Chapter Forty-One: April 2016

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Iker took a deep breath as he checked on Martin, he couldn't take his mind off what Xavi had mentioned to him that Adriana was pregnant; he loved the idea that they could be having another baby. 

Iker didn't know why Adriana hadn't talked to him about this, he knew that there had to be a reason and he hoped that Xavi was right; he didn't want to get his hopes up then proved to be wrong. 

Iker made sure that Martin was covered up before he headed back to the master bedroom, he yawned knowing that it had been a long day; he was pleased to see that Adriana had enjoyed herself. 

Iker padded into the bedroom and smiled at the sight of Adriana curled up in bed, he watched his fiancée knowing that wedding plans were something that had been left to her. 

"Amor?" Iker murmured knowing that he needed to know, he wouldn't be able to forget what Xavi had said and he was sure that they would be able to manage if they were going to have another baby. 

Adriana looked up at Iker, she could see that something was on his mind and she hoped that everything was okay; she sat up a little knowing that it had to be important. 

"Xavi said something to me at the party," Iker mumbled not knowing what to say to her, their first pregnancy had been so different and Martin had been conceived via insemination; this time Iker wasn't sure what to do. 

Adriana furrowed her brow, she had no idea what her cousin could have said to Iker while at her party; she doubted it could have anything to do with her parents since she knew that Xavi didn't speak to them either. 

"You weren't drinking alcohol," Iker murmured moving to sit on the edge of the bed, he watched Adriana knowing that he would do anything for her and Martin. 

Adriana smiled, she hadn't even realised that anyone had noticed that she wasn't drinking; she had been so sure that she had hidden it better than she clearly had.

"How does April 2016 sound to you?" Adriana asked grinning at Iker, she couldn't think of a better way to tell him and she knew that this couldn't have come at a better time; she watched Iker look at her confused. 

Adriana laughed softly before reaching for the sonogram that lay in her bedside table, she knew how busy Iker had been recently and she had been waiting for the right moment to reveal her news. 

"Adi?" Iker breathed as his fiancée handed over the picture of their unborn child, he couldn't believe that they really were going to have another baby. 

Iker stared down at the sonogram, he smiled running his thumb over it and he was so happy that Martin was going to have a baby brother or sister in a few months' time. 

"I am about nine weeks," Adriana revealed watching Iker, she certainly hadn't been expecting this when they had moved to Porto but she was glad that things had worked out so well. 

Iker grinned as he turned to kiss Adriana, he was so happy at the news and he couldn't believe that they were going to have a baby; he had been so sure that it would be a couple of years before they would conceive. 

"I love you," Iker murmured brushing his fingers through her hair, he couldn't believe that they would have a baby in April; he moved to brush his fingers against Adriana's flat stomach thinking of how beautiful she had looked carrying Martin. 

Adriana wrapped her arms around Iker's neck and kissed him, she had no idea what having a second baby was going to be like but she was sure that they could manage; she loved the idea of expanding their tiny little family. 

"I love you too," Adriana replied, she couldn't wait to find out what they were going to have and she was sure that Iker would be happy either way.


Iker smiled watching Adriana with Martin, he couldn't even begin to imagine what was going to happen when the baby was born; he was just glad that things had started to settle down for him. 

Adriana balanced Martin on her hip, she adored her son and she doubted that there was anything better than moments like this; they weren't in any rush and the apartment was so quiet. 

"What if we got married before Christmas?" Iker suggested leaning back on the couch, he knew that it was a sudden proposal but it had been on his mind since Adriana told him that she was pregnant the night before. 

Adriana stopped and stared at Iker, she wasn't sure what to make of his question when she had already put a lot of work into planning their wedding for the next summer. 

"We'd still have the big wedding for the family... but I want to be married to you before the baby arrives," Iker reassured knowing that his mother would be furious if she didn't get to see him get married but he wanted to be able to call Adriana his wife before the new baby came into the world. 

Iker got to his feet and walked over to Adriana, he knew that things would be crazy with the baby due and he didn't want Adriana thinking that she had to do everything on her own; he was here to help in any way that he could. 

"Where?" Adriana asked peeking up at Iker as he carefully lifted Martin out of her arms, she kind of liked the idea of becoming Mrs Adriana Casillas before the baby arrived. 

Adriana was sure that they would still have the big wedding, she knew how many of their friends and family were looking forward to that day and she didn't want to let anyone down. 

"We'll find a place," Iker said wanting their first wedding to be as special as the one that Adriana was planning, he knew that he would find somewhere and he hoped that things would be okay before they tied the knot. 

Adriana nodded her head, she couldn't imagine what Iker had planned but she had a feeling that he was going to make sure that their wedding was going to be a special one.

"Plus I am sure Martin will look dashing in his little suit," Iker said cooing over their son, he was seven months old and Iker knew that he would have to get used to sharing his parents when the new baby came. 

Adriana smiled watching Iker whisper to their son, he was a wonderful father and she had never doubted that fact for a moment; she had never thought this was how her life would work out. 

"When is your next appointment?" Iker asked looking at Adriana, he wanted to be there for her next scan and he was sure that he would be able to be there. 

Adriana smiled moving to sit down on the couch, she curled her feet up under her and tried to remember when her next appointment was booked for; she would probably find out then what they were going to have. 

"December," Adriana replied making Iker nod his head, he made a mental note to make sure that he didn't have training for the appointment; he wanted to be able to see the baby. 

Iker couldn't imagine how much was going to change between now and when the baby was born; there was so much for them to do and he was going to have to decorate the spare room so that the baby had a nursery. 

"I wonder how your madre will take the news," Adriana teased as she watched Iker come and sit down next to her, she knew that Carmen would be thrilled with the news of a second grandchild. 

Iker snorted, his mother had been so excited when Martin had been born and he couldn't imagine how she would be when she found out that she was getting another grandchild. 

Iker wrapped an arm around Adriana and held her and Martin close, this was the family he had always dreamt of.

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