Chapter Forty-Six: Unexpected Visitor

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Adriana brushed her fingers through her hair, it was very early in the morning and she had no idea who could be knocking on the door at this time; Iker was sound asleep and she didn't want to disturb him. 

It had been a strange couple of days since they had told Iker's parents that they were married and Carmen was still upset that they had married without anyone there but she knew that they hadn't excluded her to hurt her. 

Adriana opened the door and froze at the sight of her mother on the other side, she had no idea what to say to her especially how they had parted last time. 

"Adriana," Carolina whispered not knowing what to say to her daughter, it had been months since she had seen her and she just wanted to make this right. 

Gerard had no idea that she had come to Portugal and Carolina guessed that he was going to be angry that she had done so; she wanted to see her daughter and grandson again.

 "What are you doing here?" Adriana asked not knowing what else to say, she didn't move aside to let Carolina into the apartment a little worried about why she was here. 

It had never crossed Adriana's mind that her parents would come and see her after what had happened, she had assumed they would wait until she made the first move. 

"I wanted to see you," Carolina replied nervously, she didn't know what else to say and she just wanted to forget the past; she peeked at the bump that Adriana carried now and she swallowed knowing that she couldn't miss out on another grandchild. 

Adriana didn't say a word before allowing her mother to step into her home, she rested a hand on her bump and took a deep breath trying to keep herself calm about what was going on. 

The last thing that Adriana wanted was to stress herself out, she had to think of baby and she knew Iker would wake up if he heard anything that he deemed concerning.

"You look good," Carolina whispered peeking around the apartment before focusing on her daughter, this was all so strange but she couldn't stay away; she wanted things to go back to normal and she wanted her family back. 

Never in a million years had Carolina thought that Adriana would still be with Iker now, she had been frightened that her daughter was making a mistake when she had brought Martin home from the hospital. 

"What do you want?" Adriana asked, things had been going so well for them recently and the last thing that she wanted was any drama; she spoke to Xavi a lot and he had been more supportive than her own parents about this. 

Carolina chewed on her lip, she hated how all this had panned out and if Gerard had just kept his mouth shut then they wouldn't have been in this mess; she'd have gotten to spend more time with her grandson. 

"I'm sorry for what happened when Martin was born," Carolina apologised sitting down, she looked to the floor knowing that she'd been terribly rude to Iker's parents and that she should have respected Adriana's choices more. 

It hadn't escaped her notice that Adriana was wearing a wedding ring, it broke Carolina's heart that she hadn't been there when her only child had gotten married because she had been so petty. 

"I was just worried that Iker was going to hurt you, I just wanted what was best for you and Martin," Carolina continued softly, the apartment was so quiet and she guessed that Iker and Martin were sound asleep in their beds right now. 

Adriana shook her head, she had pleaded with her parents to understand her decision to move to Madrid; her father had practically disowned her over all of this and she had no idea what her mother now wanted. 

"I had what was best for me," Adriana informed her mother, she had been so happy when she had brought Martin home with Iker; everything had worked out so well for them and her parents had ruined that for her.

Adriana had spent months worrying about what would happen when Martin was born, she had even feared that Iker would just take the baby from her but he had made sure that her worries remained just that. 

There was nothing that didn't say that Iker would have fallen for her like she had done with him, he might have pursued her but Adriana knew that he could have been confused since she was carrying his first child. 

"I finally had everything that I ever wanted and you were both intent on upsetting that," Adriana said shaking her head, Iker had respected her wishes and encouraged her to do things that she wanted to do. 

Marco had never supported her decisions and had only wanted a trophy wife, her parents might have adored him but looking back Adriana couldn't imagine that their relationship would have survived much longer if they had stayed together. 

"We were worried about you... we feared that Iker might try to use you," Carolina pleaded wanting Adriana to see that things could have easily worked out so different, she had just wanted to protect her daughter and grandson and she could now see how wrong she had been. 

Adriana shook her head, she'd had worries of her own at the time and her parents hadn't helped; sometimes she was worried that this was all too good to be true and she would lose Iker and Martin. 

"I would never do that," Iker said stepping into the room making the two women look at him, he had been listening for long enough and he wasn't going to allow Carolina to put doubts in Adriana's mind when things were good for them. 

"Iker..." Carolina whispered hoping to explain herself, she didn't come here to fight with him and she hoped that she could make amends; she just wanted to spend time with her pregnant daughter and grandson. 

"I think you should leave," Iker said moving to make sure that Adriana was okay, he didn't want her stressing out and he doubted that Carolina could fix what had been done.

Carolina opened and closed her mouth, she didn't want to leave and she wished that they would just listen to what she had to say; she wanted to just forget about what had happened and focus on her family again. 

Adriana cuddled into Iker's arms and took a deep breath, she had no idea why her mother had shown up now but she doubted that it would be long before her father showed up as well. 

"Adi please," Carolina pleaded wanting her daughter to say something, she couldn't go home and she was frightened what would happen if Adriana turned her away; she had nowhere else to go and it was just days before Christmas. 

"I just want to talk," Carolina stated wanting to clear the air, she would even accept Iker if she had to but she wasn't going to lose Adriana or Martin now; she needed her family and she wished that they could just let this go. 

Iker didn't say anything, he knew that this was her decision and he would support her no matter what she decided; he just wanted her, Martin and the baby to be okay. 

"There's nothing to talk about," Adriana whispered shaking her head, she looked at her mother and she wanted nothing more than to go back to bed and cuddle with Iker. 

Carolina felt her heart break and she knew that she deserved this, but she had hoped that Adriana would be forgiving about what had happened. 

Iker gently moved to show Carolina out, he didn't want to upset his wife even more and he knew that there was little that could be said to fix what had happened between them now.

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