Chapter 22

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I tapped my nails furiously against my table. Just 10 more minutes and it'll be lunch time. I was beyond excited because I needed to tell Emily so much.

I wonder how Stacey would react if she met her. I haven't seen Stacey in quite a while, but she always ignored me when she got mad at me. Then I would find her and apologize and she would forgive me, but this time was different.

I didn't want to be the one to walk up to her and say sorry. I wanted her to come up to me for once and hear her say that she was sorry for how she acted. Though I knew it would take a while for her to do that.

I put my head down and ignored my teacher. Why can't I just graduate already? I don't plan on doing anything after high school to be honest. When I was a freshman I planned to go to college and have a really nice career, but I lost interest as I started growing up.

I looked at the clock and grinned, just 2 more minutes. I started packing my things and since it was really quiet I was the only loud one.

"Why are you packing Miss Gomez?" He said in his annoying accent. "You're interrupting my teaching" he looked directly at me, his eyebrows raised all the way up.

"I- uh"

He shook his head "everybody clean up" he yelled and started erasing his work on the board.

Once the bell rang I jumped up from my seat and practically sprinted outside. I quickly walked down the hall and tried to spot Emily.

A few minutes later I saw her walking with a few football players. My eyebrow raised, she really knew how to get the guys.

Once she saw me, her eyes lit up and she gave me a wide grin, making me smile and wave. The guys looked up at me and rolled their eyes.

I didn't want to show how much that hurt me.

I mean, I don't like them, but the look they gave me really hurt. Was I that ugly?

Emily walked up to me and frowned slightly "stop Selena, you're gorgeous" she grabbed my hand and gave it a small squeeze.

Shocked at how she knew what I was thinking I just nodded slowly and gave her a small smile.

"Let's go eat" She said and I started guiding her to where it was.

Once we got our food, we sat down at an empty table "How was Texas?" I smirked and saw her blush a little bit

"Well, I met a guy" she started "and we hung out a few times until his ex girlfriend moved into town and she wanted him back" she sighed "well, she was way prettier than me so eventually he started hanging around her more and she told me they hooked up so I didn't have any chances with him anymore"

My mouth dropped slightly "what'd you do?"

She laughed slightly "before I left Texas, I saw her at school walking around with her friends and I just punched her right in the nose" she smiled "I wish I could do it all over again"

I burst out laughing "oh god, I missed you Emily" I high fived her

"How about you? Do you like anyone?" She wiggled her eyebrows

"Well, there's this guy named Justin" I said and her eyes widened

"Bieber?" She looked at me shocked

I nodded slowly "how do you know him"

"I have a class with him, he's funny. He sleeps in class and talks back to the teacher" she chuckled "you like him Huh?" She smirked

I nodded smiling "yeah, but it's complicated"


I stared at her. I can't tell her he's a criminal. She would probably call the cops on him. I shrugged and drank my water "it just is"

"I feel like you're hiding something from me but if you don't wanna tell me, I understand" she smiled slightly

I sighed in relief, thank god. At Least she wasn't like Stacey. If I would've said that to Stacey she would've given me the silent treatment.

"We have gym next" she said excitedly

"I know, but I have to warn you about somebody. Her name is Kimberly and she is a complete bitch. Just ignore her and do not get on her bad side" I said

"Kimberly? Tall and blonde? Why? She was really nice to me in my class" she frowned

I laughed loudly "she's nice to you because you're pretty, once she knows you hangout with me, she'll hate you" I rolled my eyes


"Hello ladies" I heard Justin's voice behind me and felt him sit next to me

Emily sent me a small smirk "hey"

Why was he sitting here? I mean, I didn't want him to leave, but he was making the whole "ignoring him" thing impossible. And why the hell was he acting like nothing happened?

He took a grape off my tray and looked at me, eating the grape slowly "don't be rude Selena, I said hello" he tapped my nose with his finger

I rolled my eyes "hi"

He sent me a cheesy grin and then looked at Emily "are you new here?"

"Yes, I've known Selena for quite a while though" Emily smiled, sending me a look

"Ahhh" he nodded then looked back at me "why so quiet"

I glared at him "I don't know" I shrugged

"I have to go, my class is on the other side of this building" he rolled his eyes then stood up "later Selena" he winked and ruffled my hair

"Ugh" I groaned when he left

"Why are you so mean to him" Emily chuckled

"He's annoying" I ran my fingers through my hair and tried not to smile.

Why did he have this affect on me? Once the bell rang, we quickly walked to gym and I began changing, while she talked to the teacher about her locker.

I walked out and began stretching with the others. I saw Kimberly walking towards my way and I just rolled my eyes. Why did she have to always bother me?

"Hey Gomez" she smiled, showing her perfect straight teeth.

"what do you want" I said not even looking at her

She grabbed my chin and made me look at her "I want you to get away from Justin, I told you before and you don't seem to listen."

I slapped her hand away "take your hands off me"

"What's going on" Emily walked up to us

"Oh hi!" Kimberly hugged her and pulled her away from me

Emily gave both of us a confused look and slightly pushed Kimberly's hand "um, what's going on"

"Don't hangout with her, you don't know her, she's such a bitch" Kimberly spat.

Emily's eyes widened "woah, you need to fucking chill, I've known her ever since we were little kids, I know for a fact she's not a bitch" Emily pushed her off "if anything, you are the bitch here"

Kimberly laughed "aw, how cute" she walked away with her other friends and began stretching.

"Thanks" I smirked "I really really missed you" I hugged her tightly

"What are friends for?" She mumbled into my hair and hugged me back.

I know I took long to publish but it's because I have this stupid project and I barely have time to write

Well, have a good week, I'll update as soon as I can:)

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