Chapter Twenty-Two: A Lovely Surprise

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Adriana chewed on her lip as she waited for the doctor to call them in for their next appointment, she was so nervous and she knew that it was stupid; Iker wasn't with her this time since he was away at a match.

Kate had come with her to keep her company during the appointment since she didn't want to come alone, she was glad to have someone with her; she just hoped that they would have good news.

"Do you think you'll find out the gender today?" Kate asked brushing some hair from her face, she was flicking through a bridal magazine and taking in ideas for her wedding day.

Kate was looking forward to her big day, she was still looking into venues and such for her big day; she wanted nothing more than to have a beautiful day, she didn't care what Sergio's mother wanted it was her big day.

"I hope so," Adriana replied smiling a little, she wanted to break the news to Iker herself if they found out and she was sure that he would be happy either way; she had a feeling that he would love a little boy to follow in his steps.

Kate smiled looking at Adriana, she was so happy for her friend especially now that things had worked themselves out; she had been dating Iker for a month now even if she had yet to tell her parents.

"I think Iker would love a little boy, someone that would follow in his steps," Adriana mused softly, she rested a hand on her bump; she was so happy and she had never thought that things would work out this well.

Iker was everything to her right now and he was being so sweet, she really hoped that when they went to visit her parents that they would see how much happier she was with Iker than she had ever been with Marco.

"But I also know that if we have a girl that Iker would spoil her rotten," Adriana continued trying to ease her mind, Iker would be happy both ways and so would she; she just wanted a healthy baby and that was what really mattered.

Kate smiled and nodded her head, she knew that Sergio had been the same when she was pregnant with Junior; they had been so happy and they wanted nothing more than to have several more when the time was right.

"I've never seen either of you so happy," Kate murmured watching Adriana, she wished that it could have happened sooner but it was better late than never; there had been a chance that Adriana could have still gone on to marry Marco and that was gone now.

Adriana stared at her best friend and nodded her head, she had never felt this happy before and she could have missed out; she hated to think of how she would have felt still engaged to Marco and denying that things were never going to work for them.

"Adriana Hernandez," called a voice making Adriana look up, she took a nervous breathe before getting to her feet; she was sure that everything was perfectly fine with the baby.

Kate tucked her magazine under her arm before following Adriana into the doctor's office, she was sure that Iker would be upset about missing this appointment but there had been no way around it.

Iker was away with the team who were meant to be playing Ludogorets Razgrad that night and they wouldn't be back until later that evening; it was something that Kate had gotten used to when it came to Sergio being away so much.

"It's nice to see you again Miss Hernandez," the doctor greeted the brunette, he had seen the change in her notes and had been surprised; he was a little curious about why the agreement had been called off.

Kate shut the door behind her, she peeked around the doctor's office knowing that soon Adriana would be transferred to a midwife since she was no longer a surrogate.


Adriana sat on the examination bed, she was almost glad that this was her last appointment at the IVF clinic and that she would be able to see a midwife; it would allow her to move past what had nearly happened.

"Everything looks good so far," the doctor confirmed checking over Adriana's results, he had never expected that things would change so quickly in the eighteen weeks and he was sure that she knew what she was doing.

Kate bounced her knee while she watched the doctor, she didn't know what it was about him but she didn't like him; he seemed a little too interested in Adriana's business and she was glad that this was the last time that she would be seeing him.

Adriana leant back on the examination table for the scan, she couldn't wait for this to be over and she knew that it was just another step before she had her baby.

"Would you like to know the gender?" the doctor asked starting up the machine, he peeked at Adriana ignoring her blonde friend; he had been expecting her to come alone since Iker was away and he had been sure that he'd have a chance to speak to her alone.

Adriana took a deep breath, she felt the cold gel go onto her stomach as she thought about it for a moment; she had wanted to share this with Iker but there was little chance of that happening with him being away in Bulgaria for the match.

"Yes," Adriana confirmed with a nod of her head, she was sure that she would be more relaxed when she started to see her midwife; her contact with the IVF clinic was going to an end right after this appointment.

The doctor nodded his head and started to look at the screen, he was silent as he worked ignoring the quiet talk between Adriana and Kate for a moment.

"Okay it looks like you are having a..." the doctor started to announce, Adriana looked at him holding her breath knowing that she couldn't wait to tell Iker the news.


Iker yawned tiredly stepping into his home, it had been a long day and he was happy to be home; he doubted that Adriana would be awake since it was pretty late, he would have to wait until tomorrow to find out what the doctor said.

Iker padded into the kitchen to put his bag down, he would do his washing tomorrow and he was just looking forward to having a bit of a sleep in after his long day.

Turning around to head upstairs to bed, Iker paused when he realised that the living room light was on; he stared for a moment before he padded into the room wondering what was going on.

Adriana smiled spotting her boyfriend, she was almost worried that he would be too tired to notice that the light was on; she had stayed up late to tell him the wonderful news.

"Adi? Is everything okay?" Iker asked concerned, he didn't know why she was still awake when it was late; he wondered for a moment if the doctor had given her bad news.

Adriana smiled getting to her feet and nodding, she gently handed over the scan picture of their baby; she couldn't wait to tell him what they were having and she was so excited.

Iker smiled staring down at the picture, he couldn't believe how big the baby was getting and he loved having each scan of his baby especially now he could share them with Adriana.

Iker wrapped his arms around his girlfriend, he couldn't help but cherish each moment that brought them closer to becoming parents for the first time.

Adriana took a deep breath before she kissed Iker's cheek and moved to hug him close to her, it was now or never.

"It's a boy," Adriana whispered softly into Iker's ear before stepping back to look at his face, she smiled up at him knowing that she was glad that she had stayed awake waiting for him to come home. 

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