Chapter 51

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I stared at the television with no emotion. I wasn't even paying attention to the show. The nurse told me I had a visitor, and I honestly hoped it was Andy or Ryan. I didn't want to see Stephen's face.

I told the nurse to bring them in, and she walked out of the room.

The reason why I was so mad was because it has been three days. Three days with no calls or messages from Selena. I received a call from my dad yesterday, and I told him that I was fine, and that I would be home tomorrow.

I felt bad for being rude, but I have been in a terrible mood since that night Selena left with Stephen. The door opened, and Andy walked in.

I was partly happy, but upset it wasn't the person I was hoping for it to be.

Andy plopped on the chair and smiled at me, "Why didn't you call me? I found out that you were in the hospital two days ago, but I couldn't come sooner because I had work."

"Did Stephen tell you I was here?"

He nodded and I rolled my eyes. He furrowed his eyebrows, "Are you mad at Stephen or something?"

I cleared my throat and began explaining what happened between Selena and I. I also told him how she left with him and hasn't called me ever since.

He listened carefully to everything that I was saying and let out a whistle when I finished telling him. "I think you had a good point to be honest. He shouldn't have hit her, and she shouldn't forgive him that easily. Damn that woman forgives people way to quickly."

I was glad that he agreed with me, "I'm just angry that she hasn't tried to communicate with me so we could work things out." I said and he laughed.

"You guys are both stubborn, and she's probably waiting for you to call her. Just give her a call Justin" He said, and handed me my phone that was on the desk.

I pressed the home button and frowned when I saw I had no notifications.

I typed in my password quickly and clicked on her contact. I called her, and pressed my phone to my ear. I felt my heart beating quicker as I heard each ring.

"You're call was forwarded to-" I hung up and threw my phone on the bed. Andy sat still on his chair and cleared his throat, "I'm guessing she didn't answer?"

"No, she didn't answer."

I finally walked out of the hospital and took a deep breath. I didn't have a ride so I called Andy to come pick me up ten minutes ago.

He pulled up next to me and I quickly got in, "Take me to Stephens house. I need to get my car."

"You left your car at his house?" He asked and began driving.

"Yes. When I got beat up, I drove to Stephens house and he took me to the hospital in his car." I said, annoyed that we were talking about him.

"Why would you go to him for help?" He asked quieter. I think he was afraid that I was going to yell at him, but I wouldn't do that.

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