Chapter 21

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It was midnight and I couldn't sleep. I couldn't stop thinking of Justin's frightened face when he found out it was me who was spying on them.

I grabbed my phone and checked the time. When I pressed the home button I accidentally took a picture and I sighed, then clicked on my photos.

I deleted it and a picture caught my eye. I clicked on it and saw a picture of Justin and I. I was kissing his shoulder and he had a serious look on his face.

I don't even remember taking this picture. I sighed and shut my phone, then I stood up and walked to my moms room.

I opened the door quietly and walked inside, crawling next to her. She stirred slightly and wrapped her arm around me, probably knowing it was me.

"What's wrong" she murmured quietly, her eyes still shut

"I had a bad dream" I lied.

She laughed quietly "you're a bad liar, you're lucky I'm tired, get some rest" she whispered and went back to sleep.

I smiled and slowly closed my eyes, falling into a deep sleep.


I fluttered my eyes open when I heard my stupid alarm all the way from my room. I extended my arm out and didn't feel my mother next to me. I slowly blinked my eyes open and didn't see her.

I sighed and stood up, then walked back to my room. I lazily opened the closet then took out black jeans, and a grey shirt with a green army jacket.

I slipped off my clothes and gasped when I saw a purple bruise on my arm. I stared at it and touched it, wincing when I felt the stinging sensation. It was throbbing and hurt so bad.

I probably got it from falling on the street yesterday night.


I pushed away what happened and changed quickly, slipping on my white converse. I brushed my hair and left it how it was, wavy.

After having breakfast and brushing my teeth I left my phone in my bed and left for school.

I didn't want to bring my phone since I was afraid I was going to loose it and i simply didn't need it.

While I was walking I looked down at my feet and sighed heavily. No matter how much I liked Justin, I had to get away from him. He could bring danger to my mother.

I was thinking of something when a familiar roar was heard all the way down the road.

Justin, and he was speeding. I walked faster, but his car was way faster so he caught up to me.

He rolled down his window "get in Selena" he yelled

"I told you to leave me alone"

I glanced at him and couldn't help but check him out a bit. From what I saw he had his hair styled up, and he was wearing a black shirt. He probably knew how hot he looked in that color so that's why he wore it a lot.

He was so attractive with his defined jaw and dark eyes "stop being so damn stubborn and get in"

Stubborn? I scoffed, if he thought I was going to get in that car he was so wrong.

Just a few more minutes I thought to myself.

"Don't make me come get you" he warned but I kept walking.

He followed me all the way into the school but he had to park his car so I had the chance to hide from him.

I turned a corner and bumped into someone. I looked up and met a pair of blue eyes.

She looked so familiar.... I stared at her face and tried to think hardly.

"Selena?" She said in an accent I could never forget" realization hit me like a truck.

I can't believe she was here. After all these years. My mouth opened and she looked at me confused "is it y-" she slapped her hand on her mouth "Selena it is you!"

"Emily" I breathed out, she used to be my best friend when we were younger, but she moved away. We didn't have a phone back then so we couldn't communicate with each other.

She engulfed me in a hug and squeezed me, like if she was afraid she was going to loose me. I hugged her back and smiled widely.

"I can't believe it's you! After all these years I thought I'd never see you again!" She shrieked and pulled away

"I know, look at you! You look amazing!" I scanned her up and down then smiled at her.

She had beautiful blonde curly hair, a nice smile, and a great body. She shrugged "I try, but look at you! You're gorgeous as hell, do you work out?" She asked and looked at my butt.

I laughed and shook my head "what classes do you have?" I asked and took the paper from her hands.

"You only have gym with me" I sighed but smiled slightly knowing that I had somebody to talk to in that class.

"Hmm, okay, I have to go and find my classes, we have so much to catch up on! See you at lunch" she gave me one last hug and walked away.

I watched her walk away and saw a few guys look her up and down. I laughed quietly and turned around to see Justin.

"Shit" I slapped his arm "don't scare me like that"

I looked up at him and sighed. I couldn't get the image of him pointing at the other guy with a gun "I have to go" I said

"Who was she?" He cocked his head to the side and furrowed his eyebrows a little bit. I couldn't help but think how adorable he looked doing that.

"My friend, why" I tried not to sound jealous.

Why wouldn't I be jealous? She's drop dead gorgeous and I'm just me. He gave me a twisted smile "no reason"

I gulped, I needed to control myself, but he was just so perfect. I turned my back to him and started walking away. I had the urge to turn around and kiss him, but I knew I couldn't.

This was all my fault though, he warned me and told me to stay away, but I didn't listen. I finally build up the courage and turned around, but didn't see him anywhere.

I looked around and sighed when he wasn't anywhere in my sight. The bell rang and I started heading towards my class.


Hey, hope you enjoyed this chapter! I'll update as soon as I can.

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