Chapter 33

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I took another chug of my beer and stared at Stephen. What did Selena see in him? Why was she suddenly so attracted towards him? If anything, I was ten times better looking than him.

I was hanging out at Stephens house with Ryan and Stephen. Andy couldn't come because he got sick. I didn't want to come either, but I had nothing better to do. He came home an hour ago and now he was drunk, really drunk.

Selena was hanging out with Emily. I know because I heard Emily over the phone when I called Selena.

Stephen was on his sixth beer and it wasn't even 1pm. I was on my third, but I know how to control myself. On the other hand, Stephen was swaying side to side like if he were on some fucking boat. It was kind of funny if you stared at him for a long time.

Ryan was playing some video game because he didn't want to drink.

Stephen was babbling about some stupid stuff, and I nodded at everything he said. Pretending I was listening.

He hiccuped and stayed silent for a second, then opened his mouth "I think Selena is gorgeous" He said, looking down at the floor.

I narrowed my eyes at him and inhaled sharply. He's just drunk. He doesn't know what he's saying. "I know".

He closed his eyes and rested his head back on the couch "I think about her everyday. Since the first day I saw her, I couldn't get her out of my head." He mumbled tiredly.

"She's mine" I said. I didn't think this was drunk talk anymore. I think he actually meant what he was saying.

He chuckled loudly "How? Is she your girlfriend?" He looked at me and raised his eyebrow.

I stayed silent, and he smirked "Then technically she isn't yours". He said, sounding happy.

Fucking asshole. I was so tempted to just attack him right now, but then we'd be mad at each other and Tyler would be pissed off.

"She's mine. Find somebody else" I sneered and watched him chug the rest of his beer.

He shrugged "Look, if you don't ask her out soon, I'll do it myself." He smirked and closed his eyes again.

I don't know why I felt so possessive over her. But there's one thing I knew, she's mine, and mine only.

Stephen sighed "If I make her mine, I'll take her to a club, have a few drinks with her, and make her scream my name all night long" He smiled lightly, saying the last part slowly.

I stood up and walked away. If I stayed any longer I would've smashed his face onto the fucking wall. She was mine goddammit.


"I'm leaving" I yelled, making sure Ryan heard.

I walked out of his house and jumped inside my car. I took out my phone and dialed Selena's number. After a few rings I heard her laugh "Bye logan, oh hey Justin"

Who the hell was Logan? "Who's Logan?" I asked, trying to sound as normal as possible.

"He works at the coffee shop, remember him?" She asked.

Oh it was coffee dude. I remember Selena calling me that night to pick her up. And when I arrived, he was waiting next to her.

"Yes I remember him. Why are you with him?" Damn. I sound like a lunatic.

She stayed quiet "um, I came to get coffee with Emily, we're heading to the mall right now". I turned on the ignition and drove out of the driveway.

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