Chapter Forty-Three: Quiet Ceremony

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"You look beautiful," Iker whispered taking Adriana's hand, he couldn't believe that today was the day that he got to marry the woman that he loved; it seemed so unreal to think that she would be his for now. 

Adriana smiled at him before checking that Martin was alright, it was pretty early in the morning and she knew that he was tired; he looked so cute in his tiny suit and he looked so much like Iker. 

Iker carefully lifted Martin up and looked at Adriana, she did look beautiful in her cream short sleeved lace dress and beige heeled court shoes; it was a simple look for their simple wedding. 

Iker had no doubts that Adriana already had a beautiful dress picked out for their big wedding, he couldn't wait to see her wear it next year; everything was slowly starting to come into place for that wedding but right now this one was what mattered. 

"We're ready for you," the official called making the couple look at one another, the couple had come early so that they didn't run the risk of being seen by someone and this ending up in the papers. 

Iker knew that it was only a matter of time until this got out, he wanted to keep it quiet for as long as possible; he could only imagine what his mother would say about this. 

Carmen was so excited about seeing Iker get married, she would be upset when she found that they had eloped without inviting anyone to see them get married. 

Adriana smiled at Iker before they walked into the room where they would be getting married; Iker carefully moved to settle Martin before the ceremony could get underway. 

Adriana watched Iker with their son, she didn't know how she had gotten so lucky to find someone like him; she could only imagine what would have happened if she hadn't ended things with Marco. 

Iker smiled walking over to Adriana before he took her hands, he couldn't believe that he was actually about to marry her; it felt like such a dream to him.

"Dearly beloved we are gathered here today to celebrate one of life's greatest moments to give recognition to the worth and beauty of love and to say our best wishes to the words which shall unite Iker and Adriana in marriage," the official said smiling at the couple, everyone on the building had been sworn to secrecy by Iker so that the press wouldn't find out about this. 

Adriana smiled at Iker, she couldn't believe that this was actually happening and she knew that there was no way that she was going to regret her decision to do this right now. 

"Iker and Adriana life is given to each of us as individuals, and yet we must learn to live together, love is given to us by our family or our friends we learn to love by being loved," the official continued, she looked over the couple knowing that this wasn't the first time that she'd married a couple like this. 

Adriana grinned looking at Iker, she didn't want to think about her parents and she doubted that she was ever really going to speak to them again after how they had acted when Martin had been born; they had been rude and horrible. 

"Learning to love and living together is one of the greatest challenges of life and is the shared goal of married life but a husband and wife should not confuse love of worldly measures for even if worldly success is found, only love will maintain a marriage," the official said looking to be the couple, she had seen so many couples throw their marriages away for petty tings. 

Iker grinned looking at Adriana, she had very nearly became the one that had gotten away and he was glad that she hadn't slipped through his fingers; he was so happy with their little family. 

"The measure of true love is a love both freely given and freely accepted just as God's love of us is unconditional and free," the official said sure that this couple would be one to stay together, they looked so in love and they had an adorable little boy; they looked like a good family.

"It is love that will make this a glorious union and it is love that will cause this union to endure, would you please face each other and join hands," the official asked making the couple do so, Iker squeezed Adriana's hand at the fact that this was happening. 

Martin babbled happily watching his parents, he might have been eight months old but he had no idea what was going to happen in the next few minutes. 

"Iker do you take Adriana to be your wife? Do you promise to love, honour, cherish and protect her, forsaking all others and holding only to her forevermore?" the official asked turning her attention to Iker, he had been the one to make sure that this was kept a secret; the last thing that he had wanted was for anyone to find out about this. 

"I do," Iker confirmed lacing his fingers with Adriana's, he couldn't take his eyes from her and he knew that he would never believe that he had gotten so lucky. 

Adriana grinned at him, she couldn't believe that this was actually happening; she looked at Iker and she knew that she wanted to spend the rest of her life with him. 

"And Adriana do you take Iker to be your husband? Do you promise to love, honour, cherish and protect him, forsaking all others and holding only to him forevermore?" the official asked turning to Adriana, she hadn't taken her eyes off Iker since the ceremony had begun. 

"I do," Adriana agreed she had no doubts that this was what she wanted, she had never thought that she would get to this stage; she loved Iker and she knew what she wanted more than anything. 

Iker grinned at Adriana, they listened to the official as she gave some speech about love; they barely listened knowing how close they were to getting to being announced as Mr and Mrs. 

"I, Iker Casillas Fernandez, take thee, Adriana Hernandez Alcantara, to be my wife. To have and to hold, in sickness and in health, for richer or for poorer, and I promise my love to you forevermore," Iker said reciting back his vows, he was never going to let anything come between him and Adriana.

"I, Adriana Hernandez Alcantara, take thee, Iker Casillas Fernandez, to be my husband. To have and to hold, in sickness and in health, for richer or for poorer, and I promise my love to you forevermore," Adriana said reciting her own vows, she smiled at Iker and she couldn't believe that this was nearly over. 

Iker grinned wanting nothing more than to kiss his new wife, he couldn't believe that they had actually done this; Adriana was now Mrs Adriana Casillas and Iker loved that fact. 

"We pray that you guide Iker and Adriana as parents to raise and teach Martin with love and respect; and that you protect this new family and keep them always in your care," the official said beginning to close the ceremony, it was still pretty early in the morning and she had several more weddings to do before the day was over. 

Iker and Adriana grinned, Martin was the reason that they had come together and they would never forget that; he was the best thing that had ever happened to them. 

"Iker and Adriana, so much as the two of you have agreed to live together in Matrimony, have promised your love each other, I now declare you as husband and wife," the official said making the couple smile, Iker stepped forward and kissed his new wife; the ceremony had been perfect for them. 

Adriana wrapped her arms around Iker's neck, they had done it and she doubted that there was anything that could happen to break them apart. 

Martin clapped his little hands as he watched his parents, he would never know how close he had come to never seeing this moment happen.

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