he wouldn't change any of it and he wanted to make sure that nothing would change.

"It's good to have him home," Adriana said watching Iker with Martin, she knew that he was so busy with training right now but had taken the afternoon off so that he could bring Adriana and Martin home from the hospital.

Iker nodded his head in agreement, he moved to settle his son knowing that it had been a long day and he wanted nothing more than to relax after everything that had happened over the last few days.

"Your padre arrived in Madrid yesterday," Iker mumbled looking at his girlfriend, he had only heard the news that morning and he knew it wouldn't be long before Gerard showed up with Carolina.

Iker had no idea what was going to happen when Gerard arrived, the man didn't like him and he was determined to not let that bother him not now when he was so happy.

Adriana swallowed, she had no idea how her father was going to react when it came to all of this, she was nervous about her parents coming back into her life after everything; she didn't want them ruining things for her now.

Martin whimpered making his parents look at him, Iker shifted his hold on his son knowing that it had been a long day for him; he pressed another kiss to the top of Martin's head before gently moving to hand him over to Adriana.

"I'll make us some lunch," Iker murmured kissing Adriana, he didn't want her getting worried over nothing and he hoped that Gerard wasn't coming here to cause trouble; he was wary enough about the fact that Carolina had shown up at the baby shower.

Iker had no idea what Jenny had been thinking when she had done that, he would have preferred a bit of a warning instead of just Carolina showing up in his home; he didn't want to fight with Adriana's parents.

Adriana nodded her head watching Iker leave and head into the kitchen, she sighed holding her son close as she tried to calm him a little; she had no idea what to think about her father being in Madrid.

Gerard wouldn't have come for nothing and Adriana worried that he expected her to return to Barcelona now that Martin had been born; she had no intentions in doing so and she hoped her father could let go of the fact she wasn't going to get back together with Marco.

Adriana smiled turning her attention to Martin, she couldn't believe that they were finally home and she hoped that they would get to relax before everyone came to see them.

Martin cuddled into his mother's arms, his head resting on her shoulder as she walked to sit down on the couch with him in her arms.

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