Chapter Twenty-Six: Wedding Dress Shopping

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"When will you be back?" Iker murmured kissing Adriana, he knew that she had to go since she was helping Kate find her wedding dress but it was his last day off before he went back to training.

Adriana rolled her eyes and kissed Iker back, she had promised that she would help Kate since she was her maid-of-honour and Kate wanted to be prepared for her incoming wedding.

"About four," Adriana replied brushing her fingers through his hair, she was thirty-one weeks pregnant now and they were making sure that everything was in place for the birth.

Iker was determined to make sure that the entire house was baby proof and prepared for their son, he had wanted everything to be ready since they wouldn't have time when the baby was born.

"What am I meant to with you out all day?" Iker muttered shaking his head, he had already prepared the hospital bags that they would need when Adriana went into labour with their son.

Iker didn't want any delays when Adriana finally went into labour, since it technically wasn't her first child since she had been a surrogate their midwife had warned them that the labour would move quickly.

"I'm sure you'll find something to do," Adriana teased smiling up at her boyfriend, she knew that he wasn't due back in training for another two days; she had a feeling that he would find something to do around the house.

Iker grumbled kissing his girlfriend, he wasn't happy about the fact that he would be home along without her; he couldn't go with her since it was wedding dress shopping and he was the best man.

Sergio couldn't know anything about the dress and Iker was sure that everything was going to be perfect at his best friend's wedding; he wanted nothing more than to make sure that she was okay since she was heavily pregnant.


"So what sort of dress are you looking for?" Adriana asked resting a hand on her bump as she looked through the dresses that were lined up; she had no idea what she was looking for but there were some lovely dresses.

Kate shrugged her shoulders, she had no idea what she wanted in a dress and she wanted nothing more than to be perfect on her big day; she was relieved that Sergio had taken Junior for the afternoon.

"I'm not sure," Kate admitted brushing some blonde hair from her face, she had no idea what to get but she knew that she had time to find the perfect dress for her big day.

Kate was getting married in June and she was looking forward to it, she had six months to get everything ready; she was working hard on her big day and she was pleased that everything was coming together.

"How is Paqui taking the not getting married in Seville thing?" Adriana asked knowing that Sergio's mother had wanted the couple to get married in Sergio's home town, she'd had her heart set on it but that wasn't going to happen.

Sergio and Kate had booked the ceremony and the venue for their reception; they were getting close to having everything in place and things were falling in to place in a slow fashion.

"A bit better... she's still upset," Kate murmured shaking her head, she didn't want to fight with her future in-laws but she was going to get married in Madrid and nothing was going to change her mind about where she was getting married.

Adriana nodded her head, she had remembered what it had been like when it had been her planning her wedding to Marco; she had been so stressed out and it hadn't helped that Marco didn't want to help plan.

Adriana cleared her throat, she didn't want to think about how much work she had put into planning that wedding; it was all cancelled now and she didn't know when she would get the chance to plan a wedding again.

Kate looked at Adriana, she could see that this wasn't easy for her friend and she remembered how much planning that Adriana had put into her wedding with Marco; it seemed a shame that it had all been cancelled.

"So have you and Iker talked about the future?" Kate asked curiously, she knew that things were pretty serious between Adriana and Iker especially with a baby due at the end of the next month and they were moving along nicely.

Adriana paused looking over at Kate, she wasn't sure what her friend was expecting her to stay but she knew that it was a good question; she was going to have a baby with Iker and things were going well.

"I was just wondering... I mean, I don't think Iker will drag this out," Kate murmured shrugging her shoulders and looking at another dress, she could see how Iker looked at Adriana and they had been together for four months now.

The couple had wasted a lot of time in the past and they had been going strong since finally getting together in September; people were already starting to wonder when Iker would pop the question.

Adriana shook her head, she hadn't even thought about that step with Iker yet; she had been so focused on the baby and getting everything ready that a wedding hadn't been on her mind.

Kate was silent wondering if she'd put her foot in it, she knew that Adriana had always wanted to get married and so had Iker; she just didn't see why they had to drag it all out when they were just perfect together.

"I think I'll go try this one on," Kate murmured pulling out a dress and hurrying away to try it on, she wanted Adriana to be happy and she hoped that Iker wasn't going to drag this out longer than needed.


"Have you thought about what you and Adi will do now?" Sergio asked looking at Iker, he was pleased his best friend had come to visit him especially with Kate out dress shopping for the wedding.

Sergio had been doing a lot of thinking and he knew that things were so crazy right now with everything that was going on, in a few weeks Adriana would give birth and he hoped that his friend was prepared for what was to come.

Iker looked at his friend, he had no idea where this was going but he guessed that Sergio had been gossiping with his fiancée again; he sipped on his coffee knowing that things were going well right now in his own relationship.

"Kate says that Adriana wants to get married," Sergio revealed watching Iker, he wanted his friend to be happy and he was sure that getting married would be the next step for his friend.

Iker choked on his drink, he hadn't been expecting anything like that and he stared at Sergio wondering what had made him think telling him like that was okay.

"Are you going to ask her?" Sergio asked smiling innocently, he knew that Iker's parents would be thrilled with a wedding and he was sure that Iker wanted the same thing; he didn't see why anyone would delay when things were going so well.

Iker glared at Sergio, he wasn't stupid and he could already imagine how many people were betting on him and Adriana getting married; he had heard about the last round of betting that had gone on when he had starting dating Adriana.

"I don't think that's any of your business," Iker murmured shaking his head, he wasn't going to let anyone rush things for him or Adriana; they had enough to deal with right now with a baby on the way.

Sergio looked away from his friend, he had a feeling that he wasn't going to win the bet that he had placed for Iker and Adriana to be married by the end of 2015.

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