Chapter Thirty-Nine: Getting Settled

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Adriana brushed some hair from her face as she wandered around the apart that she now lived in, it was strange to think that it had been two weeks since Iker had left Madrid behind and she was glad things were getting better. 

Adriana couldn't imagine how hard this had all been for him and she knew that it was going to take some getting used to, she was happy that they had each other to rely on right now. 

Padding into Martin's room, Adriana smiled moving to pick her son up and cuddle him; she had been slowly exploring the area around the apartment and getting used to the fact that they weren't in Madrid anymore. 

Kate and Jenny had called a couple of times to check in on their friend, they missed not having her around and they knew that if Iker could have stayed at Real Madrid then he would have done so. 

The entire team were upset about the fact that Iker had been forced out and it didn't help that there was still so much talk about signing David De Gea; the younger man was going to have so much pressure on his shoulders and a big problem if he signed for Real Madrid. 

Adriana was trying not to pay too much attention to what was happening at the club, she was still angry that the board had forced Iker out when there was only two years left on his contract; he would have happily retired there and that had been taken from him. 

"Shall we go and see papa at training?" Adriana asked balancing her son on her hip, she held him close knowing that things would be okay; they had settled in nicely in Porto and she was enjoying the change. 

Porto had done a bit to make the family feel comfortable in their new home, it had been nice and Adriana doubted that things could have been better for them right now. 

Martin gave his mother a smile before Adriana set about dressing him for the day, she was sure that Iker would be thrilled to see their son after he had finished training.


Iker wiped the sweat from his face as he finished training, it did still feel a little strange to be wearing a Porto jersey instead of his old Real Madrid one; he had knew it was going to take time for him to get used to it. 

Iker kept his head down as the training session came to an end, he missed some of his old team-mates and he knew that in time it would get easier for him to think about the fact that Real Madrid had tossed him away. 

Walking off the training field, Iker stopped when his eyes landed on his fiancée and son; he swallowed not sure what to make of the fact that they were here. 

"Adi?" Iker asked jogging slightly over to her, he smiled looking at Martin and he knew that it had been pretty easy to settle the infant into their new home. 

Iker had been a little worried that Martin wouldn't react well to the fact that they had left Madrid behind, the little boy was five months old and it was a little strange to think that he was growing up so fast. 

"We wanted to surprise you," Adriana replied allowing Iker to lift Martin out of her arms, she kissed him pleased to see him happy; she hated how quiet he had been since they had left Madrid behind. 

Jenny was doing her best to keep things as calm as possible, she was still Iker's assistant even if she had remained in Madrid; she was keeping an eye on things there knowing just how crazy things were going to get. 

"It's a wonderful surprise amor," Iker replied cuddling his son, he loved how relaxed everything was and he was sure that when the season started that he would get a lot of playing time. 

Adriana had promised to bring Martin to the first home match of the season, she knew how much that Iker needed all of this and she was sure that in time things would settle down.


"I spoke with your madre this morning," Adriana murmured moving to sit down with a smile while she watched Iker feed Martin, it had been a lovely afternoon and she was glad that they had been able to relax. 

Iker peeked at his fiancée, he knew that his mother was making sure that things were getting done for their wedding; they didn't have much time to get everything organised and he wanted the perfect day for Adriana. 

Adriana chewed on her lip, there was so much to be done before their wedding day and she was hopeful that things would be worked out soon; she couldn't imagine how they would get everything done for the day. 

"She wanted to know what we were doing about a venue," Adriana continued nervously, they hadn't really said much about the wedding since they had gotten engaged four months earlier except for picking a date. 

Iker sighed knowing that his mother was just trying to help, Carmen wanted everything to be perfect and he didn't blame her; he just wished that she would back off a little bit. 

The couple had been so busy with their move from Madrid to Porto that they hadn't really thought about their own wedding and there was a lot to do if they wanted to get married next year. 

"I was sort of wondering how you felt about Parroquia de Santa Bárbara?" Adriana asked carefully, she had been doing a lot of wedding talk with Kate and she wanted to do some planning before it was too late; she didn't want to push back their wedding. 

The couple already knew that they wanted to get married in Madrid, it was a place close to their hearts and they wanted to keep things as normal as possible since they had Martin to think about. 

Iker looked at Adriana, he could see that she had done some research and he couldn't deny her anything if it made her happy because that was all that he wanted.

"Amor... I don't care where we get married," Iker murmured shaking his head, he wanted his fiancée to have the day that she had dreamt of; he didn't care how much it cost as long as Adriana was happy. 

Adriana blinked a little unsure, she had a couple of ideas for the wedding and reception; she wanted to run them past Iker since she wasn't sure what he wanted to do for their wedding. 

"As long as I am marrying you that is all that mattered to me," Iker continued and he knew that his mother would be pleased no matter what since they would be getting married in Madrid. 

Adriana got along perfectly with Carmen and she was being a great help since the brunette wasn't speaking with her own mother; she hadn't really seen them since Martin had been born. 

"Besides... I already have our honeymoon planned out," Iker teased leaning forward and kissing Adriana, he had done a lot of research for their honeymoon and he was sure it would be a great place for them to relax and maybe even work on giving Martin a sibling. 

Adriana stared at Iker, she hadn't expected him to have everything planned out for their honeymoon; she was a little excited about the idea and she was hopeful about what he had planned. 

"I can pick anywhere I want," Adriana checked smiling at Iker, she wanted to be sure that she had this right; she brushed her fingers through Iker's hair watching his face. 

Iker chuckled nodding his head, she only had to tell him when and where and he would be there; he wanted Adriana to be happy after everything that she had done for him. 

Adriana grinned knowing that she wasn't going to go over the top, she wanted a simple wedding and reception and that was all.

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