Chapter Forty-Two: Familiar Strangers

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Adriana smiled as she watched Iker playing with Martin, they had taken a trip to the beach since it was still quite warm and she knew that Iker was doing his best to do be there for them both. 

Adriana sat down on the sand, she couldn't believe how lucky she was and she hoped that things were going to be just fine for them; they had another baby on the way and she was excited about it. 

"Adriana? I thought that was you," called a voice making Adriana blink, she turned around recognising the voice of the man that had spoken before she smiled and got to her feet. 

Iker hearing someone call out to his fiancée picked Martin up, he eyed the man that was hugging his fiancée before he decided to make his way back up the beach to Adriana and the man that she was talking to. 

"It's amazing to see you again," Adriana said brushing some hair from her face, she smiled at Iker as he stopped by her side; she couldn't believe how weird it was to see Oscar again. 

Iker eyed the man that had appeared from nowhere, he was a little worried that he was some sort of ex-boyfriend that Adriana had failed to mention; he shifted his hold on Martin knowing that he didn't like this. 

"Iker this is Oscar," Adriana said introducing the two men, she could see the look on Iker's face and she found it cute that he was jealous of Oscar even if there was nothing for him to be jealous about. 

Iker nodded at the other man, he wasn't sure if he would ever like the idea of Adriana being close to any of her ex-boyfriends; he hadn't even met Marco but he knew the man was trouble. 

"So you're the lucky man, I am jealous," Oscar gushed winking at Iker, he couldn't believe that Adriana had settled down and he was so happy for her; he had never liked her last partner, who seemed more interested in a trophy wife than anything else. 

"What are you doing in Portugal?" Adriana asked curiously, she was sure that Oscar had lived in Italy and she knew that he had loved it there; he'd had his own little vineyard and an amazing view.

"Holiday with David and the little one," Oscar replied carefully, he smiled at Adriana knowing that if it wasn't for Adriana then he would have never gotten the family that he had wanted. 

Iker furrowed his brow, he felt like there was something that he was missing and he didn't like it; he looked at Adriana, who seemed suddenly a little uncomfortable with the conversation. 

"I was Oscar and David's surrogate," Adriana explained softly to Iker, she looked at her fiancé knowing that he would understand why there wasn't being more said about the child. 

Adriana couldn't know anything and she knew that it would only make the situation harder; she didn't have any rights to that child or the others that she had carried, she was better off not knowing anything about them. 

Iker stared at her, he felt his stomach turn a little wondering how she resisted the urge to ask about the child that she had carried for nine months then gave away. 

Iker couldn't imagine how hard that had been for Adriana and he hated that things could have gone the same way for them; they had Martin now and another baby on the way but it could have been so different for them. 

"I better be getting back, it was wonderful to see you again," Oscar said giving Adriana a hug before he hurried away, he would never forget the wonderful thing that she had done for him and his husband. 

Adriana took a deep breath before she turned her attention to Iker and Martin, she couldn't dwell on what could have been; she was happy and that was what mattered now not the past. 

Iker closely watched Adriana, he knew that he would be talking to her about this later on when they were at home.


"Does it bother you?" Iker asked watching Adriana put their son down for a nap, he leant against the door frame as he watched her closely knowing that he couldn't help but ask; he didn't want her getting upset. 

Adriana peeked at Iker, she knew what he was asking about and she wasn't even surprised that he was asking; she looked down at Martin for a moment and thought. 

"Sometimes," Adriana admitted covering their little boy up, she watched him sleeping and she knew that he was the best thing that had ever happened to her; she adored Martin and she would love the new baby as well. 

Iker watched her, his chest aching knowing that he had planned to do the same; he hated the idea that he would have been hurting Adriana in anyway. 

"But then I remember what a good thing I did for those couples," Adriana said turning to look at Iker, she could never hate herself for what she had done; she had given people who couldn't have children a chance at being parents, she had done that so they could be happy. 

Iker pushed himself away from the door and walked towards Adriana, she was an amazing woman and he knew just how lucky he was to have her in his life; he couldn't wait to call her his wife. 

"Don't look at me like that," Adriana scowled shaking her head, she allowed Iker to wrap his arms around her and pull her into a hug; she didn't want anyone feeling bad for her. 

Iker chuckled and shook his head, he loved Adriana and he would always be by her side no matter what happened; he was sure that nothing would change how he felt about her. 

"You are an amazing woman," Iker whispered kissing Adriana, he didn't know how she did it and he knew that Oscar hadn't been the only person that she had helped have a child. 

Adriana closed her eyes, she couldn't believe how much had changed for her; she couldn't imagine walking away from Iker or Martin after everything that had happened.


"Your madre called again," Adriana said sitting down on the bed, she watched Iker as he got ready for bed and she knew that Carmen was so excited with the idea that they were going to get married in Madrid. 

Iker raised an eyebrow at his fiancée, he could only imagine what his mother had to say and he knew that since wedding planning had begun that she had her own ideas on everything. 

"Are you sure that you still want to elope?" Adriana asked rubbing some lotion into her hands, she watched Iker knowing that they hadn't really talked about the idea. 

Iker stopped what he was doing and turned to look at Adriana, he had no idea where she was going with this; he stared at her wanting her to finish her sentence. 

"Adi?" Iker murmured watching her, he hated when she did this and he knew that he wanted to know what she was thinking; Adriana didn't say anything instead she moved to tie her hair up. 

Iker grumbled hating the silence, she was doing this to torment him and he hoped that everything was going to be okay; he wanted to get married whenever it was possible. 

"There's an opening at the town hall on the 25th of October," Adriana finally said smiling at Iker, she watched his face as it lit up; she knew how much this would mean to him and she hadn't wasted a moment in booking the hall because it was what they both wanted. 

Iker grinned walking over to Adriana and kissing her, he held her close knowing that this couldn't have come at a better time; they would have a small wedding this year and the big wedding next summer with their family and friends there to watch. 

Adriana was going to be Mrs Casillas in a few weeks' time and Iker couldn't wait for that moment to happen.

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