Chapter 37

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"Is this what you do all day?" Stephen sat next to me, plopping his feet on the table, then covering himself with my blanket.

I glared at him and pulled my blanket back on myself, "Yeah. How can you not like titanic? It's one of the greatest movies of all time!" I said while pointing at my tv.

He rolled his eyes and grabbed popcorn from my bowl, and continued to watch the movie, "I watched the beginning, got bored, then changed it to some cartoons." He shrugged shamelessly.

"Well you're watching this movie with me whether you like it or not" I said, not caring if he wanted to do something else.

He looked over at me, and from the corner of my eye I saw him staring at me, "Look there he is! Leo is my babe" I said, trying to avoid his intense gaze.

I felt my phone vibrate a couple times, meaning somebody was calling me. I checked my phone and realized it was Justin.

Stephen peeked, but I was quick enough to shove my phone between my legs. I don't want Stephen asking why Justin was calling.

I just wanted to watch this movie in peace. I shouldn't have taken my phone out of my bag.

I felt my phone vibrate as we watched the movie and it was obnoxious. I was seriously debating if I should smash it on the table. Stephen gave me a few curious glances, but luckily he didn't say anything.

"Do you feel better?" He asked, and I nodded, as I felt my eyes slowly closing.

I was tired and I didn't want to walk upstairs and go into my bedroom. So I stayed here, next to Stephen. I felt my eyes close for a second then snap open. I ended up laying my head on his shoulder and I heard him mumble something, "Mhm" I said tiredly, not understanding what he said.

"Are you sleepy?" He asked, pushing hair out of my face with his free hand.

"Mhm" I said again, not wanting to speak.

He kept talking about something, but I couldn't pay attention. My mind wandered off to something else, and I slowly fell into a deep sleep.


I woke up to Stephen pushing my shoulder a few times. I groaned and covered my face with a pillow on my couch.

I was laying down on his lap and he kept tapping me. I took off my pillow and glared at him, "What do you want?" I snapped.

"The movie ended" He pointed to the TV.

I glanced at the tv and stood up quickly, "I slept the for 3 hours?"

He nodded and I made sure my phone was in my pocket before walking upstairs, "I'm going to the bathroom. I'll be back"

He hummed in response and I quickly jogged up the stairs. I really didn't have to go to the bathroom, it was just awkward with Stephen, and I wanted to see what Justin wanted.

I went into the bathroom inside my room and locked the bathroom door, then took out my phone. My eyes nearly bulged out of their sockets when I saw my notifications.

59 missed calls from Justin
38 messages from Justin.
And 2 from Emily.

I quickly opened the message for Emily and read it quickly.

Hey Sel, are you alright?

Talk to me when you can, love you.

I smiled at my best friends messages. I was so lucky to have her. I responded back saying I took a nap and stared at the unread messages from Justin.

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