Chapter Twenty-One: Iker's Parents

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"Madre... you remember Adriana," Iker introduced nervously, he knew that this was going to be tense and he hoped that Carmen was going to behave since he had yet to tell his parents of the change in his life.

It had been two weeks since Iker had finally gotten together with Adriana and this was the first time that he had really seen his parents since he had told them about his plan to hire a surrogate so he could become a father.

"Xavier's cousin," Carmen mused with a short nod of her head, her brown eyes staring at the woman that was helping her son get what he wanted a fact that hurt Carmen even more.

Adriana was a very beautiful woman and it only served to remind Carmen on what Iker was giving up to chase after this silly fantasy of his; she wanted him to settle down and couldn't imagine what was going to happen when Iker had the baby.

"It's nice to see you again Mrs Casillas," Adriana greeted politely, she wasn't sure what to expect from having lunch with Iker's parents but she was nervous; they were going to tell them first about the change in their agreement before they told her own parents.

Adriana wasn't in any rush to tell her parents that she was now dating Iker, she dreaded to think what they would say since they had really liked Marco and were still hoping she'd get back together with him.

"So pink is that a hint at the gender?"José Luis Casillas asked nodding to the pink jersey and lace patchwork top that Adriana was wearing, it was still a little early for the couple to find out and he knew that he couldn't wait to meet his first grandchild.

Iker chuckled and shook his head, they still didn't know what Adriana was going to have; she was fifteen weeks now and they would find out at their next scan.

"We don't know yet," Adriana replied feeling a little more relaxed, she peeked at Iker knowing that they hadn't really talked much about the baby that they were going to have.


"So Adriana you are twenty-nine?" Carmen asked watching the woman that was going to give her eldest son a child, she had no idea if she would ever be okay with Iker using a surrogate instead of finding a wonderful woman to settle down with.

Adriana messed with her pasta and peeked at Iker, they had yet to say anything about what had changed and she knew that they would have to do so sooner or later.

"I am," Adriana confirmed with a nod of her head, she had turned twenty-nine last week and she'd had a lovely day; she had spent the day with Iker who had been wonderful, he had taken her out to dinner and to see The Lion King musical.

Iker had wanted the day to be special as a sign of the future that they would now share together, he would do something big for Adriana's thirtieth next year and he was determined to make it a good one.

"You've done this before," Carmen continued not wanting to think about how Iker was going to cope, he was going to be alone and she feared for him and the baby when Adriana walked away.

Iker stared at his mother wondering where she was going with this, he wanted his mother to be happy for him; not only was he going to be a father but he had a beautiful girlfriend.

"I have several times," Adriana confirmed softly, she had no idea what was going on but it made her nervous; she was sure that Carmen was just worried for her son.

José Luis looked at his wife, he had told her to not start any problems; Iker had made his decision and he didn't want any problems especially with a baby on the way.

The table was quiet for a moment with everyone looking to Carmen, she was clearly not going to give up on what she wanted and was going to be causing some problems.

"It must be hard for you," Carmen continued not looking to Iker, she could never imagine giving away a baby that was biologically hers; she couldn't imagine how Adriana would suffer when she did in five months.

Adriana blinked taking a deep breath, she felt Iker rest a hand on her knee while he glared at his mother; that future had been changed and Adriana wasn't going to be leaving anymore.

"Madre," Iker warned not wanting to upset his girlfriend, she hadn't done anything wrong nor did she need reminding of what had been planned for them.

Adriana was no longer Iker's surrogate, she was his girlfriend and the soon to be mother of his child; nothing was going to change that now and Iker was hoping that things would stay that way for a long time.

"I'm just making conversation," Carmen replied peeking at her son, she didn't want him to go through with this but there was no going back now that Adriana was pregnant.

Carmen wanted Iker to realise what a mistake that he was making by using a surrogate, he deserved better and she wanted him to do things the normal way.

"Madre... Adriana isn't my surrogate anymore," Iker murmured staring at his mother, he hadn't wanted to break the news like this but he wasn't going to let her kick up a fuss over nothing anymore.

Carmen stared at her son wondering what on earth he was talking about, it was very clear that the brunette was pregnant and Iker had been so happy talking about the baby earlier.

"Then whose baby is she carrying?" José Luis asked confused watching the couple, he frowned hoping that there hadn't been some sort of mix up; he wanted Iker to be happy and he knew that Iker had wanted to be a father badly.

Iker snorted amused realising that he had better explain, he wanted things be better and he was looking forward to his future now; he was going to be a father and he had a woman that he loved by his side.

"Mine... Adriana is my girlfriend now," Iker clarified with a smile, lacing his fingers with Adriana's before he gave her a kiss in front of his parents; he had hated not being able to touch her while they had been having lunch.

Carmen and José Luis were silent as Iker's news sank in, they certainly hadn't been expecting that when Iker had called inviting them to lunch to meet Adriana for the first time.

Carmen suddenly burst into tears making Iker and Adriana stare at her before she jumped out of her seat and moved to hug the brunette; she couldn't believe that her prayers had been answered, she had never thought that this would happen.

"Welcome to the family," Carmen gushed to Adriana while José Luis smiled and looked at Iker, he had never thought that he would see this day and he could tell by the look on his eldest son's face that it had been a long time coming.

Adriana hugged Carmen back, she was glad that at least one set of parents were going to be thrilled with what was going on; she had no idea what would happen when it came time to tell her own.

Iker smiled watching his girlfriend and mother, it was still the early stages of their relationship but he had a feeling that things were never going to be slow between him and Adriana.

"I'm happy for you Iker," José Luis murmured moving to pat his son on the shoulder, it had been a long time coming and José Luis was happy to see his eldest son settling down.

Sara had been a lovely girl and Iker had seemed happy with her for a time but he looked even happier to be with Adriana and they were going to have a baby in a few months' time.

Iker nodded to his father, he peeked at Adriana knowing that their next stop would be to tell her parents about what was going on. 

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