Chapter Six: Don't Be An Idiot

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Adriana was relieved when she stepped into her hotel room, she ran her fingers through her hair as she pulled her suitcase into the room and closed the door behind her; she was happy that she could relax now. 

Adriana did feel a little bad for the team since tomorrow they would have training and she would have the day to relax and recover from their eleven hour flight to Brazil. 

Adriana flopped down on her bed and stared at the ceiling, she couldn't believe that she actually got to be here in Brazil while Spain defended their title; she was going to enjoy herself no matter what happened. 

Adriana hadn't been able to go and see her cousin play when they had won in South Africa, she had been on a trip with Marco so that he could impress some investors in his company. 

Marco had managed to keep Adriana so busy on the trip that she hadn't even had the chance to watch any of the matches; he wasn't a big fan of football and couldn't understand what his fiancée liked about it. 

Adriana shook her head, she wasn't going to dwell on the past and she knew that she was here to enjoy herself while she waited to find out if she was going to have Iker's baby. 

Adriana got to her feet and moved to make sure that her hotel room door was locked, she smiled to herself before she slipped off her shoes; she felt a little sticky because of the heat and a cool shower sounded perfect right now. 

The team would be relaxing for the rest of the day and Adriana doubted that she would be seeing any of them anytime soon; she quickly changed out of her clothes before she headed into the bathroom for her shower. 

Adriana nibbled on her lip as she shut the bathroom door, she was sure that jet-lag would hit her later but right now she just wanted to cool down before she went down for some lunch; she was going to go and explore tomorrow.


Iker rolled his shoulders as he unlocked his hotel room door and stepped inside with Xavi following him, they were room-mates for the tournament and he knew that they were going to have to keep the peace. 

Setting down his suitcase, Iker dropped back on his bed and closed his eyes feeling tired after the long flight; he was glad to be able to relax for a couple of hours before lunch. 

"So you and Adi," Xavi mused sitting down on his own bed and looking at Iker, he had seen how his friend had been with Adriana and he hoped that Iker realised that it wasn't going to get any easier for him. 

Adriana was going to be the mother of Iker's first child and he would always be bound to her because of that fact; it didn't matter what they had agreed on before all of this. 

Iker groaned moving to look at his best friend, he should have known that Xavi wasn't going to let this go; he wasn't going to mess up Adriana's life and he knew they had agreed that once she had finished her surrogacy that, that would be it. 

"Come on Iker... a blind man could see that you like her," Xavi teased wanting his friend to admit it, there was already a bet starting between the national team when Iker would realise that he liked Adriana. 

Everyone wanted to see Iker happy and he deserved it after everything that he had been through in the last couple of years; Iker deserved to have a wonderful woman at his side and Adriana was the one everyone thought he would end up with. 

"She's engaged," Iker muttered glaring at Xavi, he didn't know much about Marco but he wasn't about to steal another man's woman; he knew what that felt like and he wasn't going to make that mistake. 

Xavi rolled his eyes, he certainly hadn't forgotten that fact and he was sure that Adriana would be making the biggest mistake of her life if she married Marco.

"You'd be so much better for her," Xavi insisted wanting his friend to see that by the end of the nine months, Adriana could be easily his; she ran her own little store in Barcelona and had always wanted to expand to Madrid. 

The only thing that stopped her from following her dreams was Marco, he didn't like anything she did; he was the reason that this was her last surrogacy and he wanted her to give up her small boutique as well. 

"Drop it Xavier," Iker warned sitting up, he didn't know what Xavi was playing at but he wanted it to stop; Adriana loved her fiancé and they only had a business agreement between them that tied them together for nine months. 

Iker was very aware that he was going to get attached to Adriana and he wished that everyone would stop pointing out that she was perfect for him; she was engaged and getting married next year, nothing could happen between them. 

"Don't be an idiot Iker," Xavi scoffed shaking his head, he hated how stubborn Adriana and Iker were; they would be so good together and he had seen it when they had their little moments. 

Xavi refused to let this go not when Adriana could do so much better than a man that just wanted her to decorate his arm; she deserved someone so much better and Iker was the answer to that. 

Iker gritted his teeth, he wasn't going to let anyone mess with his head about what was going on; he was just going to focus on the fact that in nine months' time he might be a father.


Iker took a deep breath as he knocked on Adriana's hotel room door, he hoped to invite her down to lunch since he was sure that she was starving; plus it meant that Xavi and the others left him alone. 

Iker didn't know what was wrong with his team-mates but it was clear that there was something going on; he wouldn't be surprised if there was some sort of bet going around right now. 

Adriana opened the door and smiled at Iker, she had just been getting ready to go out when he had knocked; she brushed some hair from her face as she looked at her curiously. 

"I was wondering if you would like to come to lunch?" Iker asked attempting to ignore how beautiful Adriana looked in her multi-coloured print dress paired with cream T-bar wedge shoes; she looked refreshed and guessed that she had taken a nap or something. 

Adriana blinked a little surprised at Iker's offer before she nodded her head, she didn't see the harm in spending time with the man that she was working for; she already knew the baby was going to a good home. 

"That sounds wonderful," Adriana agreed moving to collect her fringe cross body bag, she made sure that she had her mobile and room key before she stepped out of her hotel room. 

Iker smiled glad that she had agreed, he wasn't sure if he could take anyone else telling them how perfect they would be as a couple; he was just content with how things were between them. 

Adriana shouldered her bag, she guessed that he had a lot on his mind right now especially with the tournament just around the corner; he would also soon find out if their insemination had worked. 

"So where do you want to go?" Adriana asked as the two of them walked down the corridor towards the lift, she was starving and she hoped that they weren't going to wander far from the hotel. 

There were bound to be paparazzi hanging around and Adriana wasn't ready to deal with them just yet; she was going to have to get used to be followed around for when Iker's baby was due. 

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