Chapter Twelve: It Will Be Okay

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Adriana brushed some hair from her face and peeked at the alarm clock on the bedside table, it was just after eleven in the morning and yet she was still exhausted; she took a deep breath before she rolled over in her hotel bed and looked at Iker. 

Adriana watched him sleeping, he had been so devastated last night that she had been scared to leave him on his own; she had brought him back to her hotel room wanting to keep an eye on him for the night. 

Adriana doubted that Vicente was going to care where his players were sleeping now they had been knocked out of the tournament even with one more match to play; she could only imagine what the match against Australia was going to be like. 

There were clearly going to be some chances made to the squad and Adriana already had a feeling that Iker would be benched; she knew that people would look to blame the man next to her for what had happened to the squad. 

Adriana laid still for a moment as she watched Iker sleep, they had been up until late as she comforted him over his loss; she had no idea what to say that could make this better. 

Moving to climb out of bed, Adriana felt her stomach roll and she took a deep breath trying not to throw up; she wasn't stupid about what was happening to her, she'd done this before and she knew all the signs that she had to expect. 

Adriana climbed out of bed and padded towards the bathroom, she didn't wish to wake Iker not when he needed his sleep before he went to training that afternoon; she could only imagine how hard that was going to be for him. 

Closing the bathroom door behind her, Adriana peeked at Iker and shook her head wondering what would happen over the next few days before Spain went home. 

Iker opened his eyes once the door was closed, he swallowed thickly knowing that Marco would be far from pleased if he knew that Adriana had shared a bed with another man; even if it was only innocent and they hadn't done anything wrong.


"How are you feeling?" Xavi asked softly sitting down next to Iker, the team had been pretty quiet since they had lost their second match; no one could believe that they had been knocked out so quickly. 

Iker shrugged his shoulders, he had spent the night with Adriana in hopes of avoiding the looks that his team-mates were giving him; he didn't deserve their pity and he deserved what was happening. 

Vicente had announced team chances for their next match, he had benched Iker and replaced him with Pepe Reina; a fact that was going to linger on Iker's mind for a while. 

Xavi sighed guessing that Iker was going to sulk for a while, he knew that this wasn't easy and it was the reason that he had already made the decision to retire for the national team. 

Younger players needed their time to shine and Xavi wasn't getting any younger, he was thinking about his future and now was the right time to walk away. 

Xavi patted Iker on his shoulder before getting up and walking away, it was useless to take to Iker when he was like this; there was little that he could do right now for his friend. 

Iker closed his eyes and leant back in his chair, he wondered if maybe now it was time to hand over the armband to someone else and step down as not only captain of the team but also from national duty. 

He had played for Spain for fourteen years now and maybe it was time for him to leave and let someone else have a good; he wasn't getting any younger and the team would be better off without him. 

Iker shook his head, he would have a lot to consider and he knew that it wasn't a decision that he could rush into or just ignore right now. 


"I'm useless... Vicente has every right not to play me ever again," Iker grumbled laying back on the bed and staring up at the ceiling, his stomach grumbled wanting to be fed but he was waiting for Adriana to get ready. 

Iker had been expecting her invite to dinner, he had just wanted to sulk in his room some more and avoid everyone until this entire nightmare was over; he had let them down and he wasn't going to forgive himself. 

"No you're not, you're not the only person on the team," Adriana replied stepping out of the bathroom in her purple lace blouse and dark wash slim leg jeans; she just needed to find her beige wedge sandals and then she would be ready to leave for dinner. 

Iker looked up from his place on the bed and looked at Adriana, she looked nice and he wondered why she was a little dressed up; he couldn't think of a reason for her to be dressed like that. 

"I could have done more," Iker muttered shaking his head, he watched Adriana as she moved to find her shoes and he hoped that one day things would just be simple for him. 

Adriana sighed not knowing how to get Iker out of his funk, she just hoped that the news that she was going to share with him would cheer him up a little; she didn't want Iker to be miserable when he had done everything that he could for his team. 

"You are human... San Iker is human and no one expects you to save every ball," Adriana replied calmly, she wasn't going to let him bring her down; she was in a good mood and had some pretty exciting news to share with him. 

Adriana smiled finding her shoes and moved to slip them on, she just needed her bag and then they could leave to get some dinner; she didn't want to spend it discussing football or having Iker mope around anymore. 

"But I should," Iker replied leaning back on the bed, she didn't understand how much pressure he was under and he had messed up big time this time there would be no going back.

"It would be a pretty boring match if every goalkeeper did that," Adriana replied shaking her head, she turned to look at Iker who was now glaring at her and she guessed that she had said the wrong thing. 

Iker frowned at Adriana and moved to leave, he wasn't in the mood for this and he didn't see the point in hanging around; he just wanted to be alone and he was sure Kate or Jenny would go to dinner with her. 

"I'm sorry... I shouldn't have said that," Adriana apologised, she knew that wasn't what Iker had wanted to hear but it was the truth; if no one scored any goals then no one would ever win a match and people wouldn't watch football anymore. 

Iker didn't stop moving to leave, he didn't want to be here right now in case he said something that would upset Adriana; he would come back when he had calmed down. 

"Iker I'm pregnant," Adriana announced making the footballer stop in his tracks, she had been planning to tell him over dinner but it was clear that wasn't going to happen. 

Iker swallowed turning around to look at Adriana, he watched as she moved to get something out of her bag and his heart pounded in his chest at the sight of the pregnancy test. 

The insemination had worked and Adriana was going to give Iker the baby that he had desperately wanted, he walked across the room and kissed Adriana; his hands moving to rest on her stomach at the idea that she was officially carrying his baby at that moment. 

Adriana smiled at Iker, she could see just how much this meant to him and she blushed a little at the kiss; she certainly wasn't going to be telling Marco about that when she spoke to him later.

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