Chapter Forty: Turning Thirty

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Adriana frowned as Iker helped her out of the car, she had no idea what was going on and she was a little worried about what Iker had planned for her birthday; the couple had just celebrated their first anniversary. 

They had left Martin with a babysitter for the evening since Iker had something big planned for Adriana's birthday; he wanted nothing more than to surprise her after everything that she had done for him in the past couple of months. 

"Iker," Adriana murmured not liking this, she didn't like not knowing and she wished that she could take off the blindfold that she was wearing; she had no idea what was going on and she wanted him to just tell her. 

Iker chuckled locking the car before he wrapped his arms around Adriana and slowly led her into the restaurant that he had hired for Adriana's birthday; he wanted this to be special and he hoped that she liked the surprise that he had planned for her. 

"Not long now amor," Iker reassured leading her into the restaurant, they wouldn't be disturbed in anyway and he knew that there were always going to be paparazzi lingering about watching them. 

Adriana huffed as she ran her hands down the grey bead detail jersey dress that she was wearing; she had no idea why Iker had been so insistent on them coming out for her birthday. 

Iker grinned peeking around the room and making sure that everything was in place, he slowly reached up to remove Adriana's blindfold; he held his breath hoping that Adriana would like what he had arranged. 

"Surprise," everyone shouted as Adriana was finally able to see, she gasped clapping a hand over her mouth; she couldn't believe that they had all flown out for her birthday when she knew that they were all so busy. 

Iker smiled, it had taken a lot of arranging to do and he was sure that this would all be worth it; he couldn't think of a better way to celebrate Adriana turning thirty than with their friends.


Kate grinned sipping on her orange juice, she was currently pregnant with her second child and she couldn't have been happier; they had recently found out that they were going to have another baby boy. 

"How are you?" Jenny asked watching Adriana, she missed having her best friend around and she knew that the move hadn't been easy for her friends; she was just glad that things seemed to be working out for them now. 

Adriana sipped on her glass of coke, she had no idea how to explain how the last two months had been; so much had happened and she was sure that the next few months would get busier for them. 

"I'm good," Adriana replied with a smile, she was still getting used to the fact that they had left Madrid behind and she was doing her best; she was pleased with how her store in Barcelona was now doing and she was slowly working on opening a second store in Madrid. 

Jenny and Kate shared a look, they could see that there was something on Adriana's mind but they dismissed it as wedding plans; Jenny was going to be the brunette's maid-of-honour while Kate was going to be a bridesmaid. 

It was part of the pact that the three friends had, Adriana had been Kate's maid-of-honour and when Jenny got married Kate would be her's; it seemed fair since they each got a chance to be a maid-of-honour for one another. 

"How are the wedding plans coming along?" Kate asked knowing how stressful that it could all be, she had been so tense when it came to her own wedding and she had no idea how Adriana was going to do it.

It certainly didn't help that the couple were now living Porto when they were going to be getting married in Madrid; they were lucky to have so many friends that still lived in the city.

Iker sipped on his drink as he watched Adriana from across the room, she looked so beautiful and he was glad to see that she was so happy; he wanted her to be happy after everything that she had done for him. 

Iker had no idea what he would have done if his small family hadn't come to Porto with him, it meant so much to him that they were together and he knew that he wouldn't change anything for the world right now. 

"So I guess congratulations in order," Xavi teased with a smile as he approached Iker, he had never seen Adriana so happy and he knew that his cousin's happiness was all down to Iker and Martin right now. 

Iker furrowed his brow a little confused as he looked at his best friend, he didn't know what Xavi was congratulating him on; there was nothing new happening in his life eight now. 

"I'm sorry?" Iker asked turning his full attention to Xavi, it was so strange to think that his friend now lived in Qatar and he hoped that Xavi was happy there; Iker was even a little jealous at the goodbye that Xavi had gotten from Barcelona when he had left. 

Xavi chuckled and shook his head, he was surprised that Iker was playing so coy right now when it was clear what was going on; he had been keeping a close eye all evening on the couple. 

"On the second baby," Xavi whispered knowing that his cousin and Iker might not be ready to tell anyone yet, he was so happy for them and he already adored Martin so much. 

Iker stared at Xavi stunned as what he had said sunk in, he knew for a fact that Adriana wasn't pregnant; he was sure that she would have said something to him if she was. 

"I just thought because Adi hasn't touched a drop of alcohol all evening," Xavi explained nodding over to his cousin, she had been drinking coke all evening and he knew that on special occasions that Adriana wouldn't turn down a glass of wine. 

Iker blinked at Xavi as he realised that his friend was right, Adriana hadn't even touched her glass of champagne from earlier and that wasn't like her.


Carolina sighed staring at the picture of her daughter when she was younger, she couldn't believe that Adriana hadn't even called to speak to them on her birthday; she had been hopeful that all of this would go away. 

Carolina hated that she was missing out on so much, she wanted Adriana to come home and it was even worse now that she had gone to live in Portugal with Iker; she had never thought that her only child would live so far away from her. 

Gerard sighed watching his wife, he knew how much that Carolina was suffering and he knew that she'd had so many plans when Martin had been born; she had only seen the little boy once and that had been months ago. 

Gerard got to his feet and walked over to Carolina, he wrapped his arms around his wife knowing that this was hard for her; Adriana had cut them from her life without a second thought. 

The couple hadn't seen their grandson since he was a few days old, they mainly saw him now in newspapers and magazine; they had even found out that Adriana had gotten engaged from an article in some trashy magazine. 

"It'll be okay. She'll come around," Gerard murmured to his wife, he hated that she was suffering because of what he had done; Adriana had shut them out because he had pushed her too far. 

Carolina sniffled not sure if she truly believed in what he was saying, she didn't think that Adriana would ever come around and speak to them again; she would never get to fuss over her grandson nor would she ever get to watch her daughter get married.

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