Chapter Two: Surrogate Problems

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Iker grumbled as another possible surrogate left, he had been interviewing them for days now and he still hadn't found one that he liked; he ran his fingers through his hair and leant back in his chair. 

Iker was due to fly to Brazil in a couple of weeks with the national team, he wanted a surrogate arranged by then so that he could get the entire process sorted out when he came back. 

Getting to his feet, Iker moved to leave the café where he had met with the last two surrogates; he had looked over each of the women that he had seen and none of them felt right to him. 

Iker put on his sunglasses before he stepped out of the air-conditioned café and into the hot summer air of Madrid, he had another couple of appointments over the next few days and he wasn't holding much hope for them. 

Iker knew that he was being picky when it came to the women that he was meeting, he wanted the right mother for his child even if they would never see the child when it was born. 

It was going to take some time but Iker was determined to do this right, he was going to take all of this seriously and Cristiano had been great help with the paperwork. 

The last thing Iker wanted was this coming to bite him in the arse, he wanted a happy healthy baby and not problems with the woman that would only be the surrogate. 

Iker made his way over to his Audi RS5, he had the afternoon to himself and he knew that Xavi was meant to be coming in with the rest of the Barcelona players that had been called up. 

Iker was hopeful for the World Cup but he couldn't shake the feeling that it would go badly wrong, they had gotten a little off course during the Confederations Cup; they had reached the final but had lost there.


Xavi smiled looking at his friend, he was happy that Iker wasn't still sulking about how things had ended with Sara; he had been worried that it would set his friend back even if it was a mutual break-up. 

"I'm happy for you Iker," Xavi mused sitting down on Iker's couch, he had heard about what his best friend had planned and he hoped that it gave Iker what he wanted most; he was sure that the younger man would be a perfect father when the time came. 

Iker nodded his head, he was glad that Xavi was being supportive and he didn't think that he could take another person trying to change his mind; a lot of people thought that he was making a big mistake. 

"I can't find the right woman to do it though... none of the ones that I've seen seem right," Iker mumbled leaning back on the couch, he had thought it would be easier than this and he just hoped that he would find someone to give him a baby. 

Xavi was silent at Iker's words, his friend wanted someone to listen to him and he didn't mind; he knew that Iker wanted this to be perfect and he had a small idea on how to help. 

"I just want this to be perfect," Iker stated looking to Xavi, it felt good to rant to someone who wasn't going to talk him out of what he was doing; he was determined to have a baby this way. 

Iker didn't want to waste time dating when it wasn't getting him anywhere, he would never find a woman that didn't care for the fact that he was a famous footballer or wanted what he did out of life. 

"Anyone that I look at doesn't seem right, or I find something wrong with them," Iker muttered closing his eyes, he was tired of this but that didn't mean that he was going to give up anytime soon; he wanted to be a father no matter what.

"My cousin does some surrogacy work," Xavi mused grinning at Iker, he had been waiting for the right moment to tell his friend about this; he was sure that things would be perfect for Iker if they did it this way. 

Iker opened his eyes and turned to look at Xavi, he wondered why his friend had waited until now to tell him about this; he had been searching for weeks for the right person. 

"Your cousin?" Iker asked trying to jog his memory, he knew that Xavi came from quite a small family but he knew that there were several female cousins that Xavi could be talking about right now. 

Xavi nodded his head, he was sure that she wouldn't mind telling him about this since she was free right now and this would be her last one. 

"Adriana... I nearly set you up on a blind-date with her once," Xavi recalled with a smile while he watched Iker's face, it had very nearly happened only Iker had ended up dating Sara instead while Adriana had met Marco only a couple of weeks later. 

Iker swallowed remembering Adriana, he had forgotten all about her and was surprised that Xavi was bringing her up; he'd had a bit of a thing for her a while back but that had ended when he had dated Sara. 

"She's looking for one last surrogacy," Xavi revealed gently, he was sure that this would go well for Iker and he was hopeful that his friend would get what he wanted. 

Adriana wasn't going to trick him out of money and she loved helping people have babies when they couldn't have them on their own; Xavi was sure she wouldn't mind donating an egg so that Iker could have a baby since she had done so before with a gay couple that she had helped. 

"Last one?" Iker asked curiously, he hadn't heard anything about Adriana since he had dated Sara; he had only met her once or twice but she was a very beautiful woman. 

Iker couldn't help but like the idea of her having his baby, he knew that she would be perfect for the role and he would be able to trust her when it came to having the baby.

"Adi is getting married... he doesn't approve of what she does," Xavi muttered with a roll of his eyes, he had no idea what Adriana saw in Marco Vitaz but he wished that she would snap out of it. 

Xavi didn't like the man that had gotten his claws into her, he feared that he would do something to hurt Adriana and he was very controlling; he was sure that he had seen Marco cheating on his cousin more than once. 

"Do you think that you could ask her for me?" Iker asked eagerly, he wanted nothing more than to have a baby and he was sure that Adriana would help him in a heartbeat. 

Iker wasn't sure how he felt about the entire fiancé thing, he recalled Xavi's dislike for the man and he hoped that Marco wasn't going to be a problem during the surrogacy if Adriana said yes. 

"I will," Xavi confirmed with a nod of his head, he smiled liking the idea of Iker spending time with his cousin; he had always thought that they would be good together. 

Iker was an idiot in Xavi's mind for not going on the date with Adriana all those years ago, it would have saved him the heartache and they would have been married by now. 

"You'll want her to move to Madrid right?" Xavi checked sure that nine months away from Adriana would be good for her, she was meant to marry Marco next year and he wanted to get his cousin away from the doctor before it was too late. 

Iker nodded his head, he didn't want to miss a moment in the pregnancy of his unborn child; it was something that other surrogates had a problem with but he wasn't going to let it go. 

"Adriana will be fine with that... she lived in Italy once for nine months and loved it," Xavi reassured with a smile, he didn't care that he was trying to set up his recently single best friend and his engaged cousin. 

Iker and Adriana both would be so much happier together and Xavi was sure of it, by the time baby Casillas arrived he was determined that they would be a couple.

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