Chapter 9

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"Where were you today!" Stacey hurriedly walked with me towards the exit door

School was over and I was read to jump in my bed and take a nap

"I went out to eat" I nodded "I hate school food remember"

"Yeah, but you went with Justin" she looked at me seriously "is there something you're hiding from me?"

"No, we're just friends" I smacked away a few hairs that were in my face

"Ok, well evan didn't look happy at all today, wonder what was bugging him" She mumbled, holding her books in her hands

I haven't seen evan since this morning. What if he found out about me leaving in Justin's car? What if he gets the wrong idea?

"How'd you find out about Justin and I leaving" I looked at her and opened the door, walking through groups of people

"Justin is popular because he's hot, so people talk and i listen" she smirked

"Selena" I heard someone call my name

I turned around and saw evan walking towards me. I stared at him, hoping he wouldn't say anything stupid

"Where were you today" he shoved his hands in his pockets

"I was out, eating" I stuttered, biting my tongue

"With Justin apparently" his jaw clenched and I could see him squeezing his fists in his jeans

"Yeah, he's a friend" I raised an eyebrow, trying to sound calm in front of Stacey

Stacey looked at us back and forth and frowned "I think I'm going to go" she mumbled and walked away

"What the hell is wrong with you Evan! You can't act like that in front of Stacey, she will suspect something!" I yelled at him once Stacey was out of sight

"I don't want you near Justin anymore, okay?" He leaned against a tree

What is with him? What's next, prohibiting me from hanging out with any guy? "No" I shook my head "you will not stop me from hanging out with Justin because of your jealousy"

He stared at me "why, do you like him?"

"No" I said quietly, and watched as he took two large steps towards me

He shook his head "sure you don't" he said and walked away

I furiously kicked a rock and began running. Yes I began running. Why? Because whenever I was sad or angry I would go to a secret spot at the park

After a while i arrived at the park and walked through some bushes, ignoring a few weird looks people gave me

There was a small path and I followed it, feeling drops of rain coming down from the cloudy sky. I kept walking until I saw a small lake, and a large tree, with a small bench by it

I think everyone stopped coming here because it was creepy and so hidden. I found this place by playing hide and seek with my best friend Emily. I was hiding in the bushes and found the path, heading towards here

Sadly, she moved away.

I sat down on the blue bench and brought my knees up to my chin, throwing rocks at the water

"Nice place"

I screamed and threw a rock at Justin "you scared me you idiot!" I held my chest and calmed down "how'd you find me?"

"Well" he took a seat beside me "I saw you arguing with Evan, then I saw you running away, and I followed you"

"Why" I shivered, from the cold wind

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