Chapter Twenty-Three: Meeting Adriana's Parents

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Iker took a nervous breath as he looked up at the house that Adriana had grown up, he was nervous about meeting her parents for the first time but it needed to be done; he was going to be the father of their first grandchild.

Adriana had tried to reassure Iker about meeting her parents, however even she knew some of her words were hallow especially since they had both adored Marco so much.

"Are you ready?" Adriana asked peeking at Iker, she rested a hand on her bump and watched him wishing that there was something that she could do to make this easier.

Adriana had no idea what to expect from her parents, she just hoped they weren't going to freak out at the news that she was now dating Iker and was going to be a mother.

Iker nodded his head and moved to help Adriana out of the car, she was twenty weeks pregnant and he couldn't help but smile at the bump that she was carrying.

"Are you sure that you want to do this now?" Iker murmured looking at the house, he didn't want Adriana getting stressed out and affecting the baby; the two were important to him and he knew that this could wait.

Iker wasn't looking forward to meeting Adriana's parents, he had heard a bit about them from Xavi and he truly wasn't looking forward to this moment.

"You know we have to... the last thing we need is them to find out from the press," Adriana replied offering a smile to her boyfriend, she could only imagine what would happen if they found out from some trashy magazine or nosey reporter.

Iker nodded his head, he peeked down at the bump that was hidden under Adriana's blue maternity jersey box top; he would do anything for his son and he was sure that it would all be okay. Iker prayed that


Carolina Alcantara stared at her daughter, she had no idea what to think of the fact that she had brought Iker home to meet them but she knew that this wasn't going to be a pleasant visit.

Carolina wasn't stupid and had known from the moment that Adriana had agreed to be Iker's surrogate that something like this would happen; she wasn't sure what her daughter was thinking right now.

"So what is the reason for this visit?" Carolina asked sipping on her coffee, she looked at Iker trying to work out what to make of him; she didn't know the man that her daughter had brought home for them to meet.

Gerard Hernandez frowned looking at his wife, he knew that Carolina was just as worried as him; they had liked Marco and had been so happy and excited for the impending wedding.

"You never normally visit during a surrogacy," Carolina explained setting down her coffee, she rested her arms on her lap and watched Adriana; she hoped that her dear daughter knew what she was doing.

Adriana took a deep breath and peeked at Iker, there was no point in putting this off anymore and she knew that her parents needed to hear this; she couldn't shake the feeling that this wasn't going to end well.

"That's just the thing madre... I'm not Iker's surrogate anymore," Adriana revealed slowly, she rested a hand on her bump knowing that she couldn't wait for her son to be born; she had made the right decision and she wasn't going to be changing her mind.

Iker held his breath a little as Adriana's parents stared at her, it was clear that they were both looking at the bump that she was carrying and trying to work out what she was saying.

"I'm dating Iker," Adriana murmured trying to work out how she would explain this, she wished that she was a little more prepared with what she was going to say to them.

Carolina and Gerard were silent while they stared at Adriana, they had been expecting something like this but they had never seen their daughter so sure about what she wanted in her life.

"I bloody knew it," Gerard hissed turning to glare at Iker, he had known that the footballer was the reason that Adriana had broken off her engagement; he didn't know why she had done so when she had been so happy with Marco.

Gerard had never been fond of the fact that Adriana did work as a surrogate, he wanted grandchildren of his own and he had been counting on her settling down with Marco.

"You couldn't keep your bloody hands off her could you Casillas?" Gerard spat furiously, he could only imagine what his little girl had been doing with the footballer who wasn't worthy of her time.

Iker was just as useless as Xavi in Gerard's mind, he wanted better for Adriana and he knew that there was no way that Iker could ever make his daughter truly happy.

Adriana squeaked in surprised as her father launched himself across the room to punch Iker, who was quick to react grabbing hold of the man's hands.

Carolina was quickly on her feet and pulling her husband back into his seat, she was just as upset as he was but she knew that there would be no talking Adriana out of this; her daughter had very clearly made up her mind and she wished to know why.

"Why would you do this to Marco?" Carolina asked sitting back down, her attention focused on Adriana while Iker stayed standing in case Gerard tried anything again; he was just thankful for his goalkeeping reflexes.

Iker knew that the man was upset but he didn't want them fighting, he wasn't going to upset his girlfriend by letting her father lash out again.

"I wasn't happy with Marco... not truly, I was sacrificing things that I wanted to be with him," Adriana admitted, she had always put up a brave front when it came to her parents; they didn't know how much Marco had been trying to make her give up when she was with him.

"He didn't want children... barely agreed to have one with me," Adriana revealed softly, her hand resting on the bump and she was sure that in time they would see that she had done the right thing.

Right now, Adriana was still the laughing stock of their entire family and when news broke that she was with Iker then there would be a few more rumours going around about her.

"I made the right decision for me, I don't want us to fall out over what happened... I want you both in my life, in my son's life," Adriana pleaded wanting her parents to let this go, she knew they had every right to be upset but they needed to let this go for her sake.

Carolina opened her mouth to say something, however the news that Adriana was expecting a little boy made her stop; she stared for a moment as it dawned on her that Adriana would get to keep this baby.

Iker slowly moved to sit down, his eyes watching her parents cautiously not knowing what they would do now; he wrapped an arm around Adriana and drew her close to him.

Gerard scoffed at his daughter's words before he got to his feet, he wasn't going to sit around and listen to this drivel after what she had done to Marco; he felt for the poor man who'd had his heart ripped out by his daughter.

Adriana watched her father leave and tried not to let it upset her, she wasn't even surprised that he had walked out; he had liked Marco and his 'proper' job had been the main reason for that.

"Just give us some time," Carolina murmured before getting up to follow after her husband, today had been hard on them all and she didn't want to say anything that could ruin things now.

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