Chapter 4

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( Selena )

Once i changed into my pj's I grabbed a towel and dried my hair.

"Selena can you get the door? Im washing dishes!" My mom yelled from downstairs

I groaned and put on my frog slippers. I put down the towel and walked downstairs. My mom gave me a 'hurry up' look and i just raised my hands in defense. Im sorry im a lazy person.

I opened the door and my eyes widened. Why in the world is he here. I pushed him back and walked outside, shutting the door behind me.

"What are you doing here Justin?" I yelled over the rain

Thank goodness my house covered us or else we'd be soaked. It was raining really hard, and it was scary. I loved this weather, but sometimes it was just too much.

"To see you" he said shrugging

"My mom is home" I rubbed my arms and shivered. I just got out of the shower, and this cold wind made goosebumps form all over my arms and legs.

"So you want to be alone when i come over?" He smirked

"No you perverted jerk!"

My teeth were chattering by now and i wouldn't be surprised if i catch a cold.

"Aren't you going to invite me in and offer me some warm coffee?" He asked

I stared at him in disbelief and raised an eyebrow "excuse me?"

"I said, aren't you goi-" he tried repeating what he said but i cut him off

"I know what you said Justin" i rolled my eyes and opened the door

He walked in casually and i walked in behind him, shutting the door.

"Who was it?" I heard my mom's footsteps become louder and louder

"Um" i looked at Justin and he just grinned at me

She walked in the living room and stared at both of us "um Selena, who's your friend" she smiled at Justin

"I'm Justin, nice to meet you Mrs. Gomez" He smiled and shook her hand

My mom frowned when he called her Mrs, but she immediately smiled and said "call me Mandy"

Justin nodded and my mom walked upstairs and into her room.

Did she just leave me alone with him? Isn't she going to go crazy mode and ask a lot of questions about him like any other mom?

"So, wheres my coffee" He sat on the couch and turned on the tv

I groaned and walked in the kitchen to make his stupid coffee


"Justin its 11, when are you going to go home? Its really late and I'm tired" I groaned as i watched him on MY bed, staring at me

I was on the floor, pulling his hand to make him fall off but he wouldn't move

"I'm tired too, lets go to sleep" he smiled and closed his eyes

"Justin my mom is gonna kill me if she sees you in MY bed in the morning" i pulled his hand once again

He pretended to snore and thats when i stood up and jumped on him

Oof !

He groaned and tried to push me off. I bet he wasn't expecting that.

"Selena get off" he said in a serious tone

"Why i'm comfortable" I laughed while i rested my head on his chest

"You're heavy" he grumbled and i frowned

"Okay" I began to get off of him but he grabbed my back and pulled me back to his chest

I pushed and pulled and tried so many things to get off of him but he wouldn't let me go so after a while i stopped trying.

He smelled really good. He probably showered before coming here.

My room was really dark and the only thing that made things visible was the moon. My mom is probably sleeping right now so i didn't have to worry about her barging into my room and seeing her daughter laying on a guy she just met.

My mom is going to work tomorrow really early and she never checks on me in the morning so i'm relieved about that too.

"Justin" i whispered, wondering if he was still awake

He didn't respond and i looked up at him. His was peacefully sleeping and i smiled at the view.

I laid my head back on his chest and sighed. His arms were around me so that kept me warm.


I'm a bad girlfriend. We haven't even been dating for a day and i was already wrapped around in Justin's arms.

Its not my fault he wouldn't let me go.

My eyes started to get heavy and I began closing my eyes very slowly.

"Goodnight Justin" i mumbled quietly and drifted off into a deep sleep

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