Chapter Fifteen: Luxor, Egypt

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Adriana removed her sunglasses and stepped into the hotel room after Iker, she couldn't believe that she was actually in Luxor; she couldn't remember the last time that she had been on holiday.

Iker moved to tip the bellboy, he was happy for some time to relax and he hoped that things would be peaceful for them here; he didn't want anyone harassing him or Adriana while they were on holiday.

Adriana turned to look at Iker as she set down her bag, the flight had been a long one and she was glad that they had arrived; she had yet to turn her mobile back on since she knew that Marco would be waiting to complain about the fact that she was on holiday.

"You didn't have to do this," Adriana murmured peeking around the very upscale hotel room that they would be sharing; she was surprised that he had gone through so much trouble.

Adriana couldn't imagine how much this had cost for eight days and seven nights, she chewed on her lip wishing that there was some way that Iker would let her pay for part of this trip.

"It's fine," Iker replied closing the door after the bellboy, he was happy that she was here with him especially with her being seven weeks pregnant with his child.

Iker was doing his best in these very early stages, there wasn't much that he could do for Adriana but he had could see that giving up a baby was going to be hard for her; it made him regret having her sign that contract when she had agreed to be his surrogate.

"I'm gonna go and freshen up," Adriana mused shaking her head, she was glad that she didn't feel to nauseous that morning and she was sure that this part of her pregnancy would pass quickly.

Iker nodded his head and watched Adriana go, he hoped things wouldn't be to awkward for them on this trip; he wanted them to become closer especially with her carrying his baby.


Adriana stretched as she settled down in a sun lounger by the pool, she hadn't been able to resist after her shower and she had no idea where Iker had disappeared to; she had left him a note back in the hotel room.

Opening her book, Adriana wondered how long it would take Iker to find her; she was sure that he hadn't disappeared far and would find her soon, she didn't fancy being left alone for long.

Adriana chewed on her lip finding where she had left off, her blue eyes focusing on the page as she enjoyed the hot sun; she couldn't believe that she was actually in Egypt right now.

A small smile played on her lips, Adriana wondered what Iker had planned for their trip; she was hoping to catch some sights and would love to visit the Valley of the Kings.

Adriana wanted nothing more than to enjoy this trip and take her mind off the fact that she was only going to be in Iker's life for eight months; she would never see him again after this nor would she be seeing the baby that she was about to give him.

Adriana closed her eyes and took a deep breath, she had no idea how she was going to feel when Iker left with the baby; she was just glad that she would be able to have therapy when this was over so that she wouldn't hate herself for giving away another baby.

Adriana had always found it hard to part with the babies that she carried but she always did the right thing, they belonged with their real parents and she was just helping them have a family that they had dreamed of.

"There you are," Iker called approaching Adriana, he had been a little worried when he had found that she wasn't in their hotel room but had quickly found her note.

Iker wasn't going to deny that Adriana looked beautiful in her navy ring triangle bikini top and ring bikini bottoms; she looked so relaxed and he was happy that she seemed to be enjoying herself.

Adriana blinked surprised at how quickly Iker had been able to find her, she had expected some time to herself before he tracked her down; she forced a smile at him as he sat down next to her.

"You okay?" Iker asked eyeing Adriana, he could see that something was bothering her and he hoped it wasn't something serious; he wanted her to be comfortable during their trip.

Adriana stared at Iker for a moment surprised that he had noticed that her smile was fake, Marco would have never noticed and she wasn't used to someone taking so much notice of her.

"Just a little jetlagged," Adriana lied not wanting to tell Iker what she was thinking, she was only the surrogate and she was sure in a couple of months things would have settled down for her.

Iker looked at her for a moment not quiet believing what she was saying, he wondered for a moment how often she had to lie about her own feelings when she was with Marco.

"Where did you disappear to?" Adriana asked changing the subject, she wanted nothing more than to forget about her own worries; she would have to get over her doubts about giving this baby away since it was never going to be hers.

Iker's brown eyes searched Adriana's face, he knew what she was doing and he wished that she would be honest with him; he didn't want her suffering in anyway and she was clearly bottling up how she felt.

The doctor had warned him that Adriana might struggle a little with giving away the baby, it wasn't an easy thing for anyone to do especially when the baby was biologically theirs.

It was usually easier when couples hired surrogates and they weren't so attached to the people that they were surrogates for; this was a unique situation that Iker and Adriana were in.


Iker ran his fingers through his wet hair as he walked back to Adriana after spending time in the pool; he was glad for a chance to unwind and he knew that the next few days would be good for them.

Iker was hopeful that Adriana would open up to him about what was on her mind, he didn't want her suffering and he knew that their agreement was hurting her; he wished that he knew what he could do to make this easier for her.

Iker was aware of what this was doing to her, he just didn't know how to help her; she had a life with Marco and she couldn't give that up for him nor the child that she had agreed to carry for him.

Iker moved back towards Adriana, he smiled a little at her glad that she was the one carrying his baby; he regretted never taking the chance to date her when he'd had it, instead he had ended up with Sara.

Iker hated himself for making that mistake, he and Sara had never wanted the same things; he could have been so happy with Adriana and he had missed out on his chance.

"The pool is nice," Iker mused sitting down next to Adriana, he peeked at her knowing that he would have to get over his growing feelings for her; they had eight months together and after that she was going to marry Marco, there was no way around that.

Adriana looked up from her book, she smiled at Iker having no idea just how jealous he was becoming of the man that she was going to marry; she had no idea how much he hated that thought alone.

Iker leant back on his sun lounger and peeked at the cheap white gold diamond engagement ring that sat on her hand, he could have done better than that and he knew Marco had enough money to buy her a better ring.

Xavi was right, Marco wasn't right for Adriana and Iker wondered what she saw in the man that seemed to treat her no better than an object.

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