Chapter 24

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I sighed happily and slouched further into my chair "That was good" I smiled.

He nodded while texting someone on his phone. We just finished eating our food and he's been texting all this time, nodding and saying yeah to everything I said. It was irritating me, but I didn't want to act bitchy and tell him to pay attention to me.

I sipped on my drink "Want to know who was my first kiss?" I asked. I wasn't going to tell him, but I was extremely bored and he was not helping.

"Mhm" He mumbled and typed quicker on his phone.

I rolled my eyes "Justin, I want to go home now" I said seriously. I was getting really pissed off and it might've been because I was jealous.

He quickly looked up at me "Wait why?"

"I'm exhausted, plus, you're not even listening to what I'm saying" I mumbled. After I said that, it sounded quite pathetic, but he didn't laugh or tell me how dumb the reason was.

"I'm sorry, I have a meeting in like 15 minutes and it's a 10 minute drive." He sighed and ran his fingers through his hair.

Why did he always have to leave? What did he do that was so important? Curiosity got the best of me and I immediately blurted out "I'll come"

This time, he let out a small chuckle "I don't think so".

"Why not? I'll be really quiet and won't tell anyone anything" I insisted

"No, now let's go take you home before I'm even more late" He stood up and I let out a groan.

"You won't be late if you take me" I grinned and he sighed.

"Fine" He smiled slightly.

"Really!" I squealed


My smile faded and I pouted like a little kid. He got a phone call and he muttered an "oh shit"

After he said a few yeah's and ok's he hung up and looked at me "change of plans".


"I can't believe I have to take you" He said for the 50th time already.

I smiled to myself. I didn't know why I was so happy I was going with him. Though it might've been the milkshake....


I looked out the window and saw that we were passing by huge houses. Or in other words, huge mansions.

I was expecting a little cabin in the woods and like, scary guys everywhere.

It was the total opposite. There were beautiful mansions with amazing gardens. Like the ones you would see in movies.

"Does your boss live in one of these mansions?" I asked and Justin just simply nodded.

"Does he get money from what you guys do?" I said a little quieter. I was afraid I was asking to many questions but I was just really curious.

"Yes princess. Shut up now, you're getting annoying" He smirked and turned on the radio.

I found myself smiling like an idiot and I mentally slapped myself. I need to stop acting like this in front of him.

I got a text message and I quickly opened it, hoping it would be Stacey, but it was Evan.

Hey, are you going to the dance tomorrow?

Dance? Realization hit me and my eyes widened, tomorrow was the halloween dance. I looked over at Justin. I wondered if he remembered when I invited him to my house instead of the dance.

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