Chapter 52

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Everything didn't feel right. Stephen hung out with me for the past few days and he just left my house like ten minutes ago. He's been telling me how to control the situation between Justin and I. He told me to give him space and ignore his calls to stop this fight from getting bigger.

I think it was making it worse. I stared at the clock and wondered if I should call him. Maybe I shouldn't have listened to Stephen. I should've been there for Justin when he needed me. Or maybe Stephen was right? What if he needed space from me?

I heard my mom yell a goodnight and heard her steps as she made her way upstairs, "Night mom!"

Justin called me so many times, and every time he did, it would be nearly impossible not to pick up. Stephen would take my phone and deny it. I stared at my phone laying on the couch and checked the time once again. It wasn't that late. It wouldn't hurt to call him and try to apologize right?

I dialed his number and felt my heart beating quicker. I heard him pick up and then a loud voice yelled in my ear, "Eh who's this?" I heard music in the background and a slurry voice who I knew wasn't Justin's.

"Selena. Who's this?" I asked, wondering where he was with Justin's phone, and why they were at a party.

"It's Ryan" I heard him hiccup, then laugh, "YEAH JUSTIN!" He cheered for Justin.

My eyebrows furrowed and I began to get angry. What was he doing? I heard a few other claps and screams cheering at whatever Justin was doing, "Ryan, where are you? And what are you doing with Justin's phone?" I asked loudly so he could hear me clearly.

"Oh I almost forgot I was on the phone with you. Justin gave me his phone while he put on a show, and I'm at the night club" He said and I rolled my eyes.

"What night club?"

"Night Owl. Gotta go, it's lit" Was all I heard before he hung up.

They were at a club? I mentally rolled my eyes and ran upstairs into my room. I was going to go and pick him up, but first I needed to change into something that wasn't my tweety bird pajamas.

I changed into black jeans and a grey sweater. I put my hair up and walked in my mom's room. When I saw her, she was on her phone playing Candy Crush. I slowly walked in, "Mom can I borrow your car?"

She laughed then looked at me, "You're serious?"

I nodded slowly and she furrowed her eyes brows, "For what reason?"

I grinned sheepishly, "Justin's drunk and like the good girlfriend that I am, I'm going to pick him up and drive him home."

She stared at me like I was crazy, but then shrugged, "I did worse when I was your age. At least you asked. And yeah you can take the car, the keys are in the kitchen counter."

"Thanks! I love you", I said before running out into the kitchen, grabbing the keys, and going outside. I made sure to lock the door, and hopped in my mom's car.

I grabbed my phone and googled where Night Owl was. I wasn't sure how Justin got in there anyways. I don't even know how I'm going to get in there.

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