Chapter 23

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I patiently waited for Selena to come out of gym. It was after school and I planned to take her somewhere.

I dug my cold hands in my pockets and saw a few girls glancing at me and giggling when I caught them staring.

I got a text and I quickly opened it, furrowing my eyebrows when I read it.

From: Tyler
Hey Justin, urgent meeting tonight

I replied an ok and locked my phone. I looked down at my feet and rolled my eyes at the stupid meeting. Tyler was my closest friend, and the rest of the guys were just plain dickheads.

I looked around, and tried to look for her, but instead I saw Emily. I walked up to her and saw her smile at me "Hey Justin"

I smiled slightly "Where's Selena?" She gave me a sad smile

She held her bad tighter "She was talking to this guy, and I said I had to leave because my mom was waiting for me"

"What guy?" I asked, and saw her give me a small smirk.

"I don't know, but he was extremely hot, I need to go, bye" Emily gave me a look like she knew something.

I ran my fingers through my hair and looked around. After a few minutes I finally spot Selena, but she was not alone. She was talking to Evan.

I rolled my eyes, what the hell did he want? I don't know why, but he honestly pissed me off so much. I stared at them and waited for her to walk away from him, but instead, he started walking her to his car.

What the hell? Why was she going with him?

I clenched my jaw and walked to my car, then slammed the door when I got in. I turned on the engine and drove quickly to the exit.

I saw Evans car going the same way I was and saw Selena inside. I smirked and stepped on the pedal even further, making Evan stop his car quickly before he bumped into me.

I checked my rear-view mirror and laughed when I saw Selena's mouth wide open and Evans angry face. I don't know why I was acting like this, but I couldn't help it.

Evan honked at me but I ignored it and sped off, leaving marks on the street.

Once I got home I opened the door and sighed when I saw my dad in the kitchen, with papers all over the place.

We were rich I guess, but it was only because my dad was the boss in one of the best company's ever. He was always working, but I didn't care anymore.

"Hey Justin" He greeted, but I ignored him and walked upstairs into my room.

I got a text but I ignored it, I was annoyed and pissed off. I plopped on my bed and grabbed my guitar beside me.

Nobody knew that I sung a little and played guitar, not even my own father. I bought myself this guitar when he was gone in a business trip 2 years ago.

He still didn't know about this. I ran my fingers softly on the string, but then I got another text. I groaned loudly, and grabbed my phone then checked it.

What the hell is your problem?

You're such a dick.

I laughed when I saw it was from Selena. I didn't answer her and set my phone on my night stand. I didn't care if she was mad.

I got a phone call and I glanced at the phone. It was Selena.

I picked up the phone "What" I spat. Evan was probably next to her, listening to me.

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