Chapter Thirty-Three: Happy Birthday Iker

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Adriana smiled as she quietly climbed out of bed and peeked at Iker, she watched him for a moment making sure that she hadn't woken him up; she sighed relieved before sneaking out of their bedroom.

Adriana closed the bedroom door behind and grinned to herself, she had been planning today for a while since she knew that Iker was a little down especially with the season had ended.

The couple weren't sure what was going to happen over the summer, the rumours were stronger than ever that Real Madrid would try to get rid of Iker and buy in another new goalkeeper.

Adriana sighed padding down the stairs to go and get everything ready, she knew that Iker didn't want anything big for his thirty-fourth birthday but she hadn't been able to resist.

Adriana wanted to cheer him up and spending the day with her and Martin was a good way of making that happen; she had a feeling that it would be a while before they would actually be able to relax.

The transfer window opened in a couple of weeks and would go on for two months, it was going to be tense and Adriana worried that Iker would be pushed out by the plastic fans and a board who no longer saw what he had done for the team.

Adriana first headed into the living room and checked on the presents, she had sneaked them into the room after Iker had gone to bed so that he wouldn't see them.

Adriana checked that everything was in order, she wanted today to be perfect for Iker before she headed into the kitchen to start breakfast; she had spent the day before baking a birthday cake for Iker.

Adriana was surprised how quickly everything had come around, it had nearly been a year since Iker had come to her to be his surrogate and now everything had changed for them.

Adriana shook her head, she wouldn't change anything for the world and she hoped that Iker felt the same; they had a beautiful son and were engaged.


Iker blinked confused as he felt something being set on his chest, he looked around before his eyes landed on Martin; he smiled at the sight of his son and picked his son up so that he could cuddle him.

Adriana grinned sitting down at the edge of the bed, she watched Iker with their son knowing that she loved watching him with Martin; she hoped that things would work out well for them.

"Buenos días cariño," Adriana greeted smiling, she had no idea what would happen but she knew as long as they were together then they were going to be okay; she didn't know what she would do if things didn't work out.

Iker looked at Adriana, he was surprised to see her awake and dressed in a peach tunic and black linen mix shorts; he hadn't even heard her climb out of bed that morning.

"Are we going somewhere?" Iker asked softly, he had hoped to spend the day at home with his fiancée and son; he smiled eyeing the blue striped slogan T-shirt that Martin was wearing, it read 'Handsome just like daddy'.

Iker had a feeling that Adriana had dressed their son in that top for a reason, he kissed Martin before he turned his attention back to Adriana; he raised an eyebrow at his fiancée who just smiled at him innocently.

"Later maybe," Adriana replied not wanting to give anything away, she had a feeling that they would enjoy the afternoon that she'd had planned.

Iker chuckled looking at Martin, he had hoped to have a lazy day but that clearly wasn't what was going to happen; he eyed Adriana trying to work out what she was planning.

Adriana smiled not giving anything away, she wanted today to be a surprise for him; he deserved a good day with everything that had happened in the past few weeks.


Iker grinned pushing Martin in his pram, he had actually enjoyed what Adriana had planned for his birthday; he had spent the entire day with her and Martin while his parents would be popping around for dinner that evening.

"Gracias for today," Iker murmured smiling at Adriana as they walked through the park, he had been a little concerned that she would have organised some sort of party that he didn't want.

Iker knew that his friends had been whispering about some sort of party that was going to happen, he wanted to spend the day with his small family; he had no interest in spending it in some nightclub getting drunk.

"It's okay," Adriana replied with a smile, she had spoken with Sergio and convinced him not to throw a party for Iker; she knew it was a little selfish but she had wanted him to herself for a few hours.

Adriana had hardly seen Iker with the football season keeping him busy and with Martin in their lives, they had been so busy that they barely had time for one another.

"Have you enjoyed your birthday so far?" Adriana asked linking arms with Iker, it was a warm day and the weather had been good for them; she hoped that it was a sign of things to come and she was sure that this summer was going to be a good one.

Iker looked down at Martin who was babbling in his pram, he couldn't believe that he had gotten so lucky that things had worked out like this; he honestly couldn't believe that there was a time that it could have just been him and Martin.

"I am," Iker agreed with a smile, he didn't know how he could have ever done this without Adriana; she was an important part of his life, she was the mother of his son and the woman that he wanted to spend the rest of his life with.

Adriana nodded her head, she had taken Iker out to lunch and she was sure that the gifts that she had gotten for him were good; she wanted to do something for the man that had given her what she wanted out of life and didn't hold her back.

"I was thinking maybe we could go on holiday next month," Iker murmured looking at Adriana, he knew that things were tense right now and after he had played his internationals with Spain then he would be free to do as he liked.

Iker wanted to relax with Adriana and Martin for a couple of weeks, he had a holiday in mind and he knew it would be good for them; they deserved a break and he couldn't imagine what the next few months were going to be like.

"What did you have in mind?" Adriana asked looking at Iker, she loved the idea of a holiday and it would be easy now that Martin was three months old; he would be four months when the holiday came around.

Adriana remembered the last holiday when the two of them had gone to Egypt, it had been wonderful and it had been there that she had realised that marrying Marco would have been a mistake.

"I was thinking of hiring a private villa in Crete," Iker replied knowing that two weeks would be good for them, they deserved to relax and he wanted to enjoy his summer break without having to worry about what was going on.

Iker needed something to take his mind off what was happening with Real Madrid, he didn't want to think about the fact that he might not have a place on the team anymore.

Adriana studied Iker's face for a moment, she watched him knowing that a holiday would be good for them; she could just imagine how good it would be for their small family.

"I'd like that," Adriana said kissing Iker's cheek, she wanted to enjoy their summer no matter what. 

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