Chapter 43

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When Justin and I walked inside his house, we saw Andy and Ryan eating out of a cereal box, in the living room.

I couldn't help but laugh when I saw Justin's reaction, "What the hell guys? I thought you were going to be here in like 10 minutes, and how did you get in?"

Andy shrugged, "We had nothing else to do, and the door was open" He said then shoved fruit loops in his mouth.

Justin placed the pizza's on the kitchen table, while I closed the door. Ryan and Andy race towards the kitchen, but Ryan won because he hopped over the couch.

"Stop acting like animals" Justin said trying to sound serious, but that little smile tugging at his lips ruined it. I smiled and sat on the kitchen table, ready to grab a piece when Andy smacked my hand, "Ouch, why'd you do that" I glared at him.

He frowned, "I always get the first slice" He mumbled like a little kid. I stared at him, wondering if he was just kidding or if he was serious. I nodded slowly, "Alright, go ahead" I said.

"Sorry about him" Ryan mouthed to me, and I chuckled.

Justin took a seat next to me and opened the second box, letting me grab the first slice.

When I finished my second one, I stood up to grab a cup because I was thirsty. Justin got a call and he groaned loudly, shoving his hand in his pocket, taking out his black iPhone.

"What?" Justin grumbled, staying silent for a bit. Then his eyes went wide, getting us worried, "Right now? I don't know, Stephen is drunk".

Everything was silent. I could faintly hear a voice, and I'm pretty sure it was Tyler. My attention went back to Justin and I listened intently, "I don't have anyone else that could help me" Justin paused, "Yes she's with me" He paused again, "Tyler I can't take-" Then we heard loud yelling and beeps, signaling that Tyler hung up.

"What did he want?" Andy narrowed his eyes at Justin, dropping his half bitten pizza slice on the table.

Justin squeezed his fists and took a deep breath, "Tyler wants us to go to Brandon's house to get his money back, and since Stephen can't go, he wants me to take Selena. He says she can help on something" He licked his lips.

"That's way too dangerous" Ryan said, and Andy nodded.

Justin stood up and rested his arms on the chair he was siting on, "I know, but he said he wanted his money now, and you know what happens when he doesn't get what he wants" Justin hid his face between his arms and let out a loud sigh.

"I think we can let her do something easy" Andy said after a while, "Y'know, like stay in the car with the engine on, then drive off quickly when we're all inside with the money" He finished off, everybody was still silent.

I cleared my throat and set my cup down, "Don't act like I'm not here. I have a say in this too" Everybody looked at me, waiting for me to say something, "I agree with Andy". I said quietly, shocking them.

Justin shook his head, "No, that's still too dangerous, what if somebody recognizes her? They will go after her no matter what" He scratched the back of his neck, then ran his fingers through his hair. Ryan took a bite of his pizza and nodded, agreeing with Justin.

"Just let me go, I'll be safe in the car Justin" I bit the inside of my cheek, hoping he would let me go. I know it was somewhat risky, but I wanted to show him that I wasn't petrified of anything. I don't know why, but I wanted to impress him in a way. Justin looked hesitant, but finally mumbled a quiet okay.

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